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A Tale of Two Rudies - CMBB AAR


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I can't do justice to the briefing, so I'll simply display it here. I doff my cap to scenario designer John Bertles.






So I assume it's going to be an escalating battle, with various clumps of reinforcements turning up at odd times. It's 1943, the weather is cool and overcast, damp but not raining, so not too bad for men or vehicles.


The terrain is a little challenging.



The overhead view reveals why the town is the main objective.


Two flags on the main approach to it, and three flags in the town itself.


My forces are a little light, but hopefully some of those reinforcements should turn up soon. I've divided my chaps into two groups. On the north bank, I have one PSW 232, a funky eight-wheeled reconnaissance vehicle armed with a 20mm cannon, two Panzer IIIN tanks armed with 75mm guns (the dinky little L/24 versions), and two infantry reconnaissance platoons (3 sections and a HQ each).


On the south bank, I have a PSW 222 (only four wheels on this one, damn it) with a 20mm cannon, two halftracks with MGs, two Sturmhaubitzes with 105mm guns, a 37mm anti-tank gun, two MG 42 LMG teams, two 81mm mortar teams, and a 75mm artillery spotter.


As these forces are really quite light, and I have 45+ turns to play with, I'm going to be very tentative, and settle for identifying enemy forces rather than immediately getting into a battle. My plan is thus:


N-Group will be very, very cautious indeed. The PSW 232 will probe ahead of my Panzers, checking out the road. The zig-zag shape, and high sides, make the valley a perfect fatal funnel to enter, with each zig and zag covered by MG/ATG fire from positions up on the high ground. The Panzers will roll up well behind the 232. The infantry platoons are going to push into the woods towards the town, taking no risks. Note I've turned trees off and scaled the units up for a clearer view plus it's hilarious.



S-Group's objective will be to blow the shit out of the town. I know fine well there are umpteen enemy units in and around it, dug in, with plenty of ammo. So, I'm going to drop my 75mm Uncle Arty liberally on the town, then take out as many buildings as possible (hopefully all of them) with my Sturmhaubitzes. Their 105mm guns should make short work of most buildings (my best HE chuckers on the map, blast rating of 115, compared to 3 for my 37mm ATG, 26 from the 81mm mortars, and 45 from my Panzers). The 81mm mortars I'll save for point targets, and my LMGs for engaging any enemy infantry doing a runner. The 37mm ATG will cover the 222 as it advances very very slowly indeed up the road. The two halftracks will be sitting quietly on their best behaviour, acting as transport for the mortars and ATG.


Eat it, Rommel.


Turn 1


A Stuh (sounds like it's missing a consonant after talking about Stugs for so long) MtCs forward, and takes up a nice position overlooking the bridges into town and the surrounding area.


From there, he can hit some of the outlying buildings, and keep an eye out for any ATGs on the hills behind the town. The other Stuh, arty spotter, mortars and LMGs are all taking up position on this hill. Firepower City.


N-Group's 232 probes into the beginning of the valley.


I really don't like going in here. Most of the valley sides are too steep even for troops. Killing ground for sure. Never mind MGs and ATGs, what about infantry chucking Molotvs and grenades from the top of those ridges. :cool:

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I'm hoping the arty and the Stuhs will clear out the town itself. I think I must be stupid.


Turn 2


N-Group's PSW barely gets started MtCing into the valley when it spots trouble.


As bullets rattle off the hull, Unteroffizier Bott merely orders his gunner to return fire, not actually buttoning up until the second burst sends rounds pinging by. Not going to live long, that one.



Now, the PSW's rather small 20mm cannon might seem a bit light for KOing bunkers, but it does have its advantages. It's L/55 (L = length, and the number is the length of the barrel in its calibre, e.g. the PSW's barrel is 55x20mm long, or 110cm), which means it has a decent velocity (880m/s) which means a flatter trajectory, so it's easier to be accurate with, and the small, light round means a quick rate of fire. While each individual round is weak, the gun is actually quite capable of potting round after round into the bunker's firing slit, and killing or scaring the occupants.





The Panzer III was looking hopeful as it rolled up, but no, the bunker has been Botted.


The Stuh starts the bombardment.


2-3 of those 105mm shells per building = no more building. Each Stuh is carrying just over 30 shells. There are about 25-30 buildings in the town. :cool:


The second Stuh rolls into position.


