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UFO: Afterlight patch 1.6 (fan-made, DVD check removed)


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1C Publishing posted some good news for fans of UFO: Afterlight today:


ALTAR Games is busy working on their next project and plan no further updates for UFO: Afterlight. They wish for the game to expand however, and have therefore given the source-code to a few dedicated fans. Petteri “PetteriB” Bamberg will maintain the UFO: Afterlight source-code in the time to come with help from Jason "Kret" Rodrigo and Stuart “Stucuk” Carey.


As his first contribution to the community, Petteri has completed patch 1.6 for UFO: Afterlight. This patch includes lots of bug-fixes that fans of the game wished for, and removes the copy-protection! That’s right; developer ALTAR and publisher 1C Company has agreed to remove the DVD check from the retail version of the game! You can read more about the updates to the game in the official forum.


You can read the rest and download the patch at the 1C Publishing EU site.

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This is the changelog, as posted by PetteriB






* Clicking on empty space when all vehicles were in the home base caused the game to lock up

* Completing a capture mission yielded a different interrogation research than expected or none at all

* Capture missions for Reticulan factions didn't appear again if you failed to complete those missions or they timed out

* Matriarch Interrogation research item didn't show up in the research list until you researched Matriarch Autopsy first

* Beastman Anatomy training for Reticulans displayed a wrong icon

* Fixed a peacetime trade contract with Reticulans where they should have offered crystals for items, but they only requested items without offering the crystals




* DVD check removed (no need to insert the DVD every time you play the game)


Good thing about the interrogations bug fix, I got stucked trying to get a Shaman Interrogation, as none of my capture missions got me one, I'd just end up with a random interrogation.

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I hope that's not the last one, and if fans have access to the source code maybe we'll get more mods.


I'm sure it is not.


Congrats and a BIG thank you to everybody who had anything to do with the patch, including ALTAR for letting them make one.

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At first I was a little disapointed by the changelog until i rode that it was a fan made patch.

I hope that's not the last one, and if fans have access to the source code maybe we'll get more mods.

I think we can expect more good things from Petteri in the time to come. He is a very competent modder besides giving us new patches :)

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It takes time to get used to a program's codebase, especially one as HUGE as a game's must be, imagine thousands upon thousands of lines of code, to read them all to learn how they work. I hope the ALTAR guys commented the code well enough, for Petteri's well being :) After they learn how it works, I'm sure we can expect a lot more from them, let's not be impatient and ungrateful.


At first I was a little disapointed by the changelog until i rode that it was a fan made patch.

I hope that's not the last one, and if fans have access to the source code maybe we'll get more mods.

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ALTAR Games is busy working on their next project and plan no further updates for UFO: Afterlight. They wish for the game to expand however, and have therefore given the source-code to a few dedicated fans. Petteri
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