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Civilization V: England vs The World AAR


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You guys promise not to lynch me if I screw this up too badly, right? No horrible beatings if I dishonor the land of tea and crumpets, right? Right?





Ah well, nothing to do now but charge ahead!


Here's the setup:

I shall be playing as her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth of England. Doing so gives me +2 movement to all Navel forces (I don't think this counts for Embarked land-units, however[i'll explain later, don't worry!]). It also gives me two unique units; The Longbowman and the Ship of the Line.

The Longbowman has an impressive three-tile attack range, compared to the usual two-tile range of the crossbowman(which it replaces) and most other ranged units.

The Ship of the Line replaces the standard Frigate, and can see one tile farther, hits a touch harder, and costs a touch less to construct.


The other details: To abuse the naval aspect of the English, I will be playing on an Archipelago map, which is fancy speak for lots of small-to-medium islands.

To help counter-act this, there shall be eight other Civs in this mess of islands, along with a whopping sixteen(!) City-states(one-city-only Civs).


Difficulty will only(HAH) be Normal for this playthrough, and my preferred pace of 'Epic' will be used. The game pace simply modifies how long it takes to build/research/grow/kill/win/etc everything. Epic-length games will take a touch longer than 'Normal'-length games, but are balanced to feel only slightly longer, if not the same.


Does that cover everything? I think so! Back into the breech lads, we must discover what horrible things Murphy has in store for me!




Annnd that's not too bad of a start! My settler is actually pretty much exactly where I would want him, really. Nice start, which suggests things will only go downhill from here...




Okay, still looking good! A Gem or Gold or even a Silver amongst those hill tiles somewhere would've been nice, but beggers and choosers and all that; I can't count the number of times my starting location has been totally horrible.


All things considered, fairly decent. Plenty of Hill tiles to help with production, four different food-bonuses to offest the large amount of hills(Two Deer, a Sheep, and a Fish; for those curious), a small river to add a tiny amount of gold in m-the country's pocket(hard to see, just to the left of the city), and two Luxury bonuses(the Whales, Cap'n!) to round out the set.


There are three types of bonuses, or Resources:


Food bonuses, shockingly enough, give a decent amount of bonus food to a city that works the tile containing the bonus. These types of bonuses are fairly common, and are things like Deer, Sheep, Cows, Fish, Wheat, and the like. The bonuses can also be increased in various ways by the different improvements you build on their tile; fishing boats for fish(dur?), hunting camps for deer, and so on.


Luxury bonuses are fairly straight-forward: They not only give some sort of tile bonus, but they also add +5 Happiness to your Civ, but only ONCE per resource. For example; working one of those Whales (with the proper tile improvement) would give me +5 Happiness, but working the SECOND would give no happiness bonus. However, I would then be able to trade away that second Whale to another Civ for something I don't have. Like money, as is usually the case...

(I'll try to hit Happiness at a later post, promise.)


Finally, there are Strategic resources. Things like Iron, Horses, Oil, and so forth. Any of these can provide some sort of city bonus(extra production, gold, whatever); but their main purpose is enable various certain units and buildings. For example, Swordsmen require Iron to be had before you can build them. Horsemen, oddly enough, actually need HORSES, and so forth. I'll cover these in more depth as we hit them.


SO. We have a city built! What shall we do with it? First things first, we shall build a MONUMENT!




...No really. Monuments have a single purpose that fufills two duties at once. They add a small amount of Culture to a city every turn, which increases the rate at which your city expands its' borders, and also add the same amount of Culture to the Civ every turn; enough of which will allow you to adopt various Social Polices.


...Have I overloaded your brain yet? I wasn't joking when I said there was a truckload to take in, huh? :P


Next up, we take a look at the overall scheme I have in mind for this fledgling backwa--amazing country, and the means to achieve said scheme!