Barring intervention from a good ATG, the Stuh will be able to splash HE into most of the town.


Turn 3


On the north bank, a recce section comes under what looks like MG fire.


Hitting the deck, they take no casualties, and no further fire comes. They can cover some of the valley road from there, anyway, making it a little safer for the PSW 232.


S-Group's PSW 222, parked on the road near the 37mm ATG, and quite rightly wary of going further, spots some enemy infantry running away.


I think they ducked out of that small clump of buildings outside of the town. They disappeared from view before the 222 could get a shot off, not that a 20mm cannon and MG would do much at this range.


The 222, buttoned up, fails to notice two near misses, then spots an enemy gun when it has a third crack, and reverses quickly into cover.


Hardy's Stuh sees it, a gun sited to cover the approaches to the town, and starts shooting. One hit with that 105mm and that gun is out of action. Hardy manages to get close, pinning the gun, then overshoots.


Not really meant for accuracy, the 105mm howitzer. Tsk.


Rausch's LMG team, ensconced nicely in a wooded bower, spots some enemy infantry, possibly the same units the 222 saw earlier, and opens fire.


At 475m, that will only tickle them, sadly. Oh, for a HMG.


Kunick's Stuh spots enemy infantry way over on the other side of town.


I'll let him have a shot or two, as the thought of planting a 105mm shell in the middle of a rifle section is tempting, but I need to conserve those rounds for demolition.

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Turn 4


As N-Group's vehicles move forward, they come under MG fire. One idiot, one moron, one bloody stupid fool of a Panzer commander, despite taking two bursts, fails to do anything.


And then gets shot. The prat. Button up after the first burst? Sensible. After the second? Brave. Getting hit by the third? Priceless.


Bott's 232 is only seconds late, spotting the enemy and putting fire down, prudently buttoned up.


What was it I said about being careful, etc etc.


N-Group's Stuhs start doing some damage.


One or two units of infantry evacuate their positions, coming under LMG fire as they do so.


Hardy spots the enemy gun as it pops up again, and misses.


He got a bit enthusiastic there, overshooting so much the shell landed off-map. I couldn't even find the impact until I turned trees off.


Another building goes up like a thing exploding.


Ah, HE. What would we do without it.


Andy guns the engine on his 222, puts the pedal to the floor, races up the road, and swerves off the road into a dip by the river.


Out of sight of that enemy gun, oh yes. Mobility, suckers.


Turn 5


N-Group recce infantry push on, leapfrogging from cover to cover.


No enemy spotted, but that's no excuse to get slack. I don't want to get too close as the arty will be going in soon, but close enough to be able to sweep in when the last shell lands.


Hardy's 105 shells, smashing into that small group of buildings outside of town, scares up quarry.


Must have left the gas on...


Turn 6


Kunick notches up another house.


It improves the experience if you imagine it happening in slow motion. Make your own sound effects, by all means. I do.


Hardy, not to be outdone, brings a house down. After it finishes blowing up.


And let that be a lesson to you, bloody cowboys. Build properly, or not at all!


Deych's LMG squad, making a run forward, comes under fire from two enemy MG bunkers.


He very sensibly crawls sobbing back to the wood he just left.


Hardy has a brave try.


Out at around 750m, slotting a shell into the firing slit might be a bit tricky, but the 105 is big enough to kill the bunker without that. Needs to be a bit closer though.


Bott, still taking the odd burst of MG fire, takes a hit.


Two or three more ricochet off afterwards. Must be an AT rifle. Not a big worry, but I can't advance until I know where he is, so I don't expose my PSW's pretty rear and flanks to him.


Turn 7


I send one of my S-Group halftracks on a sneaky beaky mission to discover what's beyond the next hill.


Mission: Idiotic.


Andy's 222 tries another ambitious move, hoping the dust from the recently destroyed buildings will shield him from the enemy gun.


Oh well, worth a try. I'm going to see if one of my mortars can get on target and splat that gun.

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At the bird eye view you wrote that is shows why the town is the main objective. Is that only because the town is in the centre of the map or is there something I missed?

I'm guessing it's because that's where the greatest concentration of objectives (flags) to secure can be found? :cool:




Then again, who cares about objectives? Let's just blow us up some more shoddy constructions... :(

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I'm guessing it's because that's where the greatest concentration of objectives (flags) to secure can be found? :cool:


Yep, basically. With five flags in/close to the town, I can ignore the others.

