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Everything posted by Dumb_Commander

  1. "I've just had the talk with the Commodore and she had directed me to you for a tour of the base... and show what parts of the base are off limits and such... sir." as Mcihael said that Nielson looked him over and when he finished Nielson spoke. "Sorry, can't do that. Just had an USO alert, I can only show where you will be bunking. Follow me..." with that Nielson proceeded to guide Cellman to his quarters. As he walked out Michael briefly saw a twenty years old or so German looking soldier walk into the mess hall. --- "Here, you'll be bunking here with another guy. I think his name was Gerhard." with that Nielson left Michael to his own devices. Michael sat on another unoccupied bunk and looked around. Michael shrugged an upacked his meager belongings, just some minor accessories and a picture frame he put on his pillow face down. After that he headed back to the mess half to grab a bite to eat.
  2. I'm mostly back and have a post in the oven... the only thing it needs is some spicing up. Like the description of Sarge (Or what rank he has, I don't remember) Nielson. Though that's not actually required.
  3. OO, seriously the only fool proof trick I use is very slow peeling with my fingers. Works every time, without any rips or anything.
  4. Thanks... *Takes the spork and goes back to the torture chamber* ~Minutes Later~ *Peers out* Um, the spork is stuck too...
  5. *Peers out of the torture chamber* Um... can someone give me a spoon? Mine is stuck...
  6. *Puts back the torture tools* Unfortunately for you Kernel there will be no torture... except in my Torture Chamber. I'm having the whole staff and such of Electronic Arts game company. If you want more than simple popconr I have a fully stocked fridge and mini-bar. But please remember, the fridge and the mini-bar are white in color. Do not touch the red fridge... it has volatile materials with very dangerous organic thingies and such. *Walks away to the Torture Chamber where he starts to torture the EA staff & such with the use of different things which also includes castration with a spoon*
  7. Hmmm, I like the Ethereal's telekinesis. Also it would be great to see player's faces when their active grenade form an underslung (assault rifle) grenade launcher is suddenly flying back at them "He he he, take that." *Pulls the trigger* BOOF *Ethereal Telekinesis* "Oh SHI-" or "What the FU-" BOOOOM --- I would especially like the Chryssalids be the scary silent killers and able to scale certain surfaces or jump over gaps and such (like fast zombies from HL2).
  8. I think JFG did that... *activates the bone drill* now where should we start? The fingers or the knees?
  9. I think it was me... I was walking in sleep lately and speaking when just for gigs I put a camera in my room. From what I gathered from the garbled audio and lip reading my sleepwalking personality changes into a hybrid of a plumber/carpenter. *silence and crickets chirping* Hey, is that BB's smiley you are using. That belongs to him... right? Anyway, just in case... *Takes out a bone drill, rusty saw, scalpel and bottle of sulphuric acid*
  10. Recently I found a normal (from my point of view) browser based RPG game called BiteFight. Basically in it you chose to be ether a Werewolf or a Vampire. I have couple of questions... first and foremost has anyone played it. Second is just a question of curiosity. If you had a too chose on who would you become freely without any forcing. The werewolf or the vampire, and why?
  11. Strange, can't seem to find anymore news after 27'th December. Is it canceled? EDIT: Nevermind, just watched the devblog.
  12. Oh - my - god... *squeals like a fanboy* how the hell did I miss this.
  13. Same here, though I wonder how will the aliens and the ships look in 3D.
  14. Just... back away. I' am interested greatly it's just... nevermind. And Dumb_Commander the intellectually challenged person as it's obviously noticeable by his name has posted. See you all later when I crack my head open like melon.
  15. Sergei sighed, he had a hell of a life back with the 'Vympel'. Scandals, sabotage, love affairs and blackmail. He just wanted out of that place of lies, deceptions and such. Sighing again he looked out of the transport helicopter's window, remembering how he got into this mess. *** It was eight in the evening and Sergei Ivanovich had returned home. Nobody knew that a simple Russian construction worker was from a Spetsnaz unit 'Vympel' which formerly was an elite cold war-era KGB sabotage unit. 'Except certain individuals.' Thought Sergei as he reminisced that day. "Mr. Zaicev?" as soon as those words sounded the ex-spetsnaz commando practically whipped his head around and came face to face with a thin looking man in a black Smith-esque (Matrix) suit. Sergei's left eye twitched as he saw that the spook had slicked back black hair and shades that looked like the Smith agent from the movie he watched, it was called The Matrix. *** 'How the hell do I get into these messes?' mentally groaned Zaicev as he cradled an urban-camo bag in his hands. He always was a little sentimental with certain things. Like his first firearms a Tokarev model 1933 which he diligently kept in working order, an AK-74 and couple of clips. Sighing again Sergei continued to sit and wait until he arrived to his destination. Pine Gap military base.
  16. Hey, I'm hopelessly trying. It's just I can't properly introduce my characters and such. Add to the fact that I' am a lousy writer... BTW how is that smiley I asked for going?
  17. And again this place gathers dust... *starts crying* Why *sob* do I *sob* bother *sob* coming here. *Drowns the room in tears*
  18. Y-yeah, s-sort of. *still happy from the hug*
  19. *Turns meek* T-t-thank y-you your high-ness. *Falls unconcious from happiness of the hug*
  20. I'm here, waiting till someone gets back here. Besides I have more time now to surf the internet. Though I doubt I can contribute anything, I'am an amateur unlike the people here, c'mon just look at the fics the people who posted there, I can't even match them in writing an normal post.
  21. *Wakes up* And once again I come back here hoping to get hugs (though not worthy of that) and see fellow members. *Turns to DoomMunky* No, kisses are not allowed... until her highness Queen Tammy allows it. It is a very delicate thing, and it's potency is far more greater than hugs (I think) so only those that Queen Tammy really likes get kisses. Anyway could someone fill me in on who and how much I should torture? *Turns very menacing and opens the dusty torture room and starts cracking knuckles and grinning insanely*
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