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Name That Strategy Game


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Mr. Thor if you would please, augment the original rules you set forth with a deadline? I know I've been guilty of it myself, however I've learned my lesson. I feel we also need a way of bypassing members who take a long time with a supplement. Perhaps a member who is willing to do some art? I dunno, you post here and we'll form some agreement.
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@ NoX:


IMO any sort of force just means one less participant in the thread.


This. As SV points out, latitude is imperative here as potential participants are otherwise simply going to be discouraged from taking active part.




As Hippocrates said: "Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile."


That is, "Life is short, and Art long; the crisis fleeting; experience perilous, and decision difficult."


Got it? ;)

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Its not been THAT long! :O


Also I'm trying to wait till a damn day off so I can actually do something decent; but I'm still waiting on a schedule for this week to show up at work too.



Will probably have something up tomorrow regardless, even if it sucks worse than I'd like. Sorry.

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The reason I revived this topic is for members of SC to support this site. My goal is for members to get off their collective asses and draw so that I can reward members (gifting games) for their effort, supporting SC while having fun. There has to be a deadline.
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Got tired of messing with it. Can't ever get things near as right with a mouse as I can with a pencil(although even that is horrible so meh); but if you HAVE played this one you...hopefully SHOULD know who this is?


Whatever, guess we'll find out!




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With strategy games we often forget about one important feature. The HUD or heads up display, this is one of my most favored strategy games of all time. So instead of drawing a scene I drew a HUD. It took me 6 hours to complete it, and I enjoyed every minute of it.





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A few giveaway hints there. Especially the DC and Pip.


I never really got to play this title, but it does conjure up in my mind many fond memories from the earlier rigpigs. Mainly the second one. A Mad-Max-esque post apocalyptic world with endless pop culture references, mutants, robots, water cans, the gun from Bladerunner, blue jumpsuits, exploding outhouses, Louis Armstrong and a man with a bone through his nose.



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Alright then. This will be uber hard for you. At least I'm pretty sure that no one here played this game, not even NKF, that likes to surprises me when least expected.


A little tip for you. Don't guess the name, because you will be wrong. If you are sure you think you know the title, you will be wrong too :P

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No clue. I do know that 3rd army was Patton and 1st army was Bradley (spits). Antwerp...that's Belgium.. hmm I was checking maps and forgot all about the "game" directive. Dunno man.


(I wasn't guessing - just reflecting)



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