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Get UFO AfterLight in the USA


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Hello Everyone,


Does anyone know if the download version of the game .Will work in the USA?? And does anyone know Where i can gert a copy of aftershock without starforce also in the states.Im not having any luck


Thank you

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Hmm. What's this sprocket thing? A direct download service, I've gathered, but what's it like? Reliable and such? I'm interested in getting AL without having to get it shipped to my school, but... the prices in euros is rather scary to me, and starforce isn't really an issue for me since AS had it and I have no real problems.


I might just be better off getting it via gogamer. Thoughts?


Edit: 34.99 including VAL? Could someone explain that to me? I'm but a poor American who buys his games in stores. :bleh:

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Hmm. What's this sprocket thing? A direct download service, I've gathered, but what's it like? Reliable and such? I'm interested in getting AL without having to get it shipped to my school, but... the prices in euros is rather scary to me, and starforce isn't really an issue for me since AS had it and I have no real problems.


I might just be better off getting it via gogamer. Thoughts?


Edit: 34.99 including VAL? Could someone explain that to me? I'm but a poor American who buys his games in stores. :bleh:



Don't you mean VAT? Value Added Tax? That's the 17.5% you have pay the government in the UK on practically anything you buy.

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Sprocket is fairly new, and run by Martin Klima (lead developer on Aftermath / Aftershock) and IDEA-Games. Using it, ALTAR gets way more money than buying it in a store. Most users seems to find it reliable. That being said, the cheapest option is CD-WOW.com for you I think. Supposed to be good. Long time no see btw!
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"Don't you mean VAT? Value Added Tax? That's the 17.5% you have pay the government in the UK on practically anything you buy."


Hmm, so an American customer wouldn't have to pay that? Yays! :bleh:


Sprocket is fairly new, and run by Martin Klima (lead developer on Aftermath / Aftershock) and IDEA-Games. Using it, ALTAR gets way more money than buying it in a store.


Interesting. I'm always interested in supporting developers who make good games, and I've long been a UFO: After- fan.


Most users seems to find it reliable.


Hmm. I really like having the disk in my hand, on the other hand getting things shipped to my college is problematic.


How does the download thing work? Is it like steam, where it logs you as 'owning' the game and thus lets you download it whenever necessary? If not, how easy is it to make a backup of the game on a disk, should something horrible happen, like my hard drive crashing?


Anyway, cost isn't really much of an issue when it comes to slaking my game-lusts. I'm more than willing to pay a little more dough if a greater proportion of that dough goes to the devs, thus indirectly financing the next UFO: Awesome game, so I'm strongly considering this Sprocket thingamajig


Long time no see btw!


Heh, thank you. Though I've been ducking in and out here for the past couple of weeks. :what:


Edit: Only allowed a few blocks of text? How ghastly! :P

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This sucks ive tried 10 times now to down load aftershock everytime it was corrupted.Then my net provider crashed.Send 15 emails to Sprocket on how to get back to there down load server to try again.Then havent sent me one email in response.Guess ill be back charging on the credit card....
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"Don't you mean VAT? Value Added Tax? That's the 17.5% you have pay the government in the UK on practically anything you buy."


Hmm, so an American customer wouldn't have to pay that? Yays! :what:


I don't know to be honest, but that money is charged by the government to the company selling the product and then they add this overhead to the cost of that product. If you don't have to pay VAT then you have to reclaim this money from the Inland Revenue, you just can't not pay it in the first place. BTW this is levied on most products sold in the UK, so if you were buying an import I suspect you'd still have to pay it, plus whatever import duties are levied by George Bush and his Cronies.


However international law on tax isn't one of my expert areas on knowledge so if someone knows different please correct me! :bleh:

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This sucks ive tried 10 times now to down load aftershock everytime it was corrupted.Then my net provider crashed.Send 15 emails to Sprocket on how to get back to there down load server to try again.Then havent sent me one email in response.Guess ill be back charging on the credit card....

That's odd. But you say your net provider crashed? Could it be that the trouble they have cause the download to be corrupted? Did you try to resume the download to fix it? Did you test a different mirror? You should also check out the Afterlight support section at the official ALTAR boards, as there are some posts on Sprocket. I can check with Martin why Sprocket haven't answered you, but he is probably not available in the weekend.


