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Jagged Alliance 2 film cast


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Well, seeing as they're making a film, who would you like to see playing your favourite mercs? Consider the budget to be unlimited!


The cheapest of the Association of International Mercenaries for your perusal:










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They'll probably concentrate more on the plot related freebies like Ira, Dimitri and Miguel.


Being the scrooge that I am, the good doctor got a lot of work. His high wisdom helped him pick stuff up quickly but that also meant his prices eventually skyrocketed.



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  • 2 months later...

A few more:
















I'm not sure who he would play, but all I know is that Bruce Willis HAS to be in it.


Maybe Len?


He does have to be in it, but he might have to black up a bit:



Chiwetel Ejiofor for Blood or Ice. Good actor as well.

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I've always wondered about Len Anderson. First of all...he looks like he's somewhere in his 40s, assuming he's white. If he's black, when he very well could be in his 50s or 60s.


Which leads to two questions. #1, why is he only a corporal? I knew 20 year olds that hold higher rank. Hell, my grandfather lied about his age and joined the Army in 1949 at the age of 15 and made corporal round his 20s. Also says he's a Green Beret...not a whole lot of people under the rank of sergeant in the US Special Forces community. #2, is he black or is he white? Seriously?


Trevor Colby = Gerard Butler maybe?


and Vicki = Jada Pinkett Smith?


Oh, BTW, I've decided you could probably use the entire cast of the TV show The Unit. Off the top of my head three of them would fit just fine.

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Heh, actually there's probably tons of movies and books, and books made into movies that are similar to the Jagged Alliance mercs overthrowing countries premise.


I think Steven Segal has made like 40 of them or something. Which is ANOTHER guy we haven't mentioned. Segal could be Reaper, IMO.

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I'm not sure who he would play, but all I know is that Bruce Willis HAS to be in it.


None of us seem to have thought of Sylvester Stallone, strange.



I think Steven Segal has made like 40 of them or something. Which is ANOTHER guy we haven't mentioned.

Segal, Stallone and Willis are the worst of the worst in terms of actors, that's why nobody mentions them. ;) Although, like I said before, acting really isn't a prerequisite for a film of this scope. :)


Ok, I'm going to toss a few more out here. Not on the basis of acting experience, but similarity in looks.


Michael Chiklis as Bull. Not a bad actor either.


Everytime I see Fidel Dahan and that stupid beret it reminds me of Chef Paul Prudhomme. :)


David Duchovny as Dr. Michael Dawson?


- Zombie

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Segal, Stallone and Willis are the worst of the worst in terms of actors, that's why nobody mentions them. ;) Although, like I said before, acting really isn't a prerequisite for a film of this scope. :)


They nevertheless belong in this kind of movie. You don't see much acting needed for the part of Blood, Steroid or Haywire, now do you? :)

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Heh, actually there's probably tons of movies and books, and books made into movies that are similar to the Jagged Alliance mercs overthrowing countries premise.

Yes, you are right, of course. Besides, how could they be shooting already, when we haven't even finished casting the movie yet. (;


Segal, Stallone and Willis are the worst of the worst in terms of actors
Except for Segal, I simply can't agree with you there. I used to think so about Stalone, as well, until I saw Copland and re-watched the original Rambo.
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Segal, Stallone and Willis are the worst of the worst in terms of actors, that's why nobody mentions them.


Perhaps, but I was thinking the Jagged Alliance movie would be like a cheesy 80s action movie. Think Commando. You know, big, oiled up guys firing LMGs each in a single hand at dozens of "troops", things blowing up in the background for no apparent reason, when people get blown up they do high diving board moves.

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Ok, "Buns" is going to be tough character to match. There aren't many women these days who wear their hair in a bun so I suggest we use the alternative meaning as a search parameter (buns meaning butt). Top of the list is Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Biel. :oh:


"Red", hmmm. The only one I can come up with is Groundskeeper Willie from the Simpsons. ;)


- Zombie

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