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  1. Okim

    Mod idea/request

    So just for clarifying - you wish to have an easy-to-access 'mission' where you have some money and can hire mercs and buy all available equipment on the spot. And all you do in this mission is try to survive against waves of enemies that grow in numbers and strength and are attempting to get to a specific location on the map to end the mission in you losing it?
    1 point
  2. Folks, I am still working on the crafting system. It's looking good so far. I'll share the screenshots and item descriptions when I'm done. The LAB scripts are done. They include... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Medical items (separate dialog mode): - picric acid flask + glycerin container = burn medication (2) ??? (what should this be? a usable or a quest item?) - nitroglycerin flask = heart medication (2) ??? (what should this be? a quest item?) - opium package + ammonia (hydroxide) container = morphine kit (1) - morphine kit + vinegar bottle = heroin syringe (1) --NEW ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Standard explosive materials (separate dialog mode): - ammonia (hydroxide) container + nitric acid bottle = ammonium nitrate (2) - toluol canister + nitric acid bottle = TNT granules (4) - phenol container + nitric acid bottle = picric acid flask (2) - ammonia (hydroxide) container + picric acid flask + nitric Acid flask = ammonium picrate flask (3) - glycerin container + nitric acid flask = nitroglycerin flask (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Advanced explosive materials (separate dialog mode): - hexamine tablets (or powder) + nitric acid = RDX powder (2) (every 3rd time 1 HMX powder is produced) - pentek package (or powder) + nitric acid = PETN crystals (2 for powder) (4 for package) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Convert raw materials (separate dialog mode): alcohol (ethanol) bottle = vinegar bottle (2) -(NEW) -- through fast fermentation ammonia (hydroxide) container = nitric acid (4) ammonia (hydroxide) container + formaldehyde bottle (NEW) = hexamine powder -(NEW) alcohol (ethanol) bottle + formaldehyde bottle = pentek powder -(NEW) -- skipped acetaldehyde stage... as there was no other use for it. I try to find reagents that have other uses: in-game or in reality. Acetaldehyde is an intermediate product in our case - so I omitted it entirely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: currently, only regular and strong Blunter alcohol bottles can be used as ethanol (spiked can not). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The WORKSHOP scripts are finished. No special ammo or weapon modifications have been added yet. The rest is ready: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Create standard explosives (separate dialog mode): ammonium nitrate (furtilizer pack or flask) + TNT granules + fuse = industrial dynamite (2) TNT granules + fuse = TNT charge (1) picric acid flask + fuse = lyddite charge (1) nitroglycerin flask + fuse = Nobel's extradynamit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Create advanced explosives (separate dialog mode): RDX powder + TNT granules + fuse = military dynamite (2) RDX powder + fuse = RDX charge (1) PETN crystals + fuse = PETN charge (1) HMX powder + fuse = HMX charge (1) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Create remotely controlled explosives (separate dialog mode): ammonium nitrate (furtilizer pack or flask) + TNT granules + battery = Amatol satchels (2) ammonium picrate flask + TNT granules + battery = Picratol satchels (2) RDX powder + TNT granules + battery = C-3 satchels (2) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Create special ammos: ????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Perform weapon modifications and upgrades: ????? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything seems to work. The items are 'consumed' and 'created' properly, in correct amounts... no glitches so far. _____________________________________________________________ I have to agree. Those acks do look good! BTW, that saying exists in both Russian and English. It is one of the most misquoted (paraphrased) biblical verses (from the Romans I think, about his wisdom being unfathomable and his ways being indecipherable). The Russian version goes: "Puti gospodni ne ispovedimy" and the English one: "The Lord works in mysterious ways". It's a good one, dimovski. Thank you, dimovski. You are being very kind. I am not sure about the way that UI works yet (not to make substitution changes but to make independent ones, without touching the vanilla campaign). I'll need to look into that. I'd love to be able to utilize that interface or even modify it if possible. We'll see. Now the various mines and warehouses (I,II,IIi, etc.) sound interesting... It does remind me of the "radiant" quest system from Skyrim. Hmm... Killing the same giant, in the same cave, for the same