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The objective, I'm glad to say, is the geographical position, rather than the buildings. Holding the town means you effectively block the roads to either side of it. Of course, capturing those would be nice too...


Turn 8


Bott's 232 takes another round from the mystery AT rifle.


Even the crew aren't bothered, they're not reversing or anything. I think I'll just let him ping away and hope my infantry spot him.


My infantry, eagle eyed as always, fail to spot the AT rifle team, but do manage to spot a bunker machine-gunning them.


No casualties again, quite lucky. That bunker's placed to cover that stretch of road, quite a commanding position.


See? It'll have protection against infantry assault, too, mark my words.


Meanwhile, back at S-Group, Polak's 81mm mortar starts hitting that enemy gun position. He can't quite see it, but the area target is only a few metres away.


Looks like an airburst in the trees. Certainly close enough to have caused a casualty or two. Pins the gun for the rest of the round, anyway. I love mortars, me. Wish these lads had more ammo.


The first round of my arty strike hits.


That's some way off, really. About 150m or so. While I don't expect every shell to hit the same spot (in fact, that would defeat the point of this artillery strike), they've got to land somewhere in town.


Turn 9


Another building gone.


I hope no units were totally wiped out in that explosion, hahaha.


The halftrack, quite clearly in a world of its own, ignores two near-misses and only wakes up when a third shell hits.


Another Russian gun, emplaced to stop sneaky types from sneaking round that hill. Damn. The halftrack reverses out of sight, MG damaged, but still serviceable as a battle taxi.


What sounds like enemy artillery starts landing on my hill.


Bugger. The Stuhs will be fine, but my LMG and mortars teams will suffer, being relatively small.


Turn 10


And another one reduced to dust.


Do you think the Stuh crews like their jobs?


Yes, definitely enemy arty.


Might have to pull that LMG team to the right. But the main concentration of rounds is not on target.


Hardy's Stuh, shifting to get a better view of the town, gets splashed by the enemy arty and targeted by another enemy gun.


Several AT rounds ping off the hull, so I assume that gun doesn't have the oomph to penetrate the Stuh's flank. Good stuff. I can take that gun out at my leisure.


N-Group benefit from an overall rise in common sense, with Kuhn buttoning up as he comes under fire.


Evolution at work.


Bott's 232, pushing on ahead despite coming under fire from two AT rifle teams (neither of which he can see, incidentally), gets a rather more serious hit.


That's an ATG, which exposes itself going for a follow-up shot.


That's sited on the same hill as that enemy bunker. Bastards.


The crew of the 232 bail out and run for it.


Enemy units either side of the road burst out of hiding, and combined with the MG fire, the crew is wiped out. Nasty way to go.

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I'd settle for some more PSWs!


Turn 11


Hardy's Stuh, amidst many explosions, is targeted by two guns.


Thankfully, both are equally impotent.


I have one 81mm mortar with HE rounds, and it makes its presence felt.


Pretty good shooting, Lengsfeld. One enemy gun taken out. Well worth 9 rounds of HE.


Rausch attempts to relocate away from the artillery strikes, and those enemy bunkers open fire again.


Still no casualties though. I wonder what those MGs are firing. Sweeties?


N-Group's infantry finally bump into the enemy.


They panicked a little, out of command range of their HQ, then recovered. Steady, chaps. Two sections, moving into support, spot the same enemy unit, and while one runs away when they come under fire, the other shoots back.


Still haven't taken a single infantry casualty.


Where are those reinforcements?


Turn 12


Hardy's Stuh, just getting into position ready to bombard the town a little more, gets hit by another gun.


Well, that's just perfect. So, somewhere, currently unidentified, there's either a 76.2mm field gun, or a 57mm ATG. Bastards.


Despite retargeting after the spotting round missed, the 75mm artillery strike still comes down well off-target.


My luck seems to have run out this round.


Kuhn's Panzer III, edging forward and laying down fire on the hidden infantry, takes a hit.


The killer was tentatively identified as a SU-76M, hull down and smug.


And the recce lads finally take a casualty.


Hopefully, with three sections versus the one enemy unit, it will be the only one, but I'm wary. I think it's a rifle section, so the other units of their platoon will be close.


