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The Travelers shall rise as one.

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Some of you waiting for this with great anticipation. Now this wait is over. It took me many hours to bring you this third attempt of Morrigi battle in SotS. In the meantime I was forcing myself to play SotS2 but failed to have fun at all. So without any further delays. Let's get started.





This is our galaxy.




As you can see I've up'ed the planets to 300 and raised encounters to 200%. So will the challenge increase? We will find out.


I didn't disable to possibility to encounter those damned fish so everything is up to random generator.


In the initial stage I've created 15 or 20 scout's to check the surroundings. My of course never ending luck brought me planets either inhabitable or with CH above 400 and planet size ranging from 1 to 4.


Our first encounter with unknown force




This first derelict had Anti-matter torpedo luncher so my scout had never chance of disabling it.


But that is just the beginning. Next we find swarm




And another derelict. This time he wasn't so dangerous so I proceed with disarming procedure.




Another swarm.




Our research was initially dedicated in improvement of our infrastructure with waldo units, orbital foundries, expert systems. Then I went through green and uv lasers.


After a while derelict is ours and the boost is highly welcome




One of our few early colonies that I could inhabit without any investiture in bio-tech was attacked by this annoyance.




Our scouts again discover unusual things






Our first uv laser destroyers engage one of the swarm locations.




After that UV lasers I put my efforts entirely to bio-tech including bio-domes, so that means I even go for cruiser construction.


That asteroid monitor was captured just in time




And we welcome our first opponent. Though this is Tarka - he strangely resembles as human.



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We go for the second swarm nest.




Let's check our standings.




Well at least I am not at the end of this competition. That is good.


Oh come on. Stupid auto combat....




This is the sign of our first war.




And we find another swarm




Unfortunately it had too many guns to disable and I had to much firepower. At least the planet is mine.




I hoped for 13 destroyers. Guess after 100 turns you will only see CR's




It's time for serious upgrades.




Advanced monitor didn't give me chance to escape.




We found Zuul... they look advanced.




Another swarm




Our fist cruiser designs proved very inefficient. I'll keep searching for the better one. And trust my word. I'll get my revenge.





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It will slow down. We are definitely below 200. You know so many planets that expansion era takes longer time + with fission it ain't fast to travel. The pattern for all games is that at 100-150 turn you should be at fusion stage and cruisers (on larger maps that is).
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True, true. Oh, could you please post some shots of political view so that we can get a picture of what our empire looks like? BTW, try to strip the guns from the derelicts, you'll get a MUCH bigger research bonus. Really worth it, however much I dislike the demanded micromanagement.
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You know I noticed that while playing humans even with red lasers auto battle is guaranteed victory on turn 1 ? Of course the scout will be damaged but I had like 3 or 4 auto battles and I always had victory with 25% boost to research.


Back to the game.


Despite that it is free for all... I am attacked by other Tarka guy.




It's always nice when money comes to you




I've managed to take out colony




Keep away from me




Me has more ships




What? When? How? Why I didn't have a warning sign like I did with humans? Suddenly Humans have a Grand Menace scanner?




Fortunately his trajectory was way of from my territory so this is the only one occurrence of him though I saw few planets went bye bye.


Bastards are trying to get me everywhere




Those swarms are everywhere




Just you wait for me to catch up with offensive tech. You will be nothing but bones.




Still using unreliable design cruiser but I don't have anything new yet. It even doesn't have a name.




Good thing they are crippled




And we finish off the remnants






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We are continuously being pushed back by the Tarkas and guess what this green and yellow Tarkas are top 2 players in global ranking I am keeping myself as third - but that will change.




Another upgraded relic




Get out of my property.




No mercy for you.




That's right - finally I have a design worthy of mass production




And you too shall soon die.




If you can't join my crusade - you die




My army is on my way.




Old models died. New ones rock.




This will be my mainstream Battlecruiser for the most part of game.




Got something to say punk?




I guess he does




This planet is mine




My property




You will not run away from me - nor reinforce your other fleets




He does hate Monitors for sure, though they are far less dangerous





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Barrage - assault is a powerful combination, though I like it more on DNs because of the lost manoeuvrability and high cost. Can definitely be a life saver against massive fleets though!


So, beside both Tarkas, Zuul came knocking on our door, too? Is anybody else at war with each other or are they just battering us endlessly?!

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Main enemies are those 2 Tarkas for now. Zuul (servants) drops by occasionally and other Morrigi guess it has problems of its own being one of the last on global ranking.


DN's should appear in next or second to next batch of AAR.


In weapon's I'll be fielding heavy cannons but probably at Anti-Matter stage since current CR design kicks ass. I can't have anything better than plasma cannon (normal) and I didn't try projectors since they are lacking firepower in early stages. Lancers are right now the heaviest weapon I can field with no option to go for Cutting Beams and since I can have only plasma cannon I field phasors and neuron beam is heavy weapon which I don't have room for.


Also with current weapons Zuul breaks with every sneeze I make so I think I have caught some allergy on them :)

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What weapons do your enemies have?


Also, why use barrage instead of blazer section? And can you please post picture of Morrigi Battle Bridge command section (cruiser and DN)?

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Same as I do, except they are using neutron/positron beams instead of heavy cannons.

Blazer section is rubbish here - it is more micro focused than barrage. Morrigi ships are flying heavy bricks though they rotate very fast and they tend to fire when they don't have lock on + friendly fire with them is much higher. In Sots2 it is better implemented. The initial blazer design I made was very appalling in effectiveness. Battle bridge section is worthless. One HL gun, 2 medium ports and 1 small if I recall correctly and because my medium guns are phasors fusion/am torpedoes are far better. I'll see if I can give you pics in another batch.




