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Xcomutility and D2D version


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Okay, heres my problem, Ive currently went through the game once without any aid of editor or anything of that nature, so I figuered it might be fun to mod around the files. However I have purchased the 5 dollar complete series of X-com games from Direct 2 Drive, and Im having a bit of difficulty getting any of the utility programs to work. If it helps anything as well, my running system is vista. The direct 2 Drive version uses DosBox, however, solutions that would normally work (or so says a friend of mine) have not worked on it.
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The folder is read-only. I tried to untick it from the properties box but it didn't work. :)


If anyone knows of a way to get rid of the read-only tick, please let me know - it's been bothering me for a long time. ;)


Edit: maybe this will help? :oh:


- Zombie

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The folder is read-only. I tried to untick it from the properties box but it didn't work. :)


If anyone knows of a way to get rid of the read-only tick, please let me know - it's been bothering me for a long time. :)


Edit: maybe this will help? :oh:


- Zombie


Not quiet, I tried fooling around with the read permissions (the files within the folder are archive types not read only, however the folder itself is different), though I cant quiet seem to change the folder itself for some damned reason. Damned anti cheat technology ;).


Edit- Would there be an easier way to just modify unit/item stats instead of this? It seems overly difficult otherwise.

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Sure, that would work (assuming the permissions allow it). ;)Jenny's editor is great for stuff like this. :)


- Zombie


Love the editor, shame it doesn't work for me :oh: . Freaking hell they went all out on updating the "anti cheat" parameters on this damned thing! Frick, I knew I should have bought the steam version. My problem is saying "X-com: Dos v1.4 detected! Please keep in mind that all changes made are permanent!" Also that despite having saves, there is no record of any shown on the save profile area of the editor (and even trying to edit the base files seems to do nothing.)


Edit- attached is a pic of said problem.


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Love the editor, shame it doesn't work for me :oh: . Freaking hell they went all out on updating the "anti cheat" parameters on this damned thing! Frick, I knew I should have bought the steam version. My problem is saying "X-com: Dos v1.4 detected! Please keep in mind that all changes made are permanent!" Also that despite having saves, there is no record of any shown on the save profile area of the editor (and even trying to edit the base files seems to do nothing.)

Hmm, I tried it and it works just fine for me. Did you put Jenny's Editor in the "XCOM" folder (where all the game files reside) and not a level up? ;)


- Zombie

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Hmm, I tried it and it works just fine for me. Did you put Jenny's Editor in the "XCOM" folder (where all the game files reside) and not a level up? :oh:


- Zombie


Yep, I did, "XCOM" folder it is in. Frick. Im mad now, eff'n D2D, last time they get my money.

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I'm running out of ideas but how about re-downloading it from D2D and installing it directly on the C: drive?


The only difference between us is the operating system (I'm XP, you Vista) so a Vista setting may be to blame as well. :oh:


- Zombie

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A note on vista: even if you're using an admin account it still requires confirmation to increase privilege levels with most "high risk" actions. If it's an application you could try right-clicking on it an choose to run with administrator privileges.
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I dont know if this is relivant to D2D, however it does effect XcomUtil and Xcom CE


Now as for Vista. If your program is in the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)" folder then all changes made my windows programs are in c:\users\%username%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\

As nice as this is from a businss security standpoint it sucks from a gamer's perspective. You can never find the saved games or INI's older games stored there.


Now hers is the Catch.. The Command prompt dosent have access to the Virtualstore and so any dos program gets a Access Denied trying to access the files, To top that off Xcom CE also has some files flaged as ReadOnly. to get anything to work you first have to as an administrator grand the Users group write access, then you can remove the ReadOnly attribute.


One the bright Side XcomUtil 9.7 will be able to do this automatically.


I have no plans to get the D2D version at this time so I have no clue if 9.7 will work on it :D

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