reward, for the tenth time... Yes, different maps and opposition might help with that. Perhaps liberating them (or defending from attacks) and buying resources at a discount later/ or getting tribute or something could be the way to go... I need to think about it. I've no problem removing him. What will the player do without him? I don't have any alternative economy set up yet... Good points. I was thinking more along the lines of pushy, stubborn and ruthless vs. treacherous, cunning and murderous for the 'evil someone' job requirements. I think Beria could be more qualified to be the bad guy here... And if he is the one behind the scenes plotting, sending assassins, etc. who's side Lt. Col. Mikhalev would be on? Initially? Eventually? First Beria's then Zhukov's? _____________________________________________________ The weather you describe sounds like a really bad winter here, in California. I like the idea of a bitter, underhanded, back-stabbing power struggle between those groups. MGB vs. Army vs. ??? (who?). Who would represent the CPSU in terms of physical units on the map for us to shoot at (or to defend...) A pompous party leader and some shady bodyguard characters? Special guards, special forces? Elite army units?... _____________________________________________________ Hi MacNille. Thank you for trying it out. I noticed your post on GoG forums. My questions to you: 1. Did you install the mod correctly? 2. Did you overwrite, modify, delete anything on purpose or by accident? (BlunterMod v 2.4 installation does not require any overwriting) 3. Are you using any other mods (including previous versions of BlunterMod)? 4. Are you using any utilities? (addMod) 5. Are you using any external scripts? (anti-durability, No-PK, etc.) 6. Which version of S^2, S^3 is your game (GoG? Steam? CDs?) 7. Did you start v 2.4 from the beginning? 8. Where/ when does your game crash?.. _____________________________________ to be continued ~ Blunter ~
    1 point
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-v0fG2Pvp0
    1 point
  4. Space Voyager

    Across The Board

    I'm not sure I like the digital app necessity... Why wouldn't the whole game be played on the phone than? Board games should remain unplugged. IMO.
    1 point
  5. Regarding the "Friendly hit", here in Croatia (well, probably its known in all south-slavic countries) we say "Čudni su putevi Gospodnji", it translates to something like: Unknown/Weird are the ways of the Lord. Or maybe something from the Bible - like the "vale of tears"? Thank you for the amazing work btw, if anything in SS was really amazing and gave flair - it was the great voiceacting. Now to Blunters amazing post: As always, I'm stunned with your work. I'd sit their crying for weeks trying to figure such stuff out. Or I'd just hammer my laptop Is it possible to re-use the SS3 multiple-choice quest-picking GUI? And for example, from the 4 possible missions we'd have: 1)Titanium Raid I 2)Vanadium Mine I 3)Scandium Refinery Plant I 4)Plutonium Warehouse I After finishing Vanadium Mine I, we get: 1)Titanium Raid I 2)Vanadium Mine II 3)Scandium Refinery Plant I 4)Plutonium Warehouse I etc. Each time more enemies, and maybe even bigger or simply different maps. Obviously it's a lot of work to create them, so I'm just daydreaming. Back to the arms dealer: How do we even know he's loyal to us?! And even more importantly... how can he be loyal to us if he's buying weapon - I mean, who wants weapons in the year 1947?(Is it even 1947?) 1)Mafia 2)Die Wölfe 3)We 4)"small criminals" 5)secret service undercover agents... I guess. If they can't smuggle weapons to their area of operations. (You'd guess it's easier to smuggle a 1911 into a factory than a human, but then again...) 6)The not-so-average-father-who-can-afford-buying-weapons-on-the-black-market-to-protect-his-children-with-them(-even-tho-he-was-in-the-war-and-probably-still-has-his-Kar98-and-a-Mauser-semi-auto) So there's literally 2 out of 6 options, with them being probably the least important in volume of orders, which would be acceptable to the Sentinels - themselves and civilans. I didn't count the few high-class citizens who can afford to go hunting 2 years after the war. IMO, if you really don't want to remove him completely, would it be possible to create a different base interface for a different difficulty setting? Then you could add "Sentinel" or "Silent Storm" difficulty, with no arms dealer. Or modify the current most difficult one (or the easiest one, which no one probably uses... or atleast would use with this mod). Or remove the easiest one and add "Sentinel". I'd go with removing him for good tho. I "like" Zhukov too, but taking into account the blunder at Seelow Heights (losing 2000 tanks just to get 1st to Berlin, so that his Ukrainian comrade from the south can't sack the glory) - I'd imagine he's more than capable of acting in a ruthless way. Beria obviously doesn't sound really trustful and humane either.
