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Tycho last won the day on December 31 2023

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  1. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    I've already done something similar in EU. It would just require adapting the code for TFTD.
  2. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    I think BASS will play them. Have you already tried them? The game has no internal controls over sounds or music. Those keys probably control the volume of DOSBOX.
  3. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    From what I understand about the Steam version, you get both the CE and DOS version but the link that steam creates activates DOSBOX and the DOS version only. I'm not sure if it has been changed now or remains that way. I know a lot of people wanted a link to get steam credit for playing the CE version, and I think someone on their forums figured out how to do that. There should be no problem with continuing your game but if you've already researched all the prerequisites for Ion Armor, it won't be available until you complete research on something else. If you mean Mp3 music, it shouldn't be that much trouble to put a volume control on it, as I've already done so in UFO. MIDI music is another issue. UFO had the problem of the sounds being too loud. I had to implement BASS for everything to fix that issue.
  4. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    1.07.3beta: Ion Armor will now be unlocked correctly with Alternate Tech Tree mod under options 1 and 2. Replaced the prerequisite for Ion Armor from a live Deep One to Zrbite on option 1 and 2. Click here to download Thanks to Ros for helping me isolate the problem! The issue wasn't in my logic for unlocking the research but that the section of code, where Ion Armor is unlocked, is skipped if the completed research is not a live alien. I had to alter the code to shorten the jump destination.
  5. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    The cursor turns orange if the modified accuracy is less than 95% of the original, it turns red when the accuracy drops to 75% of original. To be honest, I hardly pay attention to the color of the cursor, just the number.
  6. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    I had a typo in one routine which was causing the crash. Some people get the Extender to work with no problem and others find their system doesn't like it at all. I think it has to do with video or sound drivers but that is just a guess. Does the original _patched.exe loader work?
  7. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    1.07.3beta: Fix for a crash during battles Fix an error with the Alternate Tech Tree mod: Option 1 now stacks correctly with Option 2. The game will now load all unit graphics when loading a saved battle. This will prevent invisible units and seems to make the game more stable. Click here to download
  8. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    The forumla for how radars (sensors) stack is: lgradar=pow(0.9,(num of lg radr)), smradar=pow(0.8,(num)) long detection = (1-lgradar)*100 short detection=(1-[lgradar*smradar])*100. so two large radars would give: [1-(0.9*0.9)]*100 or 19% chance to detect. a large and small radar would give you [1-(0.9*0.8)]*100 or 10% long range and 28% short range detection.
  9. Tycho

    TFTD Extender

    I've completed a lot of the updates for old code and included some new stuff to fix a few issues. I haven't had a lot of time to test everything, so please report any errors with the exact circumstances and error message. Thanks for supporting the TFTD Extender! 1.07.3 beta: Fixed tentacaults not attacking Fix for crash when alien units change levels on the battlescape Players will now always capture all aliens even after they have researched that particular alien type and rank. Fix for crash when unit becomes a zombie / zombie hatches. Added a delay to alien melee attack so it is easier to see how many attacks occurred. Berserk units will not get extra time, especially with sonic cannons. Alien will only remember a unit for 1 round for MC attacks. I've Increased the range penalties for MC Control so it will be less likely to control distant units the map. Panicked units will not run off the map. Removed the additional window that opened when the user started the Extender. 1.07.3 beta[2016/03/04]: Fix for a crash during battles The game will now load all unit graphics when loading a saved battle. This will prevent invisible units and seems to make the game more stable. Items without owners will not be collected if the player aborts a mission. 1.07.3beta[2016/03/06]: Ion Armor will now be unlocked correctly with Alternate Tech Tree mod under options 1 and 2. Replaced the prerequisite for Ion Armor from a live Deep One to Zrbite on option 1 and 2. TFTDExtender1.07.3beta11.zip
  10. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    Beta4 notes: Added a total to the alien containment management screen as a convenience. Large alien units on the Skyranger and Avenger ramp will maintain the proper height after they finish moving. Some reported problems resolved. Hyperwave info will now be added to an already detected UFO, once it reaches the range of the Hyperwave Decoder. The information will be available for as long as the UFO is detected, even if not always in range of a Hyperwave decoder. Hyperwave Decoders are detectors only at Easy difficulty. Bases will stop detecting craft when the last radar is removed from the base. [2016/02/29]Difficulty settings: The document has been updated. Download from here
  11. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    I just uploaded a null file (a zip containing a dat file with a single byte if 0 ) to the site and tested it under chrome. The previous file should download fine now from the archive list but Chrome will still report the main file UFOloader.zip as harmful. For some reason UFOloader.zip on ufopaedia.org has been flagged in some database that Google maintains. This is probably because the file doesn't contain a digital signature from a recognized authority and is on an open site. There are a lot of complaints on the Chrome forums about this from a lot of small independent programmers.
  12. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    Someone with both Chrome and Firefox please try downloading the file from this link and see what is reported: edit: linked removed
  13. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    NKF: Do you get any warnings when you download the latest verion from this forum?
  14. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    This isn't a problem with the Extender. Its a problem with something about the planes at the initial base under GERMAN. You'll get the same crash if you run the UFO Defense_patched.exe loader and do the same steps. It doesn't happen with French nor if I move one of the planes to another base via hacking the CRAFT.DAT and then transferring it, even under German.
  15. Tycho

    UFO Extender

    Thanks for all the feedback! For an alternate language you need to add either _1 or _2 to the end of the variable before the equal sign: CraftReadyTitle_1= ->would be for the second language option on the menu CraftReadyTitle_2= ->would be for the third option. The entries for the Roswell mod come from the text database so those phrases will already be translated. I have fixes for base exploits, but if one only plays on the easiest diffculties you may not encounter them: There is a penalty for failing to destroy the base control center and there are rules that limit how often a supply ship occur.
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