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Jman Plays X-com: Extreme Edition


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First we're going to recruit some new soldiers for the Eurasian base. We're getting rather thin here.



One of those Thorondor clones is going to get a new name now that we have finally found a decent Thorodor at the American base. I dub theeee....TROGDOR!!!



Our 30 engineers arrive and we put them to work building our med-packs.



We also get a soldier moved over from the American base as we were down to only 7 left!






We land next to a wheat field. We get our smoke deployed and start to pour out of the craft.



Pete spots a door being opened, but doesn't see the alien...



Time to wing it!...Nothing dies, no way in hell a floater or sectoid could take that..



Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed with superior firepower from SV!



Oh my god! It's some kind of snake thing!



Silencer blasts him with a burst of HE autofire!



Pete finds another one..



Pete and SV both fail at this, but Silencer comes through with the kill!



It appears we have this side of the LZ clear, time to go for that saucer!



We slowly sneak up on the UFO..



Trogdor was hiding in that building. Luckily that snake only hit the wall next to him.



Thorondor sneaks up behind it and shoots it in the back!



We stake out the entrance. It appears that this UFO is more or less intact. These guys have probably repaired their craft and we just barely got the jump on them before they took off!



Pete clears this orchard, looks like anything left is in the UFO...this is probably going to suck since we don't have a stun bomber with us..



An alien steps out into a barrage of pistol fire! Silencer takes one to the head from inside the craft!






Strike! Heal'em!



Silencer moves to a slightly safer location.



The door opens! A shot is fired killing Thorondor. The rest of the kill team returns fire!



Pete moves up to take his place. He drops his AC so there are no accidents..



We continue our wait.



An unarmed and panicking alien runs in and out of the door several times. We miss it every time..



Wondering if that's the last alien, Strike rushes in to investigate...it's not.



The alien runs out again. Pete shoots it in the side.



It then runs back into the UFO...



We get ready to storm this UFO, in force.



That unarmed alien comes and opens the door. Our squad fires and kills it and another alien that follows it. Silencer takes a shot from inside the UFO and drops to the ground..dead..



Time to clear this place out. Trogdor!!! In!!!



The last alien falls to a burst of plasma autofire!



9 aliens killed, 2 troopers lost and a fully intact UFO...this is our best mission yet!



NKF makes Colonel, Strike makes Captain and Pete and Trogdor make Sergeant!

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We sell the haul from the last mission. We get nearly 1.4mill!



Yes! Just in time too.


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We barely have time to get 3 of these built before the end of the month!



Our backup arrives in Eurasia. Good thing too, since 2 guys didn't make it back last time.



We hire on 25 more scientists to get through all this new tech faster.



Silencer gets a new and not so impressive clone this time, but it's the best we have!



We reassign everyone to the craft, and give everyone armor.



Finally have a fully functional base in New Guinea!



We'll garrison it with 10 soldiers, as well as make 10 laser pistols for them to transfer over.



Troops arrive after 3 days. Laser pistols get there hours later.



UFO #10 detected!



This one is picked up on the edge of New Guinea's radar range. It quickly disappears and our interceptor has to patrol for it.



Found it!



Wooo! This looks interesting!



Looks like we ran out of cash, folks.



Let's sell some medi-kits!



Sweet! Who wants one?



Now for the object of our quest. These will be sold to world militaries to replace their Vulcan guns on aircraft. It's a super secret contract we got.



Oh hell! We've never seen a large before!



Let's scramble our interceptor and see what it's up to!



Woah! That's awful quick for a second UFO...



And right in the same area...



Let's send'em to hell!



Oh...$&%#!!!!!!! What the hell is this!?!?!



Our interceptor is sitting back at base refueling. This thing is heading down the eastern US.



It lands in Central America...Should we try and take this thing on with our 6 man squad? Should we avoid it and take on the easier pickings we shot down in the Great Lakes area?

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EU's lift shafts are all looks and no substance. This allows you to fire bullets through them. If you fire a bomb down a battleship lift shaft for eg and don't plot any extra waypoints, it's quite possible to fly right through the ground level shaft tile and out of the map without exploding.


Blaster bombs do not follow waypoints accurately. Especially when asking them to make tight corners, there's a little bit of drift, and failing to account for this can have it clip onto walls that aren't technically a part of the flight plan. Again, the aliens do not account for this - I believe they just set the bombs to follow the same route nodes that they themselves patrol along. When you're firing bombs yourself, make sure you stick to the middle of narrow corridors as best you can to avoid walls, and if you've got waypoints left over, have the bomb double back on the target in case it missed the first time.


Note that bombs fired by aliens stick to waypoints more precisely then they do when you fire them. Yes, they actually get a bonus with blaster bomb accuracy. But they're still not "accurate".