@Cpl. Facehugger: You download a file, that I assume can be burnt to a DVD. You need to validate online the first time, and that's it. Read more here. I like to have a disk as well :bleh:

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This sucks ive tried 10 times now to down load aftershock everytime it was corrupted.Then my net provider crashed.Send 15 emails to Sprocket on how to get back to there down load server to try again.Then havent sent me one email in response.Guess ill be back charging on the credit card....

That's odd. But you say your net provider crashed? Could it be that the trouble they have cause the download to be corrupted? Did you try to resume the download to fix it? Did you test a different mirror? You should also check out the Afterlight support section at the official ALTAR boards, as there are some posts on Sprocket. I can check with Martin why Sprocket haven't answered you, but he is probably not available in the weekend.


@Cpl. Facehugger: You download a file, that I assume can be burnt to a DVD. You need to validate online the first time, and that's it. Read more here. I like to have a disk as well :bleh:


No Idea facehugger cant get back to the download page without buying another download copy.And they still havent returned my emails .So im kind of stuck .The company has really crappy customer support and service.Ive sent over the past couple of days at least 20+ emails and not one answer back from them!!!!!!

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Well, got to say, I feel stuipd now, I been waiting for UFO ET to be released and it is/was Afterlight I should of been looking for

(I should drop in more :bleh: (should get my copy tomorrow)


Demo was fun, but was pretty lost


glad to see the modders have already been at work

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Good to see you around HARD_Sarge! Let us know what you think about the game.





I was going to post a substory about how they didn't ship it until yesterday, so still am waiting, get up from my nap (I work nights) and see 3 packages at the door, but all 3 were books, I ordered


getting ready to write and say, Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow, when I hear the door open, so


I guess I can say, I am in, LOL, still fighting with the shipping box, it don't want to open


okay installing now


guess i should start asking questions in about an hour or so :what:


I got the rebalancer mod, any others that should be added ?????

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Well, to those who might be interested, I purchased the sprocket version of the game, had no issues with the download using Firefox 2 while doing the purchase and FlashGet (previously fine tuned to work properly) as the downloader when the link was sent to me.


The purchase went smoothly, the download was the same. It took an average of 8 hours with a 1 Mbit (128 Kbytes/second) at an average speed of 110 KB/s. They do seem to have powerfull enough servers to go at much higher speeds tho.


The install went well. The download is a single executable containing all the game data to be installed, including a pdf manual.


The only problem I had was during validation, but after checking the FAQ/support section I found out I was checking the wrong option. When you purchase via the web with credit card the key you're given is already validated with your personal details so you're supposed to check the re-install option, even if it's your first install.


NOTE: The site does warn NOT to use IE 6 as your downloader, either use the recommended option of their download manager or some other browser/download manager.


Also, if for some reason you don't have the page with the download link anymore you will get a link to it via e-mail with the comfirmed purchase.

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Plenty of it. Didn't like that "suprise party" the BeastMen threw at Cydonia tho, really caught me off guard. But after studying some ways to go about it I found a nasty one that should teach them a lesson about surprising me.
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Hehe, I know what you mean. I picked off the first few without too much trouble, but it didn't take long to be overrun. Still, it's only reasonable that one has to do a tactical retreat in some situations. Doesn't feel good at the time, but given some thought it's not unreasonable.
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Hehe, I know what you mean. I picked off the first few without too much trouble, but it didn't take long to be overrun. Still, it's only reasonable that one has to do a tactical retreat in some situations. Doesn't feel good at the time, but given some thought it's not unreasonable.



yea that one took me by surprise too (the bad part, is it got me twice when I restarted with the 1.09 RB mod)


but I kicking now


got to say, it is addictive little bugger


LOL, ran into the Matarch


seen something walking down the hallway, with what looked like 2 Jet Engines stapped to it's arm, the bad part, my "Commando" had to sit out 3 missions and some, to heal from her last battle, then first shot in this battle and she was down to 1 point !, major battle fought to keep her alive


great battle, with 4 down and the 3 left standing, all were down to less then 1/3 points


ahhh, dumb question, how do you use rockets !!!!!!

(which I got enough goodies now, that I may not need them anymore, but would be nice to be able to use them)

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I think we're sidetracking a bit too much from the thread's topic, new and unrelated questions can be put in a new thread. Anyway, rocket launchers work as the rest of the weapons, but the unit will have a hard time aiming at the feet of a unit that is behind cover, you might want to force fire to the ground near the enemy unit rather than directly at it. Firing them from higher ground will also make it easier.
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