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At the rate this is going, it will take some time for any music to play, no matter your exact meaning. :P

(PS FA, your link seems busted. D:)





Pretty, isn't it? Everyone starts off with Agriculture (that gold bar to the left that you can't see the name of), which only allows you to build Farms on the world map (+1 food on whatever tile you build it on) as well as serving as a gateway to the other four choices: Pottery(lets you build Granaries to speed up the growth of your cities), Animal Husbandry(reveals the Horse Strategic resource, and allows you to build Pastures around those and other livestock), Archery(gives you the Archer unit, your first ranged combat unit~), and Mining(which lets you chop down trees for a one-time bonus to production, as well as, uh, build mines. >.>).


The goal is at once simple, yet rather evil. We shall go after Pottery and follow that up with Writing, then abandon that track(for the time being) to swing to the bottom of the tech-tree and pick up Mining and Bronze Working. Once completed we shall swing BACK to the top and start working on Sailing.


Okay so that's not so evil, but it IS effective. Writing will allow us to build the 'Great Library' Wonder; which, assuming we build it before anyone else does, will give us one free tech from the tree! I'm going to attempt to time this construction such that we have Bronze Working finished BEFORE the Great LIbrary goes up. Why? Because then we'll use the wonder's free tech to acquire Iron Working for free.

Iron Working will be important this early PRIMARILY because it will reveal Iron on the map, and will allow us to make plans on how to acquire this vital resource(lots of unit types require Iron, from early to late game) as well as figuring out how far afield we'll have to go to secure some!



BUT I RAMBLE. Indeed, while I've been shooting my mouth off, our Warrior has been busy exploring this bac-glorious countryside, and has stumbled upon a useful windfall!




Ancient Ruins are the same thing as Civ IV's 'Goodie Huts', in that they'll contain anything from a free Tech, to gold, to a settler/worker unit, barbarians, even people that will settle in the nearest friendly city, increasing it's Population for free!




Of all these, the free Techs are of course the most valuable, desired, and rare. It seems that Murphy is taking it easy on me! For now, anyway. Regardless, that's one tech in the grand plan of things I don't have to spend time and energy on, which just makes things easier. Yay for ancient(er?) civilzations that couldn't cut it!


In what can only be described as too quick, our Warrior has run out of places to explore. :)




Behold the entire mainland of England!


...Only upside I suppose is not having to share anything with anyone else! >.>




"Hey look! I made a pot!"


"How much for a pound?"









"Hey boss, whatta we gonna do with all this culture lying around the place?"


"Eh, I 'unno. I SUPPOSE we could do something with it."


After what felt like ages, that Monument of ours finally impressed the peasents enough(?) or something that we were able to put our heads together an....


Okay I have no real way to explain /how/ it happened. All I know is we've got our first social policy, so...yeah!




Social policies are, in a nutshell, a way to specialize your entire Civilization. You only start off with access to the first three: Tradition, Liberty(OR DEA-wait wrong Civ), and Honor(Yes that's a Spartan).


Tradition Policies are built towards smaller Civs, with most of it's perks focused on bettering your Captial city.


Liberty Policies are for the huge sprawling English-esque Empires, where the more Cities you own, the more these perks give you a boost.


Honor is focused on fighting(THE ONLY HONORABLE TASK), be it Barbarians(The first perk gives you a huge advantage against them), or other Civs(+1.5 xp from combat is lovely).


For now, we shall start on Tradition, since we only have the one city(>.<) and it happens to be our captial(derp). The inital perk is 50% growth in the Captial, so fairly handy. The more growth, the more people. The more people, the faster the research goes(did I mention you get 2 research per 1 population?). The faster the research goes, the sooner we get access to ocean-going ships and can get off this roc--beautfil island to start an iron ru--spread our glorious, um, monarchy.







Questions, feel free to ask! So much of this stuff is second-nature to me, so I'm sure I'm accidently leaving critical information out somewhere!

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Mmm, here's a suggestion: Anyone you recruit for the army, make sure they aren't afraid of water. :P


I'll take the John Wayne approach: Throw 'em in the water! If they sink, they're not required to sign up. :)



Free techs are always beautiful.