If a bomb is set to travel along flat ground, and a solder is in the way, if that soldier is kneeling the bomb will go over his head without touching him. So long as there's nothing to hit immediately behind him, he even has a decent chance of survival.


Finally, if you're playing CE, telling the bomb to go directly up or down will instead result in it flying off to the south. The aliens don't know this and will often blow themselves up, especially during battleship missions where the alien with the launcher is on the top floor. The solution when you're firing the bombs yourself is to never plot a course ninety degrees to the ground.


... And don't even get me started on the maps themselves.

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Ok, this is one of the things about this mission that just shocked me:


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Somehow a bb shot hit from the outside and blew up on the inside of the craft. These two guys managed to live through it due to what appears to be a bug. Also I had doors sticking open all over the place, including the lift doors at the very bottom. Luckily we didn't have blaster bombs shot down there and kill everyone.








Our regularly scheduled programming will return tomorrow. I need a 10 hour power nap. It will have about 3 parts and involve lots of AWESOME!

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We are going in loaded for bear. 2 ACs, a rocket launcher with 8 rockets, and a small launcher with 6 stun bombs.



Our 6 best troops will be going in from the American base, commanded by Colonel NKF.



Get your asses on the transport, we've got to get the jump on these bastards before they catch on to what we're doing!


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Ok people. This is the alien's largest class of vessel. In all likelihood there's a commander on board. Your primary objective is to bring his ass back alive for interogation.



Our transport sets down in the forest. NKF gazes out training his AC on the trees.



Sarah and Thorondor are the first ones out the door. Thorondor spots one of those animal things and calls for backup!



NKF blows it to hell with his autocannon.



Next, Paul moves out and spots a floater.



Sarah wastes him!



Another reaper is spotted and another burst of AC-HE drops it!



Thorondor moves in closer and spots another...I think they are coming out of that thing in the middle of the ship. Maybe we need to get down there.



BB manuevers around to fire on the reaper, but it seems there's another one hiding in the shadows!



Sarah gets the best cover she can at present: The side of the UFO.



NKF spots a floater moving out from the craft.



With nobody else open. Jman snipes him with his small launcher.



Thorondor starts taking pot shots at the reaper. It's thick hide soaks up all the damage!



Jman reloads and he and NFK continue their flanking manuever around the UFO.



Suddenly, a floater moves out from behind the next hill and fires on Sarah. A hot plasma blast brings her to the ground, dead.



Paul crests the hill and IDs the attacker.



After 4 rounds are fired, the threat is neutralized.



NKF unloads his gun firing blindly into the bottom of the UFO. He then reloads with his spare clip.



Finally! The bastard drops!



NKF spots yet another reaper...He quickly dispatches it with a burst of AC fire.



Just to be safe, BB fires in another rocket. A scream is heard as another alien is killed.

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This Thorondor proves himself yet again. Those two corpses were put on the ground during the aliens' turn...


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NKF and Jman both move up as we get ready to storm the UFO.



BB has run out of rockets. He draws his laser pistol and gets an explosive ready...just in case.


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NKF and BB take a knee outside the UFO, watching that double door. Suddenly an alien with some new weapon appears. The see a purple streak rocket just to their right. It hits the hull of the UFO and somehow phases through it...pieces of alloy fly out and a death scream is heard inside. The dust themselves off and look inside. The reactor in there is blown, a floater corpse is lying in the elevator.



That same alien tries it again to Thorondor, but he fails and kills himself in the blast!



Thorondor moves up to survey the damage. Seems that rocket thing blew out the door on this side and 2 deads were killed in the blast.



BB moves to the lift. He arms his HE pack and throws it up into the craft so that anything up there is dead before he goes up.



NKF looks out the hole in the wall to see if anyone came out this side.


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BB goes up, sees nothing in the hallway, then moves through the door to his left. Going into the next room all he sees is the warped area in the floor where that bomb went off.



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Jman walks in at the bottom of the craft. He spots two aliens on the next level and he thinks another one at the very top. He raises his stun gun and fires on the two that are a threat to BB and NKF, dropping them.


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NKF steps out of cover only to be confronted with another alien. He fires a burst at it and drops it.


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Jman and Thorondor are still at the bottom of the lift. Thorondor shoots the one in the hallway, Jman fires up against a wall with his stun bomb and knocks out the alien next to the lift that NKF saw.



Jman fires another shot at the top. Direct hit!



Soon after he fires a reaction shot on another alien that moves out of this door. The alien drops to the ground stunned.



With his AC running low on rounds, NKF draws his pistol.


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Paul and Thorondor patrol the top deck...Nothing up here so far...

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Ahha! One of these guys has GOT to be the Commander..



Paul follows out one of those rocket guys. I guess he didn't want to fire on us a point blank range, so he ran out of the room like a coward! Paul uses his pistol to brain him.


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Jman steps into the hallway and fires at the two aliens down there. He then runs back into the lift room and lets Thorondor out to play.