Turn 13


Unlucky for some, but not for me. Turn 12 was unlucky for me. Turn 13 is great for me, because some reinforcements are here! Two groups, one on each side of the river.


Kunick notches one up in memory of Hardy.


"I am become death!" Howls Kunick's gunner, before they cram a sedative down his throat.


S-Group's reinforcements.


3 Stugs, a Stuh, a halftrack, 2 HMGs, a section HQ, a company HQ, two infantry platoons, and a 105mm spotter. The halftrack taxis the HMGs up the hill, with the spotter trotting along behind. The Stugs, Stuh, and infantry deploy along the road.


The artillery strike becomes absurd.


The only thing the rounds are getting closer to is the spotter calling them in.


The new arty spotter comes under MG fire as he labours up the hill, from those twin bunkers.


Bloody things. Have to see about taking them out, they're becoming a nuisance.


N-Group's recce infantry has surprising success against the enemy infantry.


Wonder what happened there? Unit, in trees, in a foxhole, wiped out in two turns of small arms fire? Must have been a small team, rather than a rifle section.


N-Group's reinforcements rush the treeline.


2 Stugs, a Stuh, a halftrack, 2 HMGs, a section HQ, a company HQ, two infantry platoons, and a 81mm mortar spotter. Not too shabby. Vehicles will stop at the treeline and the infantry debus into the trees, saving their little legs the walk.

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Turn 14


N-Group's infantry reinforcements head into the woods.


Straight up the slope, through the trees, and on into the town.


The MG 42s ride into the Valley of Death.


Sadly, it won't be able to bring them much further. The AT rifles will smash the granny out of it.


Polak, out of HE, puts his last few rounds to good use, blinding the enemy bunkers.


Bloody good shooting. Now, how am I going to KO those two when the smoke clears? My 105mm arty is heavy enough to do it, but I don't want to waste it on two bunkers. My Stuhs could do it, but it would take a lot of rounds before they get on target, I think. Same with the Stugs, though I think they may be the (marignally) better choice.


Kunick can only grin.


Sadly, he's down to his last 4 HE rounds. However, I did get another Stuh in the reinforcements. :cool:


Turn 15


Recce infantry, pushing through the trees, sees the town.


Fair bit of open ground between the woods and buildings though. There'll have to be plenty of covering fire while they Dr Richard Kimble it.


The MGs pile out of the halftrack and make for the top of the hill.


Even with the PzIII and halftrack giving covering fire, the enemy MG keeps shooting, and the MG crews stay down. Damn those resilient Russians.


The 75mm arty spotter is once again well off-target. Unable to hit the town, I aimed at the bunkers instead.


Still, fish for tea!


Turn 16


Reinforcements part. Stugs move left, heading for the road through the valley, while the infantry and the Stuh push on.


I want the Stuh to see if it can get an angle on the bunker and AT gun on the hill, and maybe blow that SU-76 away.


So, enemy still in the town then.


And those twin bunkers across the river are angled to provide fire too. Shit. I really must take them out.


The halftrack takes a solid hit.


No damage, this time. The PzIII will have to put down some smoke while the MGs head for the trees and the halftrack reverses.

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Turn 17


The damaged halftrack rocks up next to the 105mm arty spotter, and he jumps in, happy enough to make love to an armoured vehicle. Unfortunately, an enemy gun targets the halftrack. And artillery starts falling, just missing the halftrack.


And again.


And again.


Although the arty does nothing other than scare the shit out of the spotter and halftrack crew, the gun finally gets on target.


The halftrack escapes damage, the spotter team takes a casualty and bails out. Oh dear.


Kunick makes the most of his last few rounds.


Should drive house prices up though.


The 75mm arty spotter just cannot get on target, wasting his last few rounds on the hedge near the wheatfield.


Absolutely useless. Someone take his map and turn it the right way up.


I'm going to see if this Stug can get a position in the dip between the two hills, and see down the valley.


I need something on this flank, a small sign of success, anything.


The mortar spotter, escorted securely by infantry, closes in on the town.


Fairly soon, those 150 81mm rounds are going to be scouring the town, and any juicy targets that present themselves.


Turn 18


An overhead view of the situation.


Not progressed too far, but there's still more than half the battle to go. Loads of time.


I am stupid. Here's why.