So, it's rum, sodomy and the lash for your forces then eh? What are your initial plans for your navy?


Initially, I will be ignoring military units completly and focus on research/infastructure(well, maybe build an Archer or two). Half of the reason is with the starting Warrior, I can have LoS to all parts of the island. Barbarians can only spawn camps(camps = Barb's spawning point) in places covered by the Fog of War, so by keeping LoS on everything, I've only got Barbarian naval vessels to be worried about. I've yet to see a Barb land-unit actually embark across the water, but then again this WOULD be the perfect time for that to occur....hence the archer!


As for naval units, once I get Sailing researched I'll probably just buy a single boat and use it to explore the area. However, inital naval craft are restricted to costal waters (the light blue water), so unless it appears I'll be pressured by a hostile Civ early on I will probably just ignore them completely.


Risky, perhaps, but it's worked well enough before. Then again, previously the AI didn't handle water maps very well, and they're supposed to be better at it now....hrm.


It requires THOUGHT.

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For how long can you afford to neglect military? Can you get rushed or does archipelago map prevent that?



Not too overly long, probably somewhere in the neighborhood of about 100+ turns. An island map DOES help to slow rushes, yes; but on most map-types you already have a military to defend against Barbarians, so it's less of an issue/tactic in those cases.





Some fool nearly got beat to death when some peons found him in a cave outside the city, attacking a defenseless rock wall with a hammer and chisel while chanting.

Thinking he was partaking of witchcraft, they dragged him to the city officials; who questioned him. He revealed he was practicing something called WRITING.




Upon further questioning, they were forced to beat him again as his 'writing' consisted of insults to Her Majesty.


Nonetheless, I think we can do something with this 'writing'...







Not only are we on track, we're actually AHEAD of schedule, thanks to that goodie hut giving us Mining.


I briefly considered trying to get Iron Working the old fashioned way BEFORE we finish the Great Library, which would allow us to pick up one of the more expensive techs for free(Metal Casting); however the number crunchers were telling me we would only be half-way through Iron Working by the time the Library was finished, unless we put off building the wonder.


As that might lead to someone /else/ building it first, it was decided to go ahead and stick with the original plan. Gotta be greedy with those Wonders!



This seems to be working out okay, as a mere twenty turns before the Great Library is finished:




A little closer than I would've liked, this early, but hey! It works!


Also in that same turn:




Honestly, Tradition isn't my favorite policy to get very far into. However, the +food for the capital at the start is a godsend; and the one we just took (Aristocracy) gives whatever city building a Wonder an extra 33% production towards building said Wonder.


This is delicious, but it is not cake.


Speaking of delicious!



I have no clue what they're growing there, but with the abundance of deer nearby I can only assume it's corn.


I HOPE whatever farmer is hanging out there is also smart enough to sell tickets to hunters for the right to shoot any deer on his farm...



BEHOLD! Our mighty civilization has managed to acquire the ability to use pickaxes as /any/ building tool:



Don't ask me, I just tell 'em what to build.







Time to put those workers to work(tongue twister trying to spell that, I swear) at abusing those poor poor sheep.

ALSO, Animal Husbandry reveals the location of Horses, a strategic resource. Shall we see what lady luck has in store for us?





Well, I mean, four units of Horses is nice and all.

But how do you ignore HORSES when you're building a farm? >.>


"Holy mother of crumpets, what's THAT?!"

"Oh, that? Jus a really big deer, dat's all!"

"...Without horns?"

"Yeah, we figure he broke 'em off in some poor buck's face."


Ignoring for the moment the troubling blindness of the rank and file peons within this island, four horses will be a favorable boost militarily. Here's how each strategic resource basically works:


Each tile that contains a strategic resource has a limited amount of said resource. In this example, this tile has four horses. Not one, not two (excepting that thou then proceed to three...), but four.


Any unit that requires a strategic resource only needs ONE unit thereof. So, would we desire to build a horseman(which we can't yet, need another tech), we'd have to use up a horse to do so.


