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My S2 Won't Save Games


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Hello all,


My S2 won't save games. I've saved every which way (at headquarters, on the maps, in the tactical combat zone, everything), and when I start the game up the next time, the load list is empty; nothing's there, as if I never saved anything.


What gives? Any ideas?


Thanks for any help.



Phenomenal game. Love it!

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Welcome to the boards, ne0_me!


Are you trying to load up a "Custom Game"? If your saves have different Mods loaded in them (or none at all) this might be your problem. Otherwise, I haven't heard of this before. Are you getting a 'game saved' confirmation upon saving?


Hmmm...not being able to save makes game very hard to play, Confucious say...

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I suppose this may be a case of the graphics being up too high again? It's prevented patches from being applied, caused games to crash randomly - try reducing your graphics to 16 bit colour in the settings screen and see if that helps.
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Isn't it so that on the top difficulty you can't save, at least during missions? Anyway, strange that you can't save in HQ. You have applied the 1.2 patch? Maybe you should try the save tool from our files section.
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You can save at those levels but only when not in combat (turn-based mode) and even if you try to save with that restriction you'll get a message stating that the game level prevents such action.


Knowing how the game was started might help to find out why. Out of the blue, the most likely problem is a missing save folder or the likes and that the game fails to report this properly.

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You guys are awesome. Thanks for the warm welcome and the timely and enthusiastic assistance. Truly a "band of brothers" (and perhaps sisters, I don't know [surely you're privy to the fantastic HBO WW2 miniseries {if not, GET it, now on DVD}]).


I finally took the time to check inside the game directory, inside the 'save' folder, and noticed two separate directories; the 'default' and 'Profile' folders. This clued me in that I had set up a game profile earlier (naively and blithely [as I wanted to jump so enthusiastically into this fine game {I only just bought it two days ago}] thinking this simply saved my game preferences [an unnecessary extravagance in such a sophisticated game]), and somehow my saves were going into the 'Profile', thus seemingly inaccessible to me. When I switched the save files in the 'Profile' directory into the 'default' directory... wa-la, I could now load my saved games. Ya hoo!


Again, thanks for your help.



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Of course you didn't like Ross! He's the "bad guy"! (and he's David Schwimmer, and is therefore a mincing, poorly socialized fool)


Glad we could help, ne0_me! I've never heard of this problem before, but now it's going to go into the FAQ for this game. Your sacrifice will help others in need. Thank you.


Now go. Go and play. *music soars*

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