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Tarka warpath

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Ok, so the update 1.7.2 is out and installed. I have finished Stalker and feel the strategy deprivation. I will start a new AAR in the near future and have no bloody idea on which race to pick (again). We've seen Morrigi and Hivers so far.


There are Humans, Liir, Zuul and Tarka left.


I am not at home so I can't really tell what ANY brought to them, so only what I can think of the top of my head for now;

Humans... I have no idea.

Zuul... Devourer - a DN ship that chews on leftovers and is capable of DE production IIRC.

Liir... Protectorate ship - a DN fleet-wide shield projector or something

Tarka... Hunter carrier - a DN carrier that carries three hunters; non-FTL manned (lizarded), heavy armed and armoured cruisers.


Any wishes?

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Ok, Tarka it is. I haven't played them in ages and... they have hugely cool hunter/killers since ANY! Also their ships are good all-around, except PD coverage IIRC.


Although Zuul (not the one FA linked :) ) are my atmosphere favourite so I'm sure I won't be able to resist them indefinitely. ;) Seriously, Zuul make the game (IMO) most different. No trade, no civvies, slave runs, etc. etc..


This time it is Tarka.


100 star map, 4 players only. This time I added a hard AI, but to only one AI player, the other two were supposed to get an extra colony but I forgot about it. When I remembered it was too late, I couldn't make myself start again, we were 20 turns in and doing good. Probably because we haven't encountered anyone yet. :)


I chose small clusters map, a 1.7.2 update addition.



In game



And off we go.



Now, THIS is why I love Tarka. Damn eggheads, at least you have the decency to off yourselves! :)



Small clusters seem like a great map. Clusters are not very big nor are they very far apart, making it more like a sphere but easier to navigate. Still, the initial drives make the distances between clusters somewhat longish so one tries to make do with tankers and extended ranges to get to a cluster with full tanks.


Our first cluster-to-cluster expedition ran into... minor... problem. Well, it would be minor in a few tens of turns. Right now it is deadly... This scout arrived the first.



But there are more inbound, along with a tanker. Tarka have a problem though - we can't communicate in deep space until we research the appropriate technology.


Namely, this one:



8 turns of research, huh? Let's see...



The last one is to arrive in two turns. You can guess the rest. Damn.


State of the empire


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We find first independents.


Humans, sadly. This tells me that there are humans in the game. I hope not the ones I game hard AI... Humans can be a real pain in the behind, being as fast as lightning. Errrr... many times faster.



Now THAT is what I like, damn lazy bastards finally had some luck.


Space is filled with swarms. I can manage them with lasers (we have green lasers) but we have heavy casualties. A lot more than we harvest from the remains of them bugs.



Ha, Slavers. First Zuul contacts... Does NOT mean we have Zuul in the game, Slavers are always present as a random. Complete CR with slaver disk and all;


Aaaaand with a destroyed mission section.


I managed to destroy its mission section before all my guards were gone so their cruiser was more or less harmless afterwards. The outcome:



Quite a lot of these, too...


I haven't bothered to tackle them yet, I just try to go away with my scout and continue the exploration.


Some pretty bug encounters:

Queen before



and almost after



It also stayed almost, dammit. I had to move my fleet to trigger the swarm battle again.



Our colonizer ships were also dragged into the planet by the colony trap. Not a serious setback any more but still, many lizards dead and a colony less for quite some time.



State of the empire...


Hmmmm... Where IS everybody?!

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If slave disk got to the surface that would be 50 million + the damage done by the ship, so we got of lightly. Could be better, definitely.

The galaxy is teeming with life, true. But the other empires are my main worry.


I'm at home as Tja

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Yes, Tarka designs do look somewhat toxic in nature, he he he! The vivid colours do that. Anyway, I'm not posting complete research queues as most of it is standard empire development (that is available this time). The only real difference so far is going for fire control control, DF racks and some lasers. We'll continue up the beam tree in hope for phaser PD as for now we're completely naked in that department. No PD, no emitters and no beamers, DAMMIT. If even phaser PD fails I'll probably be thinking into lasers and fire control cruisers to try and take at least some missiles down.


