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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. Stewart


    Any ideas or request of maps I could add? That is of the existing maps that go into making a battlescape map do you have any suggestions which are yet existing in this "editor".
  2. Sectoid around corner (relative to soldier with AC-HE, duh!), noticed after HWP found it with just not enough units left to shoot (figures). So I marched my tank right up to the sectoid, then shot my tank with the AC-HE ammo. No damage to my tank, the sectoid . . . . .http://www.xcomufo.com/forums/html/emoticons/puke.gif
  3. All my bases are designed around a core which is the same for them all (note my avatar). I've noticed that the AI tends to bunch the aliens in one particular spot. So without even looking starting say turn 2 or 3 and every 2 or 3 turns after that I just keep sending the silver footballs into this area "knowing" they'll just be waiting with "kill me" signs on their backs. But the absolute "dirtiest" trick without question is . . . . . reload reload reload reload save reload reload reload reload save etc.
  4. I've got a really old DOS version (I'll have to go check the number). Maybe it's a bug that was later fixed? I think the trick is to keep your monthly scores high but if it's a bug then who knows! I also ran FIX from xcomutil on it at some time in the past (while it was still an included feature). Though I can't recall for sure but this may have happened even before that.
  5. Did you realize that . . . Xcom 1 starts at noon Jan 1, 1999 not midnight.
  6. uhh... they don't come back... That has not been my experience. I get them back all the time. When they come back they start at around their initial funding after that their staying with you is somewhat chaotic, with them just leaving for no reason and coming back yet again.
  7. That sounds about right, eventually you reach an equilibrium with countries leaving and coming back and so on, and 24 M$ as I recall was about that level too.
  8. Isn't it based on how many hitpoints needed to regain the full amount, with (I think) one hitpoint repaired per day? So take a soldier with 80 hitpoints bring him with 1 of his life and 79 days in the hospital right? Wrong because you'd sack him first.
  9. The game tops out at 8 million for a country. 8 million, russia (my only non-invaded country left BTW) dispite good scores globally and in Russia it went no further.
  10. Does it allow you to edit the rmp? files (which I believe tell the aliens where to walk?
  11. A quick trip to Scott jones site reveals this.
  12. Stewart


    Yeah, I was equally disapointed when I noticed that too. Remember this isn't really a map "editor" per se, it just moves files around so that some maps have a better chance to be included in an overall battlescape map. As for the problem, no I haven't figured it out. There is a real xcom map editor by a guy whose name as I recall is Marco Keiser but it's in German. I ahven't tried it myself but I've read (I think on Scott Jones site) that it's pretty straight forward to figure out. Let me know about the other maps you try.
  13. Stewart


    I don't get it? What does that mean and why is it significant? Edit: Wait is that playstation?
  14. Stewart


    Could you describe the problem and what happens when you try, or did Bagirov answer it already?
  15. Stewart


    Thanks! Any favorites? Least favorites?
  16. Stewart


    Sorry about posting in the wrong forum. Perhaps a mod could move this topic? As for the other site, don't worry membership is free, and they're not selling info to advertisers. It's just a fan site made for and run by fans; it's cool.
  17. I thought large radars had the same chance. I just build one radar now, briefly I'll have two. I start out with one small and then one the path to my large radar is independant of my small radar I demolish the small since I use it's possition to help make a choke point. At anyrate when I used to build lots of radars, it was one large the rest small You lose the percentage detection chance in the large radar areas beyond small but that doesn't really mean much and this arrange is cheaper and quicker to build and basically does what you want anyway. By the time you have the dough to change all the smalls to large you've got HWD and you only need one of them and nothing else.
  18. Stewart


    I made this map editor a while ago. I posted it @ XcomUFO but haven't received many responces there. I particularly like the shanty town and mall maps.
  19. Any particular reason why the two double-wide doors won't do?
  20. Info about the various species can be found here, but you have to have an account with XcomUFO to access it, I think.
  21. All enemy psionics means is that you lose reactive fire because you put your guns down at the end of the turn. It's a pain but not THAT bad.
  22. Do get me wrong it's not like I don't build them up later. BTW if you have no people at a base, just HWPs and Genral Stores does the game let you fight it out?
  23. How do you get around the 255 soldier limit?
  24. Do they have to do it at one time or does it remember having done one part?
  25. Make the effort to shoot down a terrorship, two interceptors armed with dual avalanche will do it easily and go home afterwards. If the terror mission goes through and it's not a daylight floater terror mission then consider this: Don't bother with it. Let the aliens have their fun and get on with things. If you're shooting down enough UFO's and generating enough score anyway you can probably eat it.
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