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Research Bug


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I'm looking in to helping scott fix the research bug. and am wondering what everyone has run in to..


I personaly have had the inability to produce IBA's

and have hurd of the MC Disruptor bug ( if you do MC Lob without having the MC Scaner you cant get MC Scaner or Disruptor)


What others have been seen?

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The IBA issue is fixable infact all the issues you have on your site are fixable(thanks for the link). not by patching the game mind you. But by using a batch file to run the game (the CE version has be be split into geoscape and tactical first.) and checking the currently running game when combat begins. If any of the prereqisit research has been done but the next step is unavailible. just modify the data file. when combat was finished (or aborted) you would be able to continue on with the research as if nothing happend.


You know just what I have learned in the last 24 hours about the issue's I could fix a saved game by hand quite easily.


I'm going to forward all my research to scott and hopfully he can get a fix done.. if not I'll get to it eventualy :P


-Blade FireLight

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Kind of Nitpicky bug: the Images of the Battleship (not dreadnought) and supply ship are reversed when you intercept them (strange bug they are correctly displayed in the 1st UFO). Just go to the Pedia and see what I mean......They are correctly displayed there (after getting the info on them of course)
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I have a bug which has occurred twice. Once on the v2 dos version and once on the windows version of the game.


The problem is that I cannot research Manta. I have first researched Magnetic Ion Armour, and then Alien Sub Construction, but I could not research Manta.

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If the problem was in the UFOPedia it would be an easy fix. unfortunatly the combat screen referance is in geoscape and theirfor finding it is like looking for a neddle in a heystack.

I beleave the images come from the same file so swaping the images would brake the UFOPedia.. but that then could be fixed.




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Just out of sheer curiosity, which files are the intercept images contained in?? I have looked through most of 'em with a windows pck viewer. Marco Kaisers viewer gives me a runtime error 200 at 034C:0091, even after I have booted up in pure dos mode. Not having much success in finding anything of value lately.....bad luck I guess.
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the order I researched in.






let's see....


Deep one corpse, aqua plastics, aqua plastic armour, Ion Beam Accelerators, Magnetic Navigation, Live (the green alien which only fights handtohand), MC Lab, Live Deep One Terrorist, Ion Armour, Trans(scannerthingie), Magnetic Ion Armour, Alien Sub Construction.


I believe it should be something like this. Or did you want to know all about the useless items like Aquatoid corpse?

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Green alien that fights hand-to-hand? I think that's the green goop inside the ancient aquatic suits. They're calcinites.


Hmm, don't think they'd muck up the research tree, but I guess it can't hurt to give it a test.



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I'm guessing the calcinite is just a liquid anthropomorphic form of ... what's it called, ah yes, my trusty dictionary! Calcite = crystalline calcium carbonate, and to calcify: to convert into, harden by deposit of, calcium carbonate, etc.


Hmm, I'm guessing this means that the green stuff is an anthropomorphic liquid mineral monster, and the rusty suit just makes things worse. I'm guessing the technology used for the making of the calcinites is discovered by the scientists, who then apply it in the making of the vibroblade's drill bit. Power it with zrbite crystals, and then later use more zrbite to superheat the bit into the thermic lances. And Bob's your uncle.


Hmm, the wacky pseudo-explanation sounds reasonable enough. :P


And why on earth do your scientists need to extract the mesh-skin off a Deep one to learn how to use aqua plastics anyway?



tijm6140: I roughly followed your research path, but I still got the latest flying sub. Might be something else...



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  • 10 years later...

I'm guessing the calcinite is just a liquid anthropomorphic form of ... what's it called, ah yes, my trusty dictionary! Calcite = crystalline calcium carbonate, and to calcify: to convert into, harden by deposit of, calcium carbonate, etc.


Hmm, I'm guessing this means that the green stuff is an anthropomorphic liquid mineral monster, and the rusty suit just makes things worse. I'm guessing the technology used for the making of the calcinites is discovered by the scientists, who then apply it in the making of the vibroblade's drill bit. Power it with zrbite crystals, and then later use more zrbite to superheat the bit into the thermic lances. And Bob's your uncle.


Hmm, the wacky pseudo-explanation sounds reasonable enough. tank.gif


And why on earth do your scientists need to extract the mesh-skin off a Deep one to learn how to use aqua plastics anyway?



tijm6140: I roughly followed your research path, but I still got the latest flying sub. Might be something else...




Hi, NTK,


I enjoyed reading your "wacky pseudo-explanation." I'm still looking for any other report of the Sonic Oscillator research bug I've experienced. And as far as installing a file compression utility, I've just received the second "low disk space" warning in a week's time, so I really don't have room for anything large at all. I do have a web comic site, about which hardly anyone knows, so I could upload all the files of one saved game there, and provide a link to them on my home page. Would that be workable?

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