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Creating Aftershock #3 Now Online!


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The third instalment of our four-part Creating Aftershock newsletter is now online!


This week it contained, amongst other things, more neat models from the game, more sound effects and a cool music track from the game itself!


A full list of what was in it can be found HERE and the newsletter itself is now online HERE.




We know, it's getting boring now and we've been repeating ourselves for the past few weeks, but there are only a few days left until the UFO Aftershock competition closes! There's LOADS of cool prizes to be one and three lucky winners will get a copy of the game itself!


Full prize details, rules, and of course the questions can be found on our competitions page HERE.


Competition closes on September 28th at 8pm GMT.

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Let them come,i'm ready <reloads his shotgun> :D Just one more day an the competition closes.


Now the only thing left is to wait for game to be released...Only that...

It's gonna be a loooong month<goes in to hibernation>

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Hehe, just one more day now. I know it's hard, but we had to end the competition yesterday so that we had enough time to count correct answers and for the guys at ALTAR to randomly pick winners for us to announce in tomorrow's newsletter.


All I can say is that we've had entries from LOADS of countries across the globe, and that even though all the entrants have had a 1 in 23.67 chance of winning something, please don't be too disheartened if you haven't won. There's still plenty of time to preorder.

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