    1 point
  6. Yes, me too. It took me some time to get the script right (had to re-write it ~ 15 times), but I think I nailed it this time. Woo-hoo! Initially I used FindItem() function to find the charges on the map by their IDs... and in my first tests (with all 6 satchels detonated at once) it worked fine . When I attempted to detonate only a few at a time (while removing the 'used' ones) the game started crashing. After 40 or so CTDs I realized that the problem wasn't my script (I kept re-writing), but rather the function itself. It seems that FindItem() creates a long list of identifiable RPG items (and possibly debris objects as well) on the current template, excluding the items in units' inventories, and stores that data in some kind of cache or temporary reference table. Any subsequent FindItem() then checks against that list... and if there is a slight change (some of the items were removed or new items were spawned or dropped) - it spits out an error and crashes. Well, at least that's the explanation I came up with based on my observations. Other than that it's a great function and I'll see if I can find a creative way to use it... later... So the 1st system was: have a satchel (RPG/ money item) > drop the satchel > FindItem() > Create Waypoint there > Place template with a fake decoy object there > equip the detonator (weapon) > identify the detonator in active slot > Explosion() at the created waypoint > Remove decoy object - that system is gone... Now the new system is: have a satchel (RPG weapon item) > Equip the satchel in the active slot > Identify the satchel in the active slot by its durability/Identify the character holding that satchel at that moment > Remove the satchel from inventory > Create waypoint where that person is standing > Place template with a fake decoy object there > equip the detonator (weapon) > identify the detonator in active slot > Explosion() at the created waypoint > Remove decoy object... So far (knock on wood) this new script hasn't crashed a single time. Let's hope it'll remain that way. A few screenshots to illustrate how this system works in-game: There was no 'normal' way to identify what a unit had in their active slot at any given time. The only way I managed to do it was through a UnitWeaponGetDurability(unit) function and a weapon(s) with unique, unchangeable durability values (durability step 0). ___________________________________________________________ Currently the player can have up to 6 explosive satchels at any given time... That's a lot of firepower! ___________________________________________________________ One of the problems I discovered was the fact that killing enemy units with remote explosives didn't give the player any XP at all. I attempted to rectify that by rewarding the party with a small ammount of XP every time they lay the charges... ___________________________________________________________ Removing those from active slots without activating them is a bit tricky... just place another weapon there. That should do it... ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ The messages are color-coded (green for Amatol, blue for Picratol, and dark orange for C-3). There is also an on-screen counter to help keep track of the remaining explosives. ___________________________________________________________ Remember to un-equip the detonator, before laying down the next batch of those... ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Thank you. Are you talking about the lab? That's where I planned to conduct chemical and 'medical' experiments and conversions. How would we 'plan'?.. (Scripting/ UI wise)... even if its in a different room... Could you elaborate a bit further? ___________________________________________________________ Wow, that's way up there... Stay warm, Ronin. So, now we have a forensic expert among us... Nice! ----------------- I don't know about making Zhukov a bad guy. I happened to like him... Now, Beria is a totally different story... I can easily imagine him doing something nasty... even harboring or financing "The Professor" and his research, directly and/or indirectly... hmm... what if Stalin got sick earlier, in 1947-48 in this case... and Beria realized he is about to be 'removed'? ___________________________________________________________ Thanks, Ecthel. There is no rush. I still have a lot to do with the crafting system. I'll post the detailed encounter walk-throughs in a bit. You are right, with blueprints I can just show a hint or a message and set a GV. That should take care of it... Good points about the insurgency and the black market. Although, after reading dimovsky's thoughts I am wondering if we should keep the Arms Dealer at all... I am not sure why but his presence (in his current capacity) at the base just doesn't make much sense