Should these units snuff it(argh too many python references in one go, what am I, british?!), the resource will become available for use by any other unit you desire to build(because apparently they only kill the riders, not the horses...). SO if we build four horsemen and two of them bite the dust, we can build two more but not four.


And five is right out.




OKAY that's enough of that. On to more important matters, shall we?




Hot diggity dog, it's Christmas!


...Wait. Crap. Um...


UGH. Anyway, let's not dilly-dally shall we:





BAMPF. Purple choking smoke aside, THAT is how you demoralize your opponents within sixty turns!

....Would more effective if AI HAD morale, I realize. BUT STILL.




Oh WOW. Murphy must be throwing up in a ditch somewhere. WHAT IS GOING ON.



Not only is that /six/ (count 'em 6!!!) units of Iron RIGHT THERE, but it's ALSO in the ONE spot I had ordered those workers to build that mine.


The rest of this game is going to suck, as wonderful(resource-wise, anyhow) this start is turning out to be. o.O




OKAY that brings me up with the actual game now. Did I confuse anyone (I keep re-reading the strategic resources thing and I THINK it makes sense, but I'm the nutcase that wrote it) with anything, or leave something out?


SPEAK and I shall(probably) deign to answer.


However I will probably hold off on updating till after Christmas, since things are so crazy out here right I can't tell if I'm going forward or backwards. Which, understandably, can be an issue at times. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

On to turn 61, and we have iron!




Not that we can do much with it at this point, but still! Good to have laying around.


Good thing I was actually trying for the Great Lighthouse this time(SIGH), I suppose, since someone else already got it. No matter, I'll just find out who and take it by force. Muhahaha.





Primarily used for getting the Camp tile improvment, turns Deer into decent food producers and allows you to get a happiness resource from Ivory(Elephaaannnntttss).

Have I covered happiness yet? Not really? Oh well. I'll hit that the next update, for good reason.


London now has a Library! Woot!



With that source of bonfire material built, we can now turn our efforts to the National College.


A national wonder can be built by every nation, but they usually have more restrictions than the simple 'research this tech to unlock said building.' In this case, the National College requires that you have built a Library in all your cities, AND has this little addenum that it's cost goes up the more cities/libraries you have.

Translation: If yer gonna go for it, go for it early, like we did. ;)



I feel I must question the effectiveness of this wall here...


Should any of those sheep be related to the

, we may have a minor problem. Could probably walk right over those walls, and then they'll go on a rampage...


Hay, luks lik ve can reed!


Writing, not so much.


These little blurbs are a good way to keep an eye on your foes early on. If someone breaks away from the pack significantly, usually means you'll hafta put them to the top of your threat list. Usually.




Okay nothing QUITE that awesome, but ya gotta start somewhere!


Someone paying attention may be wondering why I've been hoarding my monies. This is quite simple:


Because a simple fishing boat costs 270 gold if you're going to buy it right out. When you're making 6 gold a turn...


No use complaining though, managed to save the pennies well enough to acquire said boat. What for, anyway?



Why, fish, of course! This'll give a nice boost to London's food income, which means more citizens faster, which also means more production/research/gold/cookies/pirates/etc.


Culture cash-in time!



Having decided that this island, while cute, is far too small; I've opted to begin going down the Liberty track. In a nutshell, Liberty is designed to help those huge sprawling empires that reach out to as many pieces of land as possible, what with various bonuses that get better with each city you have.


Kinda like historical england on steroids. ;)


(GAH. I am way too fond of pictures. Got two more posts worth. Stupid post merge+photo limit. D:)

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College, check!


Very delicious science boost, check!


(That's +21 from a +9. Gotta love it.)


Horses! Check!



And now the real fun begins...



Optics! Why is this the key? Because Optics unlock land unit's Embark ability. Put simply, there are no longer any 'transport ships'(ONLY ZUUL). Instead, each and every land unit(once you hit Opticss) can put themselves on a boat and sail around.

Of course, Optics only allows Coast-tile seafaring(like with your other early boats), but this allows you to explore more than just coastline; which also means the map explotat--exploration shall begin in earnest!