They came and were blown by my sneeze...




My funds are limited, so I can't defend everywhere.




One of my recent captured colonies turned against me. I'll have to come back with force and show them who is in charge here.




Really? You should make effort to help me and not be against me.




I am your worst nightmare.




They have upgraded. My old designs were helpless








All right time to upgrade too. Quarks are the best armor I can get. Adamantain armor will have to be salvaged.






Mk 6 is still dangerous.




It's turn 220 so we are somewhere in between half of the game. As you can see - DN's are on the way.

Global rankings stand:


1. Dark Green Tarka

2,3. Me and Yellow Tarka are constantly switching position.

4. Light green Tarka. You haven't seen him in battle because I didn't have any major encounters.

5,6 Both Zuul.

7,8 Other Morrigi.






And our empire income




Tough battle but this planet is our for the taking.




Die will you.




Run while you still can.




What have we here?




Now things will get interesting



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Alright, DNs! Please, let's rush for Armada CnC and make a quick sweep over leading Tarka systems! Before they get it, too... It is worth diving into debt to build that one fleet and prevent them getting DNs or at least Armada in time to change much.


I see our trade income is nice. hi.gif

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Here is for Veki


Cruiser BB/Blazer




Dreadnought BB/Blazer




As you can see it definitely lacks firepower to Assault/Barrage combination.


Battle bridge is only viable if you have cruiser construction but didn't go for torpedoes and Heavy Laser as HL unlocks Blazer and with torpedoes it unlocks Barrage, though In Sots2 cruiser barrage is without HL.

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Yes, I see now. Thx for pics and confirming that BB is really bad for Morrigi. All others have HL mounts in BB section. I still think Assault/Blazer is more powerful then Assault/Barrage combination.


Ahhh, DNs are here. love.gif

Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum and we have lots of bubble gum.killcrazed.gif

Are you the only one with DNs?

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When you have no DN opposition it is good to pack as many heavy turrets and medium turrets as possible, they will chew through cruisers just fine and are A LOT cheaper than special weapons (HCLs, torpedoes...). Blazer may be an overkill right now, though it looks cool!
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Not realy. The ships in close combat stance tend no to stay in place when firing with blazers. Also they fire it often when enemy is not in line of fire of said blazer thus many firepower is lost. And there is no IFF for them so in tight spots you get shot by your own. Torpedoes on the other hand have very high accuracy and increase firewpower with distance. And still as you can see. Blazer has only 3 slots, while barrage, has 2 HL slots, 1 torpedo slot and 2 medium slots and few small ones so overall firepower goes to Barrage.


Right. Because we are more than half of the game done the war is on full scale now. We have decent income our force is to be reckoned with. Yet before DN's become mainstream there will be plenty of battles.


We must push hard on the Tarkas because they are as powerful as me.




That is a repair station.




More for me.




He brought reinforcements and I don't have repair ships everywhere.




Is he lacking if fleets?




Another planet falls








I am running low on my bio-colonizers in my advance forces :)




Asteroid Monitors are for pussies ;)




We are pouring on them senselessly




Deflectors - yeah great




I'll blast you to kingdom come.




We have advanced so far that he is losing his trade ships. Also he is fielding DN's too. But strangely this one died so fast that I think it must have been construction ship. But more advanced eye might tell me more.






Sneeze, sneeze.... god damn this allergy.




More profit. Who needs raiders.




We are unstoppable.






Another DN destroyed.




I wouldn't tought but 1 our DN destroyed VN Berserker though many suffered. Still I hate bastard.






There should be bonus for destroying berserker.

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Not really. The ships in close combat stance tend no to stay in place when firing with blazers. Also they fire it often when enemy is not in line of fire of said blazer thus many firepower is lost. And there is no IFF for them so in tight spots you get shot by your own. Torpedoes on the other hand have very high accuracy and increase firepower with distance. And still as you can see. Blazer has only 3 slots, while barrage, has 2 HL slots, 1 torpedo slot and 2 medium slots and few small ones so overall firepower goes to Barrage.

Doesn't Blazer has 5 HL arranged in 3 slots? Then you have 3 HL more vs 3 torpedoes (in 1 slot), 1 heavy and 2 medium slots.


Deflectors - yeah great


party.gif Very useful tech.


We have advanced so far that he is losing his trade ships. Also he is fielding DN's too. But strangely this one died so fast that I think it must have been construction ship. But more advanced eye might tell me more.


Thst's a standard Tarka DN. Maybe he doesn't have good armor?



I wouldn't tought but 1 our DN destroyed VN Berserker though many suffered. Still I hate bastard.





There should be bonus for destroying berserker.

I agree. Hate the bastard unless he's visiting enemy system. :D

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Blazer only gives 3HL slots which is total 5 or 6 beams. Barrage gives you 2 HL slots which is 4 beams, and 2 torpedoes plus you can mount either phasors, plasma/fusion/am cannon or mass drivers. And as I said many times you have to micromanage completely Blazer to have it as full potential as Morrigi. Human ones fore example were more intelligent
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Are you sure there are 4 beams and 2 torpedoes in Barrage section? I don't have a game right now, so I'm asking you?

I'm looking at SOTS wiki and there it says Barrage has 2 HL and 3 torpedoes.

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New tech yey.




We pwnz0r some more.




And we got pwnz0rd




But that was just small accident.




So our first major battle with the third tarka




Die, die die




So many frigates




I'll get back to this planet.




No chance of winning but at least I kicked their ass.




Turn 248. We poured on them like black death.




Another tech to unlock.




Unstopable power.




So you too is losing frigates




Unlucky - how many of them you can produce...




I'm hurting your economy more than you are mine.




You are almost out of here.







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