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Jagged Alliance 3D announced


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Blue's News posted a press release sent to them by Game Factory Interactive today. It's the official announcement of Strategy First and Mist Land South's Jagged Alliance 3D. Mist Land South (ALFA: Antiterror & Cops 2170) is developing both Jagged Alliance 3D and Jagged Alliance 3 for Strategy First. The press release at Blue's names a lot of features, like:


* Jagged Alliance, but in 3D

* Real-time gameplay with pause

* High interactivity of levels (destructible objects)


JA3D_June2004_01.jpg JA3D_June2004_05.jpg JA3D_June2004_07.jpg

(these screenshots are rather old)

You can find the announcement here, and some new screenhots at AG.ru.

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Well, I wish I could allow myself to look forwards to these titles in Jagged Alliance's afterlife, so to speak, but Mist Land South doesn't quite have the pedigree to put fans of the series at ease...




(need I mention C.o.p.s.:POL ?...)

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I know the first two games are very highly thought of, especially by peeps who liked Fallout 2 (one of my favorite games of all time) and Silent Storm.


What's the consensus here? Are they loved? Loved as much as X-Com? Not loved at all? Roundly despised? Names never uttered under pain of death? What? What?

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Slaughter, one question: You wrote about JA 3 AND JA 3D. Will this really be two seperate games?


Hm, i'm not sure if a JA games in 3D will have the same "flair" that the 2D versions had....

That's right. I think Pete is right in that JA 3D is just a remake, while JA 3 will be a new game. You can find some more information and complaints at the Strategy First forum.


@DoomMunky: Yeah, JA is almost as popular as X-Com. Guess JA2 is the one that most people prefer. It was a sad day when Sir Tech had to give up!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Interesting news for Nintendo DS owners: courtesy of Strategy First, the Jagged Alliance and Disciples series of games now seem to be poised to take the leap.


There's also an account that a turn-based (!) Age of Empires is on the pipeline as well... :confused:




Full news piece on 1up :grr:

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Doubt I'll ever buy a DS, but for people who own it this should be good news. Then again, Strategy First have quite a bit to prove before I get exited. I fear that they will push the JA franchise into the mud with good help from MistLand...
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