to me... except for Nival trying to implement 'economy'... (I know, we'd already talked about it before.).. hmm... ___________________________________________________________ Yes, I also thought about making one of the Allied Commanders (on the US side, perhaps) another double... who'd be sabotaging the chemical spill containment efforts by sending poorly protected US troops in the affected areas - basically creating even more zombies as the result... ___________________________________________________________ Hey, Tsylie. I see you added a few new Acks in there. Nice! I can just hear that rabid priest preaching in a wailing ghoul voice (from fallout 3) How about posting some of the other ones you worked on. Arnold's were hilarious... ___________________________________________________________ to be continued ~ Blunter ~
    1 point
  7. I will also show the other phrases that the priest cycles through in-game: Condition Code (Phrase 2)~~RabPri Enemy becomes visible -- You foolishly challenge the prophet of the Lord? More new enemy characters appear -- You can't stop the word of the Lord! That was my last piece of ammo -- I will pound the divine law into you! Successful melee attack -- God smite you! Target hit -- "And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee." Badly missed target -- For I will not trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me. Critical damage inflicted to enemy -- Are you ready to face the judgment? Wounds FRIEND accidentally -- I pray for your forgiveness. Successful hit on a hard target -- When we are strong in our faith, miracles abound! FRIEND badly misses target -- The Lord forgives those who fail. FRIEND inflicts critical damage to enemy -- And without shedding of blood is no remission… PC suffers light damage -- NONE SHALL HALT MY HOLY MISSION!!! PC mocks poor aim of enemy -- His light blinds thee! PC has been inflicted with critical damage -- My Lord is calling upon me! PC has been badly wounded, or he cannot finish dressing his own wound -- The Lord shall endure forever even with the delay in his plan. Killed an enemy -- Through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. Final words before death -- I…am coming, Father…(dies) FRIEND dies -- May God be kind to you, brethren. Killing <N> enemy in a row -- REPENT!!! <N> PC in our group is killed -- The Shepherd shall guide thee into the gates of Heaven. Character finished successfully dressing a wound. NOT their own -- The Holy Father hath blessed the righteous! Character cannot finish dressing a wound because he lacks the skills. NOT their own -- Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Character finished successfully dressing their own wound -- Fear me, infidels! The Lord is on my side! PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- And all the heathens and their false prophets perished from his wrath. FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- Thou certainly wreaked vengeance upon them. PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- For thus saieth the Lord God: I make thee a desolate city… FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- The power of God is unabridged! Successfully interrupted enemy -- Thy iniquity weighs heavily upon thy reflexes… Skill/stat increased. -- God blesses me with skill and knowledge. Impossible to perform action -- Only our Holy Father can do what you will. Order confirmation -- Holy Spirit guides my path! Weapon is jammed -- Fix my weapon so I may once again bring justice upon the heads of our enemies! PC is overloaded -- God, lend me your strength! About to take an enemy by surprise -- "And they shall know I am the Lord thy God." Discovering a mine/boobytrap nearby -- The denizens of hell left their dark gift behind. PC is given an item/piece of equipment he likes a lot -- Blessed be the giver of all things holy! PC equipment has been changed to something worse -- I must not detest the correction of the Lord… Enemy becomes visible in Real-time -- Greetings, unwashed infidel, from the hand of God! NPC interaction. -- Speaketh to that person up yonder. PC has been spotted by the enemy -- Satan's agents TOO have eyes! General Good Comment -- It's a good day to walk in the light. General Bad Comment -- The cherubs are burning… Strong enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl higher -- Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not falter! Weak enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl lower -- A measly satyr. Long Burst -- RRRREEEEEEPPPPEEEEENNNNTTTTTT!!!!!! We're attempting to get at least 4 phrases that are unique and individual. In the next 2 phrase lists, you may notice empty spaces. Those are ones that need to be filled. If you suggest something that is acceptable and in character, it may fill the new phrase spot and you