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Don't try this at home...


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I was very anxious to start playing this game having been a big fan of terror from the deep, so when I got the game I jumped into it straight away not looking at the menus or any settings. Last night having recovered from the humiliation of my boss tracking me down in the forum, I completed the Russian mission and was so pleased with myself I thought I would check out the settings I neglected earlier. I looked in the options menu and changed a few things, then I looked in the game menu....


....I thought to myself 'default game' what could that be? So I fiddled about for a bit and activated a new game thinking it would make no difference to any saved games I had under the 'default game'. I WAS WRONG - THE SAVED GAMES HAD BEEN DELETED!! I was actually quite calm and thought to myself that the games would still be on the system, so I checked out program files - THE SAVED GAMES HAD BEEN DELETED!!


Understandably I was a little bit annoyed at this having just done the Russian mission and progressing nicely throughout the game. Today I sit here telling you this awful story so that others may learn from my experiences and not loose everything for one moments stupidity.


After therapy I started a new game and am doing quite nicely having learnt allot from the first time I played. The drugs the docter gave me are helping as well!



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Wow - you must be really pissed at that. You must have deleted your default profile and then the game made you a brand new default profile.


Thanks for the warning. I've backed up my saves directory now, just in case (and will do after every game).

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