My infantry went along the road (red arrow). They should have went straight over the hills, keeping to the trees (green arrow). From their current position, it's about 300m of open ground just to get to the bridge, then about another 60-70m before they reach decent cover in the town. They'll be slaughtered. I'm going to have to waste 2-3 turns getting them back into the trees. Stupid, silly mistake, and there's no excuse for it.


The Stug's 75mm may not be made for destroying houses.


But you can't really tell.


They are, after all, assault guns. Infantry support is their raisin debtor. Or something.


One of the HMG crews, moving into position on the hill, takes a casualty.


It's not the casualty I'm worried about, it's the loss of the ammo he was carrying. Tsk 69 units, down from 85. Bah.


On the north bank, the Stuh decides to bog down.


I'm not spinning round and flapping my hands yet, but I am slapping my face.


The recce infantry, taking MG fire from the town and the twin bunkers, turf an enemy unit out of the woods.


Aye, you better run. Hide in one of those remaining houses.

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Turn 19


Yet another domicile homicide.


You can run, but you can't hide (in houses).


The first platoon heads up the hill, with the rest following.


They're going to need about another five turns before they're near the bridge. Massive cock-up.


The enemy gun is bracketed by 75mm and 105mm HE blasts.


And is KO'd. What a shame! Halftracks, vorwart!


Schoolboy error with my HMGs on the north bank, debussing them in open ground.


Multiple enemy MGs (three, at my count) can get eyes-on, and the PzIII isn't shooting back because the commander's brains are currently decorating the outside of the tank, so they don't know what's going on, the halftrack is reversing wildly to get out of sight of an AT rifle, and the Stug has only just turned up.

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So, is this really an uphill or downhill battle? I can't seem to make up my mind...


Though the ongoing revision of urban planning is definitely rather uplifting. :cool:


Anyway, I'm sure your previously shamefaced superior (whose loving christening we shall refrain from repeating for health-related reasons) is now having a grand ol' time on account of your exertions.




I've heard reinforcements have just been ordered to run another warm-up lap back at HQ before being allowed to think about heading out too. Some people just love remaining able-bodied is all...

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It's both, repeatedly. Although the roads and the town are fairly level ground, there are plenty of hills. Firepower Hill, where my LMGs, HMGs, arty spotter, and Stuhs are, dips and there's a sort of saddle then another taller hill, then a gentle up slope, on the south side of the river. Firepower Hill from the perspective of the town.



On the north bank, you have some nice, flat land before it rises into a long ridge, dropping to flatness where the town is. The valley has some very high ground to either side, a long spine of a ridge off to the right, and hills topped with plenty of foliage. Enemy POV down the valley towards my forces.



Turn 20


Speaking of reinforcements. N-Group get two halftracks, each with an 81mm mortar team snug inside.


S-Group get three halftracks, each with a flamethrower team inside. Like metal kinder eggs, but with fiery death.




Kunick, down to his last few shells, targets one of the twin bunkers with a hollow charge.


Meant for taking out tanks, the round makes short work of the wooden bunker. Absolutely spot-on marksmanship. Usually in these situations it takes 5-6 rounds of HE splashing all over the place like a madwoman's shit.


And as the Stugs roll forward, the first flag falls under my sway.


Still have to find that gun off to the right, which killed my Stuh, could be a serious threat. Although looking at the Stuh's side armour, it only has 30mm, which is doable for a 45mm gun, depending upon range. Hmm.


S-Group's Stuh powers free of the obstruction.


Bogged down? My arse.


And the 81mm blasting begins.


Thank God this chap's more on target than the last incompetent. Soon dig you lot out with my 81mm shovels...

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...>.> FA, I think Thor was asking if you were winning (downhill) or losing (uphill) the battle.


Then again it's quite possible that he wasn't and that's just what /I'M wanting to ask. I'm not sure. xD

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FA, I think Thor was asking if you were winning (downhill) or losing (uphill) the battle.


Urgh. :( Ultimo facepalm.


Turn 21


Kunick, lacking enough HE to blow up any more houses, decides it's time to get another bunker.


Another HC round, another hit, another kill. Two for two, as the Americans say.


The two HMGs are now set up on Firepower Hill, and set about chastising the Soviets with 7.92mm.


Infantry start popping up out of rubble, trees, and the remaining buildings. Good timing.


One enemy rifle section gets close to my lead Stug (looked like he was headed over the bridge actually), covering a good 100m of open ground before the MGs find him.


There's still plenty of enemy about.