will be credited for your assistance (that is, if you want to). Now that that is out there, here are the other two phrase lists: Condition Code (Phrase 3)~~RabPri Enemy becomes visible -- I will wipe you, evil fiend, from the face of God's Earth. More new enemy characters appear -- God give me strength! That was my last piece of ammo -- No longer shall I rely on crude mortal things. Successful melee attack -- Feel the divine hand crush you, demon! Target hit -- That's what happens to non-believers! Badly missed target -- The devil is strong with this one. Critical damage inflicted to enemy -- PRAY! Pray for forgiveness! Wounds FRIEND accidentally -- Flee, demons; I shall vanquish thee for smiting my brethren. Successful hit on a hard target -- Behold the power of the LORD! FRIEND badly misses target -- Don't stray from the light! FRIEND inflicts critical damage to enemy -- PC suffers light damage -- You can not shatter my steely resolve! PC mocks poor aim of enemy -- Only his TRUE followers will be shown the path! PC has been inflicted with critical damage -- Is it my day to join our Holy Father in Heaven? PC has been badly wounded, or he cannot finish dressing his own wound -- Killed an enemy -- Lord have mercy on your soul. Final words before death -- FRIEND dies -- The righteous never perish in vain. Killing <N> enemy in a row -- THE LORD SHALL NOT BE TESTED! <N> PC in our group is killed -- Character finished successfully dressing a wound. NOT their own -- This poor soul cried out, and the LORD heard him! Character cannot finish dressing a wound because he lacks the skills. NOT their own -- I ask the Holy Father to strengthen you by his Spirit. Character finished successfully dressing their own wound -- Not by thy skill, but thy faith maketh thou whole again! PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- Successfully interrupted enemy -- Skill/stat increased. -- I am guided by God's hand. Impossible to perform action -- Order confirmation -- Thy will shall be done. Weapon is jammed -- PC is overloaded -- About to take an enemy by surprise -- "But they lie in wait for their own blood…" Discovering a mine/boobytrap nearby -- PC is given an item/piece of equipment he likes a lot -- PC equipment has been changed to something worse -- Enemy becomes visible in Real-time -- Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed blood. NPC interaction. -- Invoke not the Lord's name in vain. PC has been spotted by the enemy -- General Good Comment -- General Bad Comment -- Strong enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl higher -- Weak enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl lower -- Come forth, pathetic underlings of evil. Long Burst -- Condition Code (Phrase 4)~~RabPri Enemy becomes visible -- More infidels! More new enemy characters appear -- Behold, the wicked brings forth iniquity. That was my last piece of ammo -- Successful melee attack -- You heathens shall fall by his sword! Target hit -- Convert or die! Badly missed target -- The Lord hath spared you; I will not. Critical damage inflicted to enemy -- And I will strike upon thee with great vengeance! Wounds FRIEND accidentally -- Successful hit on a hard target -- Thank you, o Lord, for guiding my hand. FRIEND badly misses target -- For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. FRIEND inflicts critical damage to enemy -- PC suffers light damage -- PC mocks poor aim of enemy -- PC has been inflicted with critical damage -- My mortal body weakens. PC has been badly wounded, or he cannot finish dressing his own wound -- Killed an enemy -- He that believeth not the Son shall not see life! Final words before death -- FRIEND dies -- I will mourn thy departure. Killing <N> enemy in a row -- <N> PC in our group is killed -- Character finished successfully dressing a wound. NOT their own -- Character cannot finish dressing a wound because he lacks the skills. NOT their own -- Your soul is in the Lord's hands now. Character finished successfully dressing their own wound -- Body and spirit reuniteth. PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- Successfully interrupted enemy -- Skill/stat increased. -- Impossible to perform action -- Order confirmation -- Weapon is jammed -- PC is overloaded -- About to take an enemy by surprise -- Discovering a mine/boobytrap nearby -- PC is given an item/piece of equipment he likes a lot -- PC equipment has been changed to something worse -- Enemy becomes visible in Real-time -- NPC interaction. -- PC has been spotted by the enemy -- General Good Comment -- General Bad Comment -- Strong enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl higher -- Weak enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl lower -- Long Burst -- If you have a question about a condition code, I'll do my best to answer.