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Thorondor blow this alien's guts out at close range, while BB is below them getting high.


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Dammit! We probably had a Commander in there. Oh well, I'm pretty sure that was an alien base mission we came across, there should be a floater base around here soon. Hopefully... Ok, onto the debriefing. WOW! 906 points! There were 23 aliens there, and we only lost one trooper. Seems one of the reactors was sabotaged during the fighting, or one of BB's rockets destablized the fuel. One or the other. Either way, wow! That's a lot of loot we brought back, even if the target alien died before we could transfer him to Eurasia! Promotions...NKF is now the Commander of X-com forces! SV is a Colonel, Jman is a Captain, and Siegfried, Thorondor VI and Paul are all Sergeants!






And lest we forget later...ALIEN CONTAINMENT...


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Our guys after the last mission...coming right along there NKF and Thorondor...


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We pick up UFO #11 again. We send up the interceptor to get a visual then order it to return to base. Looks something like a sub sandwich from the gun camera film.


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One lands in Haiti, the other in California. Later during the night they both take off and head north.


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Another craft is spotted in Europe as they leave. We order our interceptor to take it out. We follow it down to the crash site and get ready to rock and roll.

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SARAH!!! NO, not SARAH!!! :clapping:


We were going steady since the beginning of X-COM, and now she's dead... :P:D Not even the distance between the bases we were stationed at could interfere in our love, now the aliens have killed the undying. BASTARDS! REVENGE!


Having an improper relationship with a subordinate, soldier? SUCK IT UP!

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If there is room for one more, I'd like to toss myself into the mix! I'll be happy as second fiddle in the Americas. :clapping: This has been a really fun AAR to follow.

Welcome aboard!


Jman, you may want to use an interceptor to patrol around Cali and Haiti. Either bases, or alien infiltration. I hope bases, myself. And watch the end of the month report.

On it! I'm so hoping bases too, and it looks that way since those ships didn't land on cities like they do for infiltration. We really need to get a Commander, and we missed out on the one on that ship due to not having alien containment at the American base.

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Our craft descends into the forest. The ramp drops, and no hostiles are spotted. We only have one smoke grenade, so we throw it where it really matters: The Ground.



Our unit quickly disappears into the smoke and surveys the LZ. Suddenly, Silencer is brained with a plasma shot!


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Strike moves up and spots the alien. He came right into our smoke! A rocket swishes through the smoke and explodes next to the snake. *BOOM* Unfortunately Strike is critically wounded in the blast and limps back to Pete for him to use a medikit on him. 3 fatal wounds to the torso patched up, and he's good as new!


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Uta also sees an alien, she levels her plasma pistol and starts firing!



Moments later, Pete sees one coming from the northwest.


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Trogdor wastes him....then about 20 seconds later, another orange bastard is dropped to the ground in a puddle of green goo!


Pete is patroling the west, Strike is patroling the east. The rest of the squad is making a B-line for the UFO.


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Noticing that the reactor has blown out the roof, Uta readies a demo charge and throws it inside! Seconds later, a deafening boom rings out. Bits of dead snakeman are blown out the roof. Looks like we got one..



We get everyone near the door while Pete finishes up his patrol on the other side of the UFO.



Trogdor goes in! He sees 2 snakemen facing him, and decides today is NOT a good day to die. He runs back out before they can react to his presence.


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Pete finally gets back up with the rest of the squad, and everyone has their pistols out. The door opens, one of the snakes is dropped with reaction fire. Then a shot rings out from inside the UFO. Pete takes one to the chest and dies before anyone can tend to his injuries. Then seconds later the other alien comes out and we blast his ass!


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All in all, a decent mission. Really didn't want to lose Pete there in the end, but them's the breaks. On the bright side, Uta was a machine out there and killed about half of the aliens on her first mission. Go Uta, go!


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We sell the loot and get enough to expand our production capacity.


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We clone Silencer his 4th body. It's a decent heavy weapon clone, with high reactions. Tycho gets the other guy at the American base we had left. He's a total coward, and only good with reactions, but I guess he can improve. Assuming he lives. We order up another clone for Pete, he'll be ready in about 3 days.


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Another UFO is spotted. It's headed west out of Europe and we attempt to give chase. It quickly gets the hell out of there before we can shoot at it and our interceptor is forced to return to base.


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Meanwhile at AmeriCom, we scale back our ordinance loadout since we're not taking on a battleship this time out. We assign Tycho to the squad, good luck out there, soldier, you'll need it!

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Finally caught up on this epic AAR :clapping:


Hey, Pete, is it just me or are the guys really getting all bent out of shape and wrinkly? tongue.gif




Man, I feel like a million bucks! cool.gif *lights oversized cigar*


I know what you mean Thor. I keep throwing myself into the line of fire in an effort to stay forever young, but I can't quite match your rate of regeneration :P

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