My brand-spanking new halftrack, 37mm gun and all, takes a few hits and shrugs them off.


Except that one. The flamethrower team in the back takes a casualty as well. There must be a gun that can see this stretch of road. Must find it. And get the other halftracks into cover.


Turn 22


Some very welcome reinforcements turn up on the north bank.


Two kubelwagens towing 20mm AA guns, a halftrack towing a 75mm infantry gun, another halftrack towing a 150mm infantry gun, and a Brummbar assault gun (also 150mm). Oh yes. :cool:


With the valley road so well covered by enemy MGs and AT rifles, I can't afford to move the halftracks and guns there.


I send one of the kubelwagens after the Stug seeking a view down the valley, but the other vehicles, except the Brummbar, will have to wait. Which is a bit shit, because that's a lot of firepower. Moving the 20mms by hand wouldn't be hard, but the 75mm would be slow, and the 150mm barely a crawl. Best to wait until there's some breathing space.


A great example of what would happen to the guns.


I'm going to have to do something severe to those enemy MGs.


Yet another house gives in and explodes.


Not spontaneously, you understand.


The infantry go where they should have gone in the first place.


About time, eh lads? Sorry about that.


Found Hardy's Stuh killer.


Not a gun at all, but a SU-76.


Two of them. Happily, they're shooting against a Stuh's front armour now. Good luck with that boys, especially with 105mm coming back at you.


Turn 23


Dittmer's Stuh finally gets into position overlooking the valley, and gives the bunker some stick.


Unfortunately, he doesn't spot the gun.


That's okay, he can kill you too.


Chronister's Stuh swaps shots with the SU-76s, splashing them with HE but not KO'ing them, and their 76.2mm AP shells scream in and ricochet away without effect.


Mostly. Time for a retreat.

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Chronister finds out what it is they call shell-shocked. His armoured ego deflated, he disgracefully insists upon reloading... :(


Not that you care... :cool:




FA, I think Thor was asking if you were winning (downhill) or losing (uphill) the battle.

Whatever floats your boat, lads... :(

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Overall, I'm doing okay. Casualties have been fairly light, apart from some sloppy mistakes. I could have pushed faster, earlier, but that would have ramped the casualties up, and there's really no need.


The guns are nice, but getting them into action is going to be problematic. They need to be able to see the enemy, so they have to disembark close to, if not at, their firing position. But of course, the enemy will shoot at them. So I'll have to provide a lot of suppressive fire, or drop some of my few remaining smoke rounds to screen them off. They're difficult to use on the attack, heavy guns, and you often need to keep displacing them every few turns as enemy units are killed or move out of sight. The 20mms are actually quite mobile, and the 75mm isn't too bad, but the 150mm is painfully slow.


I could use some tanks, to be honest. :cool:


My plan at the moment is to push my infantry forward, with N-Group's men flanking the town to the left. From there, they can progress along the ridge, attacking units in the valley to their left, and pushing into the town on their right. The valley is going to be scoured with firepower before I even think of advancing down it, so the Stugs, guns, and Brummbar should be of use.


S-Group's men are going to take the next hill, clear the area around it, then, under a lot of covering fire, sprint across the bridge and into the town if necessary. The Stugs, HMGs, and 105mm arty spotter will come in handy.



A bit of gun detail.


The 20mm is an AA gun, designed for taking on aircraft, but it can depress and quite happily take on ground units. Rapid rate of fire, and a complement of HE and AP shells means it can take on infantry and light vehicles with equal success.


The blast rating is poor, so you can forget about digging infantry out of cover with it, but it can chew up exposed infantry like a HMG.


The 75mm, as you can see, is a pure HE chucker, designed to roll up and lob shells at enemy infantry, strongpoints, buildings, etc. Respectable blast rating of 47. It's not designed to fight tanks, hence the extremely short barrel, though it does have HC ammo to take on armour if it has to.


Note that HC penetration doesn't drop with range, unlike AP ammo.


The 150mm is another HE chucker. Short barrel, not designed to take on tanks (although 150mm HE can still mess a tank up), but very effective at blowing shit up.


The blast rating, 248, is the maximum the game allows.


Please note that all three are designated 'very slow', when being bucked over ground by their crews, so what I said earlier about the different speeds is obviously a load of bull plops.


Turn 24


Dittmer's Stuh takes on the gun that blew his track.


