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Revenge of the Titans Review


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Charlie faces the wrath of the Titans as they seek their revenge on mankind!


2012_02_10_00001.jpg 2012_02_10_00004.jpg 2012_02_11_00002.jpg

The 2D environments and titans being reminiscent of both Space Invaders and Pac Man. Even the rather retro 'pew pew' of the defense turrets evokes eighties arcade games and defeated alien sprites disappear with a satisfying muted explosion that almost seems lifted straight from the Atari 2600

Read the full review here.

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Was anyone else disappointed this wasn't a sequel to Remember the Titans?




Me neither.


I felt much the same about it. Liked the research tree, but you can't really just take what you want, I think there are certain things early on you have to take, but other than that the game is a bit easy. Loved the art style, sound was quickly muted. Really enjoyed it for the pennies it cost me.


Co-op is an intriguing thought. Has anyone done that yet, in TD?

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Co-op is an intriguing thought. Has anyone done that yet, in TD?

Co-op would be awesome. I'm not aware of any co-op Tower Defense, but I'm sure someone must have done it by now, surely.


I found things got a bit frantic later on in the game, but then I'm not the best gamer ever and I suppose I could have turned the difficulty down.I'm determined to get back to it at some point and take the fight to Titan - currently stuck in a stalemate (read: getting my ass handed to me repeatedly :clapping:) on Saturn.

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Co-op would be awesome. I'm not aware of any co-op Tower Defense, but I'm sure someone must have done it by now, surely.


I found things got a bit frantic later on in the game, but then I'm not the best gamer ever and I suppose I could have turned the difficulty down.I'm determined to get back to it at some point and take the fight to Titan - currently stuck in a stalemate (read: getting my ass handed to me repeatedly :clapping:) on Saturn.



About the only game I can think of is Dungeon Defenders where you and up to 3 other players defend a crystal from incoming monsters. It's pretty much Tower Defense crossed with....Diablo 2? I guess. :/


Yeah that sounds right. It's pretty good fun, but challenging.


I think co-op would fit well into a game like Titans as it's the player against an enemy. The addition of another player wouldn't be that difficult and also add an extra challenge to the game

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I keep meaning to give Dungeon Defenders a go - heard nothing but good things about it. I also loved the mad-as-a-box-of-frogs trailer on Steam with the Portal gun and TF2 characters: https://store.steampowered.com/app/65800/ :clapping:


Sadly, whilst it looks both fun and visually pleasing, it also looks like it would sap too much of my free time if I got addicted to it like I did with TF2 and L4D 1 & 2


I was wondering earlier what it would be like to have a Revenge of the Titans PvP mode with the second player playing the Titans, but they're already hard enough as it is so that would be chaotic at best for the defender as the Titans would be better able to edge around your defenses.


(I'd forgotten about the Elerians in MoO2 by the way Charlie until I saw your avatar - they were my favourite race and, aside from the Psilons and occasionally the humans, I don't think I played the other races :P Maybe we should do more retro reviews as we certainly don't have enough articles on older titles).

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Cheers :D


If we got enough interest we might see about making a co-op expansion for Revenge.


Cas :P


Like Pete says we will hold a poll and maybe get some discussion going about co-op in tower defense. I think it would make a great game even more fun. :clapping:

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  • 1 month later...

So, is anyone else feeling the wrath of the titans recently? I'm clashing on my latest playthrough because I made some shiLiamNeesont choices on the research tree. So sick of it I almost Ralphed, but I'm struggling on and should be Fiennes. I'm going to stop playing at Nighyt though because of the electricity Bill.


Yes, that should do it.

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