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new models


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We now have a new tool...thanks to fulby...


I have been working in larger clips...laser sights...sights....and all of these have been done by creating a new model for most guns...


cause I don't know where to find the ufo af ones


can some one point me in the right direction


and I am working on a tank....weals...turret...and drive chain finished...now I'm trying to make something interesting for the armour...and some one else will have to figure out how to use it...or it can be a new enemy.....because I don't think the chrysalis has any animation other than moving...we can use it...for a start


I don't know how to post pics up...but I'm going to try and post it on my profile

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What do you think...it's only a start....?


It's meant to be a light armoured missile carrier..? Or you can make a name for it....the back and armour needs some work...but have almost finished the turnt now...going to lunch...I'll work on it when I get back

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I think I made the model to complicated....its getting hard to make the amour...I should just make a rectangle. and some tyres underneath..........


but that does take the fun out of the game knowing how the model was made



but I will start again...and I will see which turns out best


I have uploaded my latest pic of the tank have a look

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the link works...and if it dosent for you ..plz post here




this is also a model i made in 2min..with lsaer sights..its a muk up...so when i get my hends on real models i should be able to do much better..




New!!...sniper rifle...building time 5 min





New!!!..even better sniper...build time 12 min..i put alot of details into this one

and it has a silancer



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Calm down BlackAlmaz... ;). You have to remember that most of are Europeans, and thus we are sleeping or working when you post.


The tank model looks sweet. Looking forwards to seeing it with textures! Keep up the good work!


As for where to find the weapon models, I'm not sure. But have you done any research at all? Have you looked here? Or here? And have you checked out the documentation that came with the official tools? Or maybe one of you modders would be kind enough to tell him?

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instead of me posting new links all the time here is the main page




its 12am here..i have spent all day with this..allmost all day on the forems


sorry to say i havent finished the tank..that will come tomorow...


if any one has requests....pls...dont post here......


and lurker...i think i'll make you a gun next

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Lurker likes guns. ;)


I personally thought that different models for the LurkerGuns would be nice so that they don't look like the laser pistols. Aralez finally changed the color of the BFG9000, Warp Destroyers, and LurkerGuns, which was a very welcome change. But, in truth, we all wanted to see different Models and Icons for the different guns, and now that apparently will be possible to do.


So, BlackAlmaz, feed everything you have to Aralez as time allows and let Aralez consolidate it into a weapons Rebalance that we are all dreaming about.


Unique icons and models for each weapon would be cool, and a goal that I wouldn't object to.


Of course, a whole new weapon and getting Aralez to include it into the Rebalance would be neat as well. I like new weapons to try. ;)


Thanks for all that you are doing! I hope that tank thing works out as well. I'd like to have a tank in the crew.


Kudos and best wishes, one and all!

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because fulby helped me so much last night....i want to know what you think of this sniper made from scrach...its alined with a sniper from the game....(that l118..or something have a look andtell me whats wrong with it if anything)


and any other feed back would be great



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the one with more circles....and a silancer...is my model..the other...more plane one is from the game


now i'm tring to do the light armour.....once done..aralez will test it...and we will see..if it works or not

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;) yes it is....i wanted to make a silanced version of the m82...but i didnt have the game models...so for fun i just made a model...and now just with a little scalling it worked......so to me it my own rifle...


name-stand alone sniper rifle S.A.S.R...or you can do a poll after i make more weapons

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i didnt know there were 3 amours....forlight....so i edit number 1...wich is with out sleves


i have to ak this....do people whant long sleves or not....for example...like the ones in aralez mod...they all have long sleves

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did some one say OICW...well this isnt the best model i made....i want to see it textured..than i might change it




here is a remaid uzi...its a nice change to that bad design...tell me what you think




now there is a sawn of shot gun on the site....i need to test the length but it looks good so far




now i mixed my first pistol with a glock...this is what came out....it shore gives me a reason to try it


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question....doyou want a new model of the deagle...or just a tuned one?


here is a tuned on




and what about this little mod for the g 36.....its only really good for burst...but not enougth ammo...so i added a 100 bullet clipand...with this will come more acuurace and stubilaty because of wait...but longer aiming time...to balance it out..as well as aditional wait




and i know this isnt the smart gun...i will get to it......instead i made a pulse rifle from avp...whne textured..it should look the same





going to lunch...lurker..i'll try and make something for you next

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I get,


"The page cannot be displayed"


every time that I try to access one of your links.




One of the links went through the other day, and I saw the tank you were working on, which I thought was cool, and when it came to futuristic weapons, I saw a laser targeting pistol that you had made.


Most of the other stuff looked to be conventional, and I was trying to think if there were any conventional weapons that Aralez duplicated that are begging for a new model.


The current links aren't letting me into the directory that I was into before.

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