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organization becoming under alien's control


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Quit a few organizations are becoming more and more infiltrated by alien.

How can i lower the infiltration rate? Some of the organizations have already under alien's control @@

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First of all -- watch where the dropships fly to and attend to every site they drop aliens into. Never, ever wait until the company sounds the siren and complains about alien sightings. Remember where these buildings are -- either memorise their locations or send a vehicle there as a sort of marker.


After the terror mission(s), you must next watch the infiltration graph over the next few game hours and see which companies are suddenly infiltrated. If you see sudden spikes in the infiltration bar for any company, go to the overhead map, then select the infiltrated company's icon, this will highlight their buildings. Look and see if there have any buildings near the buildings that were previously attacked by the aliens. Send your ships to the most likely building and 'investigate' -- or if it's the cult, you could also just attack it if you feel you can take on both the guards and the aliens at the same time.


Keep doing this with any other company with high infiltration. You don't need to attend to every company that has a some infiltration activity if it's very weak, as the aliens will die off in a few hours. If you've cleaned the majority of the infestation, then you wait a few more hours and check the graph again to see if you missed any. Aliens can visit areas you've already cleared out before, so it pays to keep watch.


This should at least keep infiltration down to the barest minimum.


Now, if the alien ships come in and drop blue spots into a building, then you've just seen the micronoid rain. No aliens are dropped, and there's a chance that the company will be instantly 100% loyal to the aliens. There's not much you can do about this, except blast the ufos out of the sky even before they get a chance to get into Megaprimus.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If the Organization's infiltration marker exceeds over the 50% bar, then you can consider it taken over, even if infiltrate and eliminate all alien-scum from all Org-building :power:


I can only repeat what has been said already - Watch out where those pods beam down the infil-troops, especially when you are playing in Superhuman difficulty =)


Champ :laugh:

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Posted by NKF on Jul 2 2003, 05:29 PM

or if it's the cult, you could also just attack it if you feel you can take on both the guards and the aliens at the same time.

NKF: Under what circumstances do you fight the cult and the aliens at the same time? I've often tried it, but I either end up fighting aliens only, or cult only.

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Well, I've had both sides appearing in combat a number of times, both during 'attacks' and 'investigations' on alien drop sites.


I think'attacks' give you the best results, as attacks on a building generate armed guards. But if a company is hostile (like the cult), it should generate guards anyway even if you investigate, but don't take my word on that last bit.


You could try testing it on the new game and just 'attack' the building that sounds the siren. Treat it like a stun-raid and only use stun grapples. This'll keep the guards relatively neutral while you go looking for the aliens (or you can always just wait till the brainsuckers come for you. :power: ).



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  • 1 month later...

I have responded to alerts at buildings owned by hostile organizations and then had to deal with both aliens and owners simultaneously. This has happened at CoS temples and at slums owned by criminal organizations. I have also faced combined forces of aliens and cultists when I have raided one of their temples, after CoS has "gone over."


Usually, I rely almost exclusively on toxiguns to counter aliens and so I had to rethink my strategy for such missions. The solution, of course, was to revert to plasma guns and disruptor cannon as weapons of first choice.

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erm how do you prevent organizations from just going over? i have had no aliens in city (been shooting down ufos faster than they can land aliens) and then infiltration bar hasnt budged they just go over like the cult of sirius. crap about alien frieds. diablo, psyke, transtellar and marsec are the ones that have gone over on me luckily im building stuff so i dont have to worry bout purchasing as im making anniliators :power:
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When the organisations get into the "we won't help you while you're attacking our alien 'friends'" stage, they haven't really defected 100%. They're just fed up with X-Com's incompetance (i.e. constantly damaging their property). You can still get them back, but you can no longer use money to influence them.


If you can somehow get them to hate the aliens again they'll be friendlier towards you.



Getting the aliens to bomb their buildings by mistake, or letting an Overspawn go amok near their buildings is often a good way of getting them back on your side.


Alternately, attack their enemies. Just watch the headlines and see who their enemies are.



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I am playing Apocalypse at medium difficulty level and I had Marsec and Transtellar go over earlier today, after I downed an alien Bomber and two Fast Attack Ships. I now need to transfer a newly acquired alien artefact between bases so that I can research it but I'm stymied because Transtellar won't co-operate. They refuse to take my money any more - "Sod off until you stop bashing our buddies the aliens," and so on.


I am currently building my first Annihilator and researching Large Disruptors, so the loss of Marsec's services is of little consequence but I *need* Transtellar. Their only current enemies are my allies, Megapol, and I have no intention of alienating that particular outfit! On the contrary, I've been joining in with their attacks on Transtellar's craft. If I continue with this strategy and maybe extend it into a bit of spaceport levelling will they eventually see the error of their ways and return to the fold? Or must I merely await the arrival of the Overspawn?


Incindentally, I've never met an Overspawn but I'm sure we'll get along just fine. :power:



Ach, slaps head! I've been catching up with earlier posts and I see that my queries have already been answered!