My aim is to go for plasma weaponry in the end so we'll probably need that fire control (terribly inaccurate), DF racks are mostly to tide us over. Poor man's projectors. What are those? I hope we'll get there.

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This is the case...


The hard AI is human, which is worrying. They are expanding FAST, which is worrying. Together this is VERY worrying. Right now I have ceasefires with everybody but ceasefire only means that if we happen to meet at nobody's colony we don't shoot.


What we MUST do in order to win this game is cut the crap and start the war or the AI with its 150% economy and 150% research will eat us alive. Considering that lizards are traditional cuisine in many parts of Earth, it may be taken literally.


So we go for it!


Our first use of DF laden cruisers! BTW, at the end of this report these are fusion powered.


AAAAhhhhhh, my kind of people.



We take every opportunity to cover our back.



Heh, during our exploration an interesting thing happens.



Our scouts are destroyed BUT we get a glimpse of our enemy's cruisers.


Heavy combat lasers. Not a shocker really.


An intermediate empire report, our latest intel.



We go for their real colonies!









And don't like what we see...



Erm, that is 5 DREADNOUGHTS!!! Damn, DAMN that 150% research!!! Ok, ok, breathe easy, breathe easy... I did want to show you a harder struggle this time, I guess I had it coming!


:panic attack:


Ok, don't worry, we have an ans...


:panic attack:


We can man...


:panic attack:




:panic attack:


:panic attack:


:panic attack:






Yep, those are DNs all right. They are not something really special as far as DNs go, really, but they are DNs. The main problem is that they can take a lot of pounding. If we don't succeed to take at least one down all the sacrifice is for nothing. It will be repaired while our ships will be gone.



It will be repaired.


In the next turn we try to make as much damage as we can.


Looked great but none of those shuttles actually made it to the surface. Planetary missiles took them all down, the last was just about to enter the atmosphere. But didn't.


Sooooooo... what are we gonna do?


Frankly, we'll go ugly. Unfair. Cheapo. Bastardly. But not bio. So, research will go into jammers for decoy fleets, slightly later into DNs to hold our ground, our factories will start producing masses but our first action is to augment our fleets with something to slow the enemy down. Preferably to a halt.



I hope we get better versions, too, but Kača "Snake" DEs are going to go into production immediately as we get this tech.


IMO we have seen the grunt of Human fleet as they had warning of our arrival but should they decide to just throw this fleet at us we better have something ready or we're doomed. We were pretty stingy on ships production until now to have as little upkeep as possible but right now we can't afford to save money, however weird this seems. Yet we don't have enough to just build and build. And we need to invest into our economy (trade), too.


Expect some serious action next time.




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Well, DAMN, can't they even get a ONE TURN RESEARCH RIGHT?!?!?!?


Sometimes I think it would be good if those Human DNs came and did some order among the eggheads. Order, as in carnage. :)


So, a turn late we get these.



Yet we speed the research forward as disruptors have their limitations.




We build a lot of them and go for another try!


Aaaaaaand we flee, tail between our legs. Funny, we can actually do that, he he he!


Disruptors have a lot of limitations. Especially vs. DNs.


And we NEED armada CnC tech, this lack in numbers on the battlefield is a huge limitation to our capabilities.



Erm, I guess they haven't seen our last two battles... Whatever, I can really use a friend right now.




And I'm not posting half of these.




Than again, kill a janitor instead, I'm afraid I'm gonna loose all my scientists.


The plan; Armada CnC, than BOARDING! I said bastardly, didn't I?!

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Today Okim posted a possible issue with EMP weapons at Kerberos' forum.


I'll test this today at home as we just invested heavily into this weapons branch (up to pulsar torpedoes) and are counting on them to save our behinds a lot. :)


This could explain why we were defeated so heavily at Tasia, twice. I may just be reaching out and looking for excuses though as the issue is not confirmed yet. :) And they did have DNs there...