I'm using area target because sometimes, units hide or get pinned, and drop out of sight, so the target unit order expires. If you area target, the unit just blasts the area until stopped by you or lack of ammo.


A hawk-eyed chap spots something nasty on the valley road.


There's room to skirt round it, but I'd rather get rid of it. A demo charge or big HE shell should do the job...


The other 20mm AA gun disembarks and looks for a position to see into the valley.


Perhaps he can spot one of those AT rifles and turn it to mush.


The infantry push on, taking hardly any casualties at all.


From here, they'll have to leg it across the road, then go right and into the town, and left along the ridge.


Chronister, despite shitting himself, manages to reverse out of sight of the SU-76s.


Well, he may be a crewman down, but he's still got twenty rounds to use up.


Yet another house breaks out in a serious case of debris.


If you've got a unit in a house when it goes up, you can expect to lose half of it at best.


Infantry come out of their holes.


Truly, the only way to get infantry out of their positions is either to wipe them out with exorbitant amounts of HE and/or bullets, or drive/wipe them out by assault.


The 105mm spotter gets back into the damaged halftrack for a lift to the other side of the hill.


I hope he has better luck than last time.

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Turn 25


Some more reinforcements. A halftrack, and two 81mm mortars inside. Absolutely beautiful.


I adore mortars, and they'll have a lovely time up on Firepower Hill. Great views, wonderful company, and a tree to poo behind.


Lattmann's 37mm gun gets up to its first serious task of the battle.


Up until now, all he's done is shell the odd infantry unit. Now he's taking on a tank destroyer at 800+ metres. For this, he has to rely on his armour-piercing and tungsten rounds, as the hollow charge ammo only has a range of 300m. HC was a late development, to make the 37mm more effective when its AP rounds were all but useless versus the T-34 and KV tanks. The HC ammo isn't even a shell:



Infantry crest a small rise near my Stugs and gets a 75mm surprise. Mmm, HE flavour.


Despite the high ground of Firepower Hill, the lay of the land is such that, using small dips and rises, infantry can stay out of sight a lot of the time, even when crossing open ground.


As infantry units look for cover, another house dies.


The shower of debris spatters nearby units and they naturally decide to lay down while they pull pieces of brick out of their faces.


Bridge crossings are murder.


Especially when 3 MGs are targeting you. I don't think he'll be trying that again. Back to the town he goes.


The LMGs on FP Hill displace and join the infantry heading for the next rise.


Whether that was arty or mortars, I don't know, and how it didn't kill him I also have no idea.


Sound contacts, probably two more SU-76s, coming up near the KO'd twin bunkers.


Time to get my Stugs hull-down and retask them to take out armour.


Meanwhile, back with N-Group, Dittmer's Stuh proves that not being able to move is not really a hindrance.


Especially not when you have a big gun. Bunker KO'd and set on fire. Again, superb marksmanship, two rounds and done. Shame he can't see the mines on the valley floor to destroy them.


I'll just have to get the Brummbar to do it.

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Turn 26


Had to happen eventually.


The valley is home to several AT rifle teams, and one's been potting away at my halftracks for ages. I simply cannot send guns/mortars/HMGs in there in halftracks, because this will happen, and then the weapon crews will get chewed up by enemy MGs when they climb out. Still haven't spotted a single AT rifle team. I hope my infantry pushing along the ridge will see them, but I'm doubtful.


Despite enemy fire, with the help of command bonuses provided by a Vogt's section HQ, Fitz's HMG gets set up on a hill overlooking the entrance to the valley, and spots an enemy.


Another SU-76, closing in.


The 81mm mortars, HMGs, and guns all need leadership if they're going to set up in such an exposed position.


So Vogt moves, hiding as best he can in open ground, and lending the other units the strength of his steel will. +1 to morale, combat, and stealth.


The first infantry section crosses the road and dives into the trees on the other side.


While celebrating crossing a road might seem to be only for young children and people with severe learning difficulties, machine gun fire can change one's perspective.


An enemy mortar targets Laurberg's 81mm.


If he was set up, I'd be confident enough to let him duel it out. As it is, the Brummbar takes offence.


I think that might have done the trick, somehow. Scratch one enemy mortar.


Witt's Stug eases into the dip between a pair of hills, overlooking another stretch of the valley.


"It is my duty to inform you that I cannot see shit."