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nah dont need transtellar same thing just happened to me you can sell an artifact at one basae for $0 and buy it at the other base for $0 i guess you can do it with any equipment but some of it might be a bit expensive

no worries :power:

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When the organisations get into the "we won't help you while you're attacking our alien 'friends'" stage, they haven't really defected 100%. They're just fed up with X-Com's incompetance (i.e. constantly damaging their property). You can still get them back, but you can no longer use money to influence them.


If you can somehow get them to hate the aliens again they'll be friendlier towards you.



Getting the aliens to bomb their buildings by mistake, or letting an Overspawn go amok near their buildings is often a good way of getting them back on your side.


Alternately, attack their enemies. Just watch the headlines and see who their enemies are.



Hmm, okay, Marsec is currently against me and I've been letting aliens bomb the hell out of the city for a while. (Aparently they always seem to attack corporations that have no problem with me... Stupid aliens.) I've seen Marsec attack Megapol a couple times, but that's it. Should I just rely on patience and hope an Overspawn eventually takes out a weapons factory? Or is there a third way to make up with hostile organizations?

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IMHO, Transtellar is a company which you are not allowed to have taken over, to me, it's by far the most important. If only you could manufacture your own droids :power:


I've recovered a company from about 80% infiltration ONCE, but usually, if it gets to 50-60, it goes. It's usually very sudden. I find I have the check the goddamn infiltration graph every day.

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i have all the scientists that i need now and transferring from base to base is easy so i have no problems i have all the gangs out to get my transtellar and marsec. along with everyones favourite CoS :D excuse me but im going to go and level all the offending organizations buildings i ahve the money and the ships and the tech so i shall be off. :D




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I have just done a transfer using Nim1's sell/buy technique. Thanks, Nim1.


I can't provide any help regarding Strong Bob's problems with Marsec but it might be worth mentioning that I have had Megapol attack and destroy Marsec's delivery vessels when they were en route to my base. It's a case of "At buyer's risk" too - I lost the goods I had already paid for.

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hey no problem im doing a game with similar circumstances as yours penchant. and i had a similar experience with the police attacking organizations they dont like.... like when i ordered some incediary grenades and the ships came from diablo.... they went poof pretty fast :power:
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Well, it's hard to get alien UFOs to attack particular organisations. You might be able to convince them a little by launching a few of your ships, disabling their guns and then drawing their fire towards certain buildings. While it won't count as the aliens directly attacking the organisation, the organisation will not like it one bit.


The overspawn doesn't care who it attacks. It just lands and walks about in a semi-random manner and will merrily plough right through its allies' buildings if need be.


Or you could just wait for the 'Apocalypse' mission. It's the same as a usual UFO attack, but they bring in more firepower and attack more buildings. This, however, only happens if you haven't been very active with shooting down the enemy UFOs in the alien dimension. If you regularly clean out the UFOs in the alien dimension each week, you'll never get this or the overspawn.


As for researching equipment while transteller is being grumpy: After assaulting a UFO with the new technologies you want to research, tell the ship to land at the research centre rather than letting it return to its default base. You can then unload the equipment directly into the base and start research. Or you could always build a new lab just to get the topic started. If I remember correctly, research topics with a little progress become available at all the labs.




P. S: Penchant, if you know that Megapol will attack delivery vehicles of a certain organisation, such as Diablo or any of your suppliers that they are unfriendly with, then I'd recommend you briefly enter the 'ultra-fast' time elapse mode after you make your purchases and return to the cityscape screen. The delivery vehicles will arrive instantly without being attacked.

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Thanks for the tips, NKF. I was aware that I could return to any base after a UFO recovery mission and I have occasionally done as you suggest, usually to drop off wounded soldiers at a base with a med centre. My recent problem arose because it wasn't until I was back that I realised that I had a new artefact to research. It's solved, though.


I note what you say about Megapol attacking my suppliers' transports and I'll know what to do next time the situation arises. On the last occasion, it was a shipment of Lineage Plasma Cannon that I lost and it was at a stage of the game when both funds and LPCs were in short supply!


With regard to research in progress, I've just checked and you can, indeed, transfer projects between labs and also between bases, even when the destination base has none of the researched item available.


Since yesterday, both real time and Cityscape time, I have had an approach from Transtellar asking for $67K to restore diplomatic relations. I snubbed them! :laugh: It's probably just as well that I did because I have just downed a new alien - a monster red blob thingy. And so, we go, to face the alien foe, hi-ho, hi-ho...


Once more into the breach, dear friends. Cry "Give 'em hell, Harry, Moo Tant, Ann Droid..."


Yep, I'm drunk :power:

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I reported a couple of days ago that I had successfully transferred an alien artefact between bases by selling it and then buying it back at a different base.


Although this works nicely for most stock items, it does not work at all well for unresearched, zero value Alien Artifacts. The procedure appeared at first to have done what I expected but I discovered later that it had "disappeared" the artefact and scrambled a couple of stock levels in the stores at the original base. I didn't make a note of the exact details but I think that I ended up with 127 Rumble Cannon and 128 GLM Air Defence systems in a hopelessly overloaded stores. (This looks like the -1 stock level problem again, except that it's corrupting two 8-bit values this time.)


Fortunately, I was able to retrieve the situation by reloading a saved game.

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