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Securom won't let me start the game


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Title says it all. I installed the game, and when I put the game disk 1 in and hit the game icon the message says 'game cannot run from backup, please insert original game disk'.


This is the U.S. version, I believe that's 1.2 (that's what the read me says).


I am stumped. Shall I return this game or is there ANYTHING I can do to get this working? I'm using an Asus DVD recordable drive and have no copying software on my PC.


If there is not a quick and easy fix for this I will certainly never bother to purchase another product from this publisher again.


All comments and suggestions welcome.



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I've never heard of this problem before. Hmmm, I was gonna say to patch it again, but that seems silly. It's worth a shot, can't really hurt, but it might not help at all either... Try running the game from the disk (autorun dialogue upon insertion) or from the .exe file in the game directory.


Try downloading the NoCD patch here and see if that works. (if you haven't used a NoCD patch before, there's very often an .nfo file included with the crack: use a right-click and the "Open With" command to open it with Notepad or WordPad or whatever; for some reason they don't open as the type of file they're listed as, but they usually are pretty helpful)


Have you ever had any trouble with your DVD drive before? Anything at all like this? If nothing else works, you can uninstall the game, delete everything related to it from your system, and reinstall it, just for grins.


If nothing else works, search the Nival Forums and the JoWood Forums for possibilities. Please report back with your findings, and good luck! It's an absolutely excellent game!

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mbnx01 - I really wouldn't base your future game purchases on one failed CD.


I've bought lots (well over a hundred) games in the past, and have had disks (floppy disks) and CD's not work before. Occasionally you will come across the odd bad CD that's slipped through the checks. If nothing DM says above works, try returning it and asking for a replacement.


I know it's frustrating - I had to return X-COM Apocalypse twice before I got a CD that works - it just happens occasionally - but I was determined to play the game because I knew it was going to be fantastic :angry:

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You try any of my shit yet?



Try it, try it! I want to have helped you! My self-esteem is very low at this moment!



(if nothing works, just TELL me that it worked, and then ask Slaughter or Pete for help, okay?)

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  • 1 month later...
PC Best Buy Euro version, pre-patched to 1.2. Same problem "Please insert...", got a dvd-drive too. I play a lot of other games without any problems and since I'm not gonna rape my system...that no-cd is bliss!! Thanks for the advice...feel any better?
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