It's a non-stop adventure for N-Group, as the infantry, climbing the next hill, get a horrible shock.


Not a single casualty. How on Earth that's possible, I'm not sure. The arty isn't particularly big, it might even be a 81mm mortar spotter, but that many rifle sections in close proximity means someone should have been hit. Fortune favours the brave!


Lonn's Stug, racing to get hull-down, hits the edge of a minefield.


A casualty, and immobilised. Nasty. An enemy infantry unit chucked a Molotov at him as well, but that missed by a good 40m.


The arty is falling like rain on Firepower Hill, reducing what was constant HMG fire support to sporadic.


It looks like a mix, I can see two different blast sizes. One's quite small, so it's probably 76.2mm artillery, and the other's larger, so it could be 81mm mortars. They're pasting FP Hill at the moment, I'm glad the infantry has moved out and is only on the periphery.


Lattmann picks up the SU-76s again and gives them something to think about.


At that range, a kill is very unlikely. I'll have to see what my Stugs can do.

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Turn 27


Lattman promptly tops his track hit.


Now, for a 37mm, that's not a bad shot at all. Didn't kill the SU-76, but made him reverse. It's reassuring to know that Lattman can penetrate at least some of the frontal armour.


Waldstein's Stug, snugly hull-down and with a new arc of fire targeting armour, spots the SU-76 Lattman holed.


It rolls out of view just as he finishes elevating his barrel. Ooh, close one. Next time, SUcker.


Kraft's HMG jams, and Hermanns' HMG promptly takes an arty hit.


Two casualties, reducing the crew to half strength. Won't affect him for too long, as the section HQ, headed by Lt. Reuter, is within command range (+2 to command and stealth, +1 to combat and morale).


An infantry unit runs in behind Lonn's crippled Stug. His brother Stugs are watching for armour, and the HMGs are currently suppressed by arty.


A hurled explosive charge (in mid-air in the screenshot) takes the Stug out, and Lonn and co. bail out.


Yep, still a few units in and around the town.


I've kept a handful of infantry strung out along the ridge by the town, to keep the defending infantry busy while the rest of my lads manoeuvre.


In 11 seconds, Elm's 20mm will be able to give covering fire while the other guns set up (1 minute for the 75mm, 2 minutes for the 150mm).


I'm going to dig up every suspected enemy position with HE, before mounting up and moving on.


Here's one I spotted earlier.


A SU-76, looking for a good position to shoot down into the valley, methinks. He's in for a horrible shock if those guns get set up first.


More reinforcements! For N-Group, a Flammpanzer (yes, it's a flamethrower tank), two Panzer IVHs, a platoon of infantry, a 50mm mortar, a Panzershreck team, and a HMG.


Forces are piling up, I better get a move on. That Flammpanzer will be brilliant for clearing out the town... :(


S-Group get 3 Panzer IVHs, two halftracks, two HMGs, a 81mm mortar spotter, a company HQ, and a platoon of infantry.


I can really pack Firepower Hill with this lot, if they don't get killed. They've arrived in sight of the SU-76s.


Turn 28


The PzIVs announce their arrival in fine style.


First shot. You cannot ask for more than that. Ice cold. With such quality covering fire, the infantry and heavy weapons head for FP Hill.


Chronister eases back into the battle, taking on what looks like a T-70 light tank, it's 45mm gun no threat.


Neither gets on target, probably because they're hull-down.


N-Group really should be trying to help take the town, rather than roar off down the Valley of Death. First things first, though. Stug and PzIII reverse in tandem, looking for the height to see that SU-76.


Wolff gets it, but then he has the advantage of a full crew.


Brumby the Brummbar lays down some suppressive fire on suspected enemy positions.


Oppressive fire, more like. Wouldn't want to be on the end of that.


The infantry push on, more of them crossing the road, and providing suppressive fire against enemy units ahead and to the right.


I was going to wait for the 105mm arty spotter to hammer the town, but I fear it's going to take too long.


And the mortars finally get enough time to set up.


Time to lay some smoke down on the valley, and screen those vehicles while they move into the town. :cool:

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Like good ticks, I expect Red infantry (especially about town), will be onto you soon...


You wouldn't happen to have a bit of napalm, or even burning olive oil, would you? :P




The Flammy making it in one piece, though, it should be hot to watch all the same. ;)

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