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Gender Inequality


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Okay, this is very very odd. Is it just me or does XCOM hire less women than men? I have a game, out of many

on active duty three are women. As an experiment I hired 50 rookies...the amount of women among them couldn't

fill up a skyranger.


Does anyone else notice this?

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You remember that conversation, eh? It was an interesting one. As the only woman around here, I kind of feel obligated to stick up for women, but I'm not sure I really believe it when it comes to soldiering.
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I say...

1. The reason the game seems to make more men solders than women is because of the fact that there are more male solders than female solders in real life.

2. I think that any person that has what it takes to be a solder should have to right to become a solder (man, woman, male hybrid, female hybrid).


-PSY GUY- :confused:

(In my x-com its all about who has the best PSI Rating)

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In the Australian Military, women are not allowed in combat roles. Funny thing is that they still have to do the basic combat training, even though the closest they'll get to a rifle after that is if they're packing them into boxes.


Beats me why they'd want to run around and get shot dead anyway...

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I would say it is a bit, but its to do with gender inequality, as there are restrictions on the battlefield roles of women.


any way if i were to join the servicies i would join the navy, i don't think i could kill someone from close range like in the army, any way i checked out the web site and i find out that if you have been taking ventolin or asthma mediciences in the last 4 you're automatically disqualified. BTW this is the Royal Navy, I don't knnow what the american military is like on asthma, thats why I asked about Black Hawk Down and the asthmatic soldier in that.

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In Australia they can turn down your appliaction if you have problems with your eyesight or hearing, athsma, skin problems, if you've ever broken a bone, etc...


It realy just becomes a matter of how serious your combination of ailments is against how badly they need recruits at that time.


I, for example, wear glasses and broke my leg very badly once. I have been advised that that would likely prove no problem if I can otherwise meet the health and fitness requirements. If my eyesight was worse, or my leg hadn't healed well, or they had enough people doing the job I was interested in; it could be a very different story.


I imagine that the US military has a simular system and I'd be quite surprised if the Brits did things much differently. Our military model is strongly based on the English version.

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If you're dead set on going into the military just give it a shot and go for it. Regardless of anything, it never hurts to try. Don't know until you apply. While perhaps a person has asthma that may not get them rejected but perhaps another aspect of the screening process may. Then again maybe a person gets in regardless of what preconceptions they had prior.


Ya never know. So ya might as well give it a try regardless. Cause' if you don't you definitely won't get in, but if you give a shot, there's a chance you may. Let the screening process rule out the possibility, not anything else.

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Its real funny because the US army wouldn't let me join because i have fallen arches (foot thing). I don't get why but they won't let someone with flatter than average feet join. (i hike long distances with heavy gear on and it doesn't affect me at all) Oh well im not much of a millitary/ solder like person anyway.


-PSY GUY- :)

(If only they will stop sending me ads in the mail)

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I love the idea of the military.. Sadistic though it may sound I would take someones life in an instant if the need arose. There's so much violence and agression in the world that I would happily kill to put an end to it...

:) Anyone remember the film Wargames... The WOPR computer nuked Russia because it had decided that the only way to prevent war was to kill everyone...

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The Israeli example is a classic one, but not necessarily correct. If a man takes a huge risk saving a fellow male soldier it's heroism. If he does the same for a female soldier he's being overly protective because she's a woman. Women in the Soviet forces in WWII certainly proved themselves useful in combat.



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A very sensitive issue, but I'll throw a few thoughts into the ring anyway.


You can't overlook the consequences that if you fraternize all night, you're no good for the long march in the morning. And if you forget your Government Issued Contraceptive, your soldier-girlfriend is out of action for about 9 months.


I believe women can make fine soldiers. But there will always be strong emotions at work between the sexes. Women and men might fulfill their military roles better if they're only allowed to mingle off-duty.

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