Sure enough, within a turn or so we meet our first city-state!


Pretty sure I covered City-states fairly well eariler in the thread, but a recap:

City-states are one-city Civs with a reputation bar. You can increase this rep bar in various ways to reach Friend or Ally status(each Civ has it's own rep bar with each City-State, so while there can only be one Ally, there can be several Friends).

Friend status will give you a bonus based on that City's trait(in this case, Maritime gives your capital a food-bonus). Ally gives you, well an Ally. It also allows you to reap the nearby tile bonuses(in this case, 4 more horses and an Incense).


Each City also has it's own Personality trait, which influences what kind of rep-boosting requests they may ask of you(take-over a nearby City, produce a Great Person, Kill Barbarians, etc). In this case, Irrational means they'll pretty much be completely random.


The only other way to increase their rep-bar is by giving gifts of gold. By the by, did I mention that the Rep-bars will slowly go down every turn? Fortunally, there are various Culture-techs that allow you to vastly slow down the rate of decay(one Civ, Greece I think, is built for City-State abuse. Can practically stop the decay.)




SO! Nearby City-state eh? Let's go check it ou---oh dear.



Embarked troops have a LoS of exactly one tile, so there's often times when you land on an otherwise peacful shore to find an ugly welcoming committe. In this case, there's a Barbarian encampment(spawns Barbs) waiting for us. Glad I'm not that exploration party!





Masonry! The art of carefully placing one brick atop the other in a glob of mud and other various stuff. Will come in handy, although it is HELLA weird only getting this now, I usually go for the pyramids ASAP(+worker construction speed, very handy for large empires).



Another turn, and more info is visiable about the Barbs:


Oh dear. The encampment seems to be in a forest. As anyone defending in a forest or hill square gets a 25% bonus to their strength, that means attacking them at this point is a very stupid idea. I think we'll go look over to the west, k?


Well hello!


Yet another Maritime City-State, this time with a Hostile personality(being Venice, I suppose they're still angry at Indy's comments about them...).


Not going to be too worried about spending cash on these guys just yet, going to try to save the gold for buying up a few Settlers soon to expand.

...Then again, I might have some spare gold lying around now:


EL DORADO! Woo! Best thing about being the first to find this? A quick 500 Gold! ;)

Settlers ARE awfully expensive though, so I'll probably sit on this for awhile and weigh my options carefully...


Another City-State:


Almaty is a Military City-State, which means a Friend is occasinoally gifted near-tech miltary units(Allys get them faster). Not bad, but low-priorty just yet. Gotta find someone to beat up before we worry about it.







Yes, hello Monte! ..um, did you say 'Gape' or 'Ape' there? I mean, that's a fairly impressive gorilla impre----



....Shuttin up.



Well, doesn't look too terriably big just yet, even though that's not his captial. Will have to map him out, I think. He's the closest neighbor so far(And second-overall on the score, even if it is still all rather close), so he's high on the threat-list just yet.

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A few turns later:


Yaaay defensive military units! I'll go into detail on Archers and other ranged units once I get one!



With that done, we're going to shut SV up(<3) and go knock out the Wheel:



Wheel, Mathamatics(for the Machu Pichu wonder[+trade route income, useful once we get bigger]), then go unlock Philosphy to get a few city-buildings ready.



Hrm. Monte may be a bit of an issue soon. Wonder how big his 'island' is...


Well that's worrisome enough. Not enough to hit a panic button, but enough to stop being lazy and start planning out miltary units...



In other news, some punk fisherman discovered that Whaling isn't as easy as fishing:


In related news, prices of harpoons jumped 30% today...



Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'~



Oh dear, what's this?


Venice is being assaulted by Barbarians! D:

Well, it'll be a nice way to get some excerise perhaps!





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I feel a great disturbance in the Force...as if a million Jedis all groaned at once.


The Mysterious Cities of Gold!!


Is it just me, or is this series like the secret cult we all know about, but don't talk about?


Until now.

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