    1 point
  8. Hello everyone! Blunter's daughter here. You've probably heard of my existence from his other posts. But anyways, to the point! A while back, Blunter and a few of you mentioned Acknowledgements (Acks) in the game and suggested that we make new ones. Novik sent the files for making potentially new Acks and I have been creating a few new ones to develop new characters. There may be some new interesting ones, provided Blunter makes them work in the mod. According to the files, there are specific condition codes that activate a certain Ack at a specific time. Here are the ones listed in the Excel File: Condition Codes ~~~RABPRI ACKS Enemy becomes visible -- Prepare to face the hand of judgement! More new enemy characters appear -- I will bring God's light here! That was my last piece of ammo -- This will not halt the prophet! Successful melee attack -- Feel my righteous fury! Target hit -- In God's name! Badly missed target -- Oh, Lord! Guide my next shot! Critical damage inflicted to enemy -- And so the righteous smote the wicked! Wounds FRIEND accidentally -- Forgive me, my brethren. I am no one but a sinner. Successful hit on a hard target -- With God, everything is possible. FRIEND badly misses target -- Thy Holy Father shall guide thy aim. FRIEND inflicts critical damage to enemy -- And almost all things are by the law purged with blood! PC suffers light damage -- Nothing shall prevent me from spreading his words! PC mocks poor aim of enemy -- The darkness clouds thy mind, godless creature! PC has been inflicted with critical damage -- I see the light! PC has been badly wounded, or he cannot finish dressing his own wound -- The Lord is my shepherd; he shall restore my soul. Killed an enemy -- So may all your enemies perish, o Lord! Final words before death -- The Lord…is my light…and my salvation. (dies) FRIEND dies -- And so they are delivered into his embrace… Killing <N> enemy in a row -- The Lord shall judge ALL people. <N> PC in our group is killed -- He stands with open arms at the gate. Character finished successfully dressing a wound. NOT their own -- Blessed is he who shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness. Character cannot finish dressing a wound because he lacks the skills. NOT their own -- The lord helps those who help themselves. Character finished successfully dressing their own wound -- My faith alone heals my wounds! PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- Fear his wrath! FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and kills more than one enemy -- Thou ist a holy vanquisher! PC throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- He will erase thy false idols; only pay homage to the TRUE GOD. FRIEND throws grenade/uses heavy weapon and destroys a lot of structures or objects -- With holy guidance, you shall do his wonders! Successfully interrupted enemy -- You can not beat the speed of angels! Skill/stat increased -- It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Impossible to perform action -- Verily, verily I say onto you, no mortal can do what you ask of me. Order confirmation -- In the name of the Holy Father! Weapon is jammed -- The devil's agents have come! PC is overloaded -- My mortal body can not carry this burden. About to take an enemy by surprise -- Say your prayers, heathen! Discovering a mine/boobytrap nearby -- I discovered their devilish contraption. PC is given an item/piece of equipment he likes a lot -- I shall send the demons to hell that much quicker. PC equipment has been changed to something worse -- Bah! This is hardly suitable for the crusade! Enemy becomes visible in Real-time -- Another heathen! NPC interaction. -- I will defer to my group's leader. PC has been spotted by the enemy -- Through their master's dark eye, they have spotted me! General Good Comment -- The Angels Rejoice! General Bad Comment -- Hellfire. Strong enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl higher -- The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. Weak enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl lower -- Demons, you shalt not be spared the cleansing force of the one true God! Long Burst -- DEEEEEEMMMMOOOOONNNNN!!! If you need an in-game example, say a high level soldier is spotted by Klaus. Underneath the condition code "Strong enemy becomes visible, <N> lvl higher", he would spout "Bad Odds? I like bad odds." The above sample Acks are from a Rabid Priest. If you note the references there, you're awesome . They go in order so "Enemy becomes visible" would be "Prepare to face the hand of judgement!" and so on. I appreciate comments, edits or suggestions of other characters. We have, at the moment, one for a priest, one for an escaped female convict, one trial one for Arnold Schwarzenegger (I say trial because he's kind of schizophrenic and would need to be streamlined in order to be GOOD), and one for Shade (that secret mission guy you pick up from Switzerland).
    1 point
  9. silencer_pl

    Ze funny gifs!

    1 point
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