Anyway, if this turns out to be true I will have to consider reloading from oldest save. I keep two saves, the current one because autosaving will not save your game when you exit so one needs to save the game if you did anything during the turn, and the other one for save file corruption probability. Never needed it though but it is usually like ten turns old. So I may be able to recycle some investment into research and EMP ships.


But if this is a text-file issue I'll just edit and go on.

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I'm not sure whether there is a problem with EMP or not but there was some effect on enemy ships. Arguably smaller than what I was used to so they may have been just toned down a bit - and I forgot to check if the enemy has hardened electronic tech researched. I do admit that usually when a player started using high-end EMP weaponry the AI was pretty unable to counter fast.


Anyway, no loading, we go on. Que sera, sera.


Taking a closer view of an enemy scout, just to see if they have antimatter already.


Nope, that's a relief.


We abandoned a baby colony so that it was not destroyed by the enemy and delayed research of DNs to get jammers. Now we go for deception, A LOT of decoys. And decoys only as we don't have warfleets of much worth. Than again, we could send some shuttles to their colonies. Will think about it. The main player, a DE Nizek udarec (Cheap shot):



Before we are able to start the jammer spam, we try to keep their fleet occupied at their worlds instead of ours.


Not that I thought we can win, I just want them to defend instead of attacking.


We need to go for plasma weaponry as was planned from the beggining;


DF racks are just bouncing off their ships, they have good armour.



A quick slideshow of our decoy launches. Starting with two most distant colonies.









Now we go straight for DNs and Armada CnC, we need those numbers in the field.

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I mean really, you'd resent me if I didn't share some nice views...



A scout hiding in a radar shadow of a moon.



The biggest blunder so far:


After that first war contact I completely forgot about expanding where possible. I have not even explored the galaxy! Now I realized there are two possible colonies just waiting as others seems to not be able to colonize them. Ahhhhh, those could be money producing long ago.


The bad side of a lot of decoys:


A whole lot of battles to be played... It takes ages.


After two turns of this I decided this is not worth it when all I do is blockade. I need to mix some real colony devastating fleets in there and I can do that now.


Not all of the decoy fleets fare well.



And my allies are RATS!


They have a NAP with my enemy and they share their info with them even though we are allied and I am at war with those others. I posted this as a bug in the forum but I doubt it will get fixed, there is a lot of coding (wild guess) to be done to get rid of it.

EDIT: What you see in the pic is our ships nearing allied cruiser and the enemy DEs speeding after us. They didn't until we got into visual range of our ally.


Beside my allies these are the biggest threat:


Not by themselves but they are far out and start near my jammed ships. In some cases so near that I am in their visual range and that's the end of it. A fiery end of it;



We got DNs, now armada!


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Yeah well, this eye should better get some serious research done or the only fire it will see will be... well, ON fire. :) Thanks for the moral support.


Oh man, this is a rare sight...



We continue down the bastardly line!



Our first Armada CnC DN, "Varnost" (Security). As we have no real weapons of much significance, it is full of missiles.


Dumb-fire racks are burdened with enemy armour tech (ricochet), these are not. Regular missiles will also help to overload the enemy PD as we go for boarding cruisers. The current plan is to build only two of these DNs, one for holding the ground at out colonies and the other to go places. Meanwhile we should research some seriously devious techs to take the lead.


Both defending and offence armada should contain torpedo DEs armed with pulsars, boarding cruisers behind them to storm the enemy after it is somewhat groggy from pulsars and some wild weasel DEs in front to soak up the possible first wave of tracking ordnance and planetary missiles. We'll... equip these with... ejection seats. Right... we'll do that. https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/evil4.gif The whole deal led by Varnost, naturally.




Apparently I have suggested this... Not that I would know of. Well, this is a bug and I think it was already reported. I will check though. Bug or no bug, our allies are allies no more. The good thing is that through expansions and upgrades the game will not go from an alliance straight to war any more as it used to do, now the alliance is (usually) only downgraded to the NAP, than cease-fire and finally war if things go wrong.


