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New Combo-Mod and fan-fiction!


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Combo-Mod v3 ready!

BlackAlmaz have now completed the third version of the Combo-Mod with the help of Aralez. Besides bugfixes, there are new weapons, enemies, textures and icons. Take a look at the very stylish Ethereal (you may recognize this one) below:


https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/Combo2/ethereals.jpg https://www.ufoaftermath.co.uk/Mods/Combo2/pistolss.jpg


The mod is about 27 MB, and you can download it from our mods section. More information can be found here.


Chronicles of the Interregnum, Part II:

Accounting troll have finished another part in his amazing fan-fiction! This part covers the years 2032-2053, and should be a good tension builder for Aftershock. If you missed the first part, you can find it here detailing the years 2005-2032. And if you like what you read, more fan-fiction can be found in the fan-fiction forum, as well as in our fan-fiction section. Feedback is encouraged!


More information about Aftershock?

If you feel that the information you've had about Aftershock in various interviews just isn't enough, take a look at the official forum. Martin Klima of ALTAR sometimes answers question about the game there, and you can find all his replies here. It makes for some interesting reading!

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well well looks like v4 is is cloose as well look at this readers head it look much better than the one aralez placed in...wich was the piolet unform..i got the idea as soon as i saw the files he sent me....and there might be a female one as well


what do you guys think heres a pick


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Well BlackAlmaz, just be sure to get everything you want included into the next version to Aralez and then Aralez can splice something together while you are gone.


I think you guys did a great job.


I still would have liked to have seen BlackAlmaz's aliens and predators in motion if he had them far enough along to have something in motion.


Also, I though TYR had zat and staff weapons ready from the Stargate mod that sounded interesting.


Oh well, ComboMod3 is quite nice as it is, too. So, whatever happens will happen.


I don't know how many people will get far enough into a ComboMod3 game for them to want the next version to be able to use the 3.0 version saved games instead of having to start a new game? That's another thing to consider when making a new version. I don't know if ComboMod3 was able to safely play games created and saved by ComboMod 2, for example, but I personally didn't get into version 2 far enough for it to matter, but I don't know about the rest of you.


I can say that it is nice to see all the hard work finally making it into something that we can play and see in motion. Kudos!!

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I can make no models, everything else is fine with me :laugh: But i too think we should wait with a complete new mod for some time. The "human raider upgrade" could be done without conflicts in the savegames, but i think that's all we should change for the moment...
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I guess that it's just you and I bumping into each other. All the other members have gone to work or gone to bed.


I'm going to go eat and call it quits as well. Been nice talking with you.


And, thank you for everything!!


And . . . Thank you BlackAlmaz and Fulby!!

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Okay, I just finished three missions against the Faceless Ones. They must be Air Elementals in military garb, or their momma hasn't been feeding them. These are not SpecOps, they are something different.


That's a cute little bug in ComboMod3.


These human enemies were not the nice dark green enemy that Fulby created either, their clothes have been bleached along with their skin. :)


Ha ha.


Skin bleached so much that it's now invisible or transparent. :laugh:

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a new i dea for an enmy just hit my mind..it will eather be one assin or a small group of them...using weapons that we will never be able to control


they will be sweet working on a assin sniper now....they will be the elite smaller group of spec ops 1-4 soldiers a map only..belive me thats all they nead


they will have evrything silanced i have created a way to make silanced weapons actually work

when you shoot the target they dont see you...and the same hapens to you..you get heart but you dont know where from

reason i might make more than one is that some maps are just to big to have one assasin


and one more thing is there any way to make humans attack our base..not justb greys? kret and fulby that one is for you

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Simply add them as reticulans in the listofenemy.txt and "explain" to the game that they are reticulans. Should work.


Lurker, the faces aren't transparent, they are not there! The human raiders were developed when there was no model editor available, so Fulby did the best he could at that time.


That's why BA showed the future model of the face in the post above.


And, that green enemy was MY creation :) not Fulbys. (but they were made by using his human raiders as a base.) And back then i removed them, because someone complained about them.... :laugh:


BA, the Browning was supposed to be silenced, too. Did you use that way to produce silenced weapons?


And keep in mind that an invisible alien with silenced weapons will bring complaints of users. I already can see the threads: "ComboMod bugged? My entire crew died and there was no enemy in sight...."

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the beret was a somwhat silanced weapon...the thing would shout out a very small amount of smoke..like a smoke launcher that idi dadge

but it wasnt that good so i never used it

but i have found a way to make them use the 0.0 statistic..with out launcher hendaling......they shout the enemiy freezes and they no longer see what shot them the affect lasts 0.0...but is enought to keep the enemy invisible if our runing and not in stealth mode...or if you have less then very good observation


plus i just have to give one assasin into the game just one..maybe with the specops group..just one that what i need

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Kret, the Browning was an experiment. I added the smoke-cover-effect of the smoke-grenade to its point of impact. The thought behind that was to "hide" the impact from the games eyes. That's why it has the strange effect when fired and has the grenade handling. Some tests were done by me and the enemy didn't seem to be alerted by those shots. BUT i have no real proof for this, as sometimes the enemy doesn't react to "ordinary" shots as well.


BA seems to go another way if i understood his writings: He seems to add a 0 second stun damage to the weapon. If the enemy is hit, he seems to "forget" who shot at him.


BA, if this works, please change the Browning, too, will you? And ONE assasin should be o.k. as long as you don't make him invisible. :laugh:

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fine not invisible but long ranged fast and deadly..for some i will added a cool loking knife....with the pistol so it will look like stabing...


but to do that how did you make the chomper choose from 2 attackes and not just blow up...eg burst or snap

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Well, if that's what the face model is for up above, and I kind of thought it was, although I can't always understand what BlackAlmaz is saying, then we need BlackAlmaz to give the guys a face before BlackAlmaz disappears for three months. He was indeed asking for things that needed to be done before he went away, and giving those guys a face instead of a bucket for a head would be a good move. :laugh:


I was kind of waiting and wondering if I would run into enemies without a face, and I finally had three missions in a row against them.


I'm still waiting to get a mission against the Dark Green human enemies that did have a face, assuming that I understood all of the previous posts, the Heavy Green Suited enemies are supposed to be in there somewhere as well.


I have run into the Etherials occasionally, and that's fun to do also.


The SpecOps guys are quite something, though. Very aggressive and slow to retreat.

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