I'm not sure what caused this decline in our relationship, could be the war with Aiken Drum human empire. Or we are simply doing too good. https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/stupid.gif


Whatever the cause, should they start being nasty we'll just have to send them a strong message. https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/smthisissparta.gif Just in case, I may want to invest some money into a propaganda cruiser and park it in their turf... I hope I remember this when I get home.


After we pulled our decoy fleets back we rearranged the existing ships into new fleets. Some will be just decoys just as before, but two will be like this;


We used the "Jurišnik" (Stormer) class - assault shuttle - DEs from the original attack fleet, added "Voditeljica" (Leader) CRs, Nizek udarec DEs for jamming protection, "Delavnica" (Workshop) for repairs and - hopefully - assault shuttle replacement and "Cisterna" (Fuel tank) CRs for range. Just in case one "Udarna" (Shocking) CR was added to each fleet should we need some power. Not too much though, if we are to find DNs there we better try to avoid them and go elsewhere.


Both these fleets go to enemy colonies with asteroids. We are meant to storm, than hide in asteroid shadows to avoid planetary missiles. We will see how that works out.


Fleets are sent!


Most to arrive in 5 turns.


Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnd what would an update be without one of these?!


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New step down the bastardly line. "Vkrcanje" (Boarding) cruiser. 15 were scheduled for building right away.


Missiles to clutter PD even further and a pulsar torpedo to assist the DEs in keeping the enemy at bay (and we don't want to damage the goods, we want to TAKE it).


Something to up the economy as it was a short research for quite a gain.



I DID remember at home. :)


One sent to former allies, Revenge Fleet humans and one to the Morrigi. They are being VERY cool about our coexistence, no attacks, only scouts here and there, we're both mostly resolving peacefully. So I'll just have to go up the Morrigi Xeno tree to lure them in and try to go for an alliance.


The weapons we went for;





We went for HCLs mostly because of the command sections they bring which are far better than most others. What we might also go for are projectors. We can get fusion projectors and these do some SERIOUS damage to big targets.


BTW, our second wave of decoys arrives, with both fleets that were thought to surprise them...



Ehm, do you see the opposition in both cases?


You want a clearer picture? Here...




Nooooo, we couldn't have some more luck, and send the real fleet HERE;


What, you don't see the enemy ship on sensor view? Well, that is because a single destroyer is hard to see there. ;) Well, DAMN. I retreated what I could and will scuttle them at nearest colonies.


And naturally...



I think this was our last scientist. So no more overbudgets. :) :)

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A colony that was just about to start making money...



That same planet, same turn (read; the devil always has children)



Anyway, for the better. We are packed with pulsar torpedo DEs. We have Armada CnC. We have boarding cruisers. WE ARE READY.


Turn one of the battle.



The outcome; one enemy DN taken. I expected better really. The problem was that I had fleet facing optimized for attacking, not meeting at non-owned rock (remember our first meeting with Puppet Master as Hivers?!)

I can't believe it...



I am sick with sensors/tactical screen flickering.





We had cruisers on both sides, exposing the boarding pods to twice the PD. But we didn't have too many casualties, so we eagerly await the next turn! All is ready, NOTHING can go wrong. Right?





Ehm... do you see that red crap behind my lines? You know what that is?




Recognize it now?


IT IS THE DAMN VON NEWMAN!!! Chewing on my boarding cruisers...


What can I say... This guy tells exactly how I feel...



But we did some damage anyway!


Ooooooo, we made an enemy bleed some sparkles. And out fleet is annihilated. Both armadas. Dead.


And just as I went into a deep depression, the Aiken Drum told me they are tired of shooting at me... So I contact them.



Ok, perhaps these were all signs. Perhaps we should not always plot for war... Especially since our pulsar torpedoes were very ineffective. I was thinking of reporting a bug, than remembered to check - the enemy has hardened electronics (tech that ups the EMP resilience). Hardly a surprise after all our failed initial attempts.


I am giving up on bastardly. Perhaps we should just go for BIG GUNS, for when Aiken Drum decides to start expanding.

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