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Sim Development: What do YOU want?

Mouse Nightshirt

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Well, I am due for my return very very soon indeed. I would like to ask you, the XCAS people, what YOU would like to see developing in the sim, what storyline progression, and any other things you would like to mention.


Get everyone you know in here! Discuss!

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Hhmmm... I'd like to see some more Ascidian-human relationship issues in the story. And I don't mean we get nice and close and have parties at each others' bases. I want humans to be hated by big chunks of the ascidian population, but still officially supported by the council of course :) . Sorry, I just love the Sirius/Black Spear parallels so much, it offers so much oportunity for RP :)


What else... hhmmm *thinks*... The tech is okay, as tanks and several weapon types are available to look into, so that's great as it is (well done to Loonie for the tech development lately btw). I think I mainly just want more politics and Ascidian relationship development, I really love that stuff, if you haven't already noticed :) *points to Roleplay forum*.


P.S - Don't stand anywhere NEAR Jacko next Black Spear related mission... I get the feeling large explosions may occur next to and in his vicinity, in chemical and emotional senses :blink:

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Hahah! Actually I just *might* put some Black Spears in the closing missions so.... heheheee :devil:


But seriously. I expect to finish my own thoughts on how the tech tree could proceed soon and will send them to Mouse as soon as I've thought out everything and compiled it into some sense. :)


In the future what I would want? Well...attendance, forum character development like Jacko did,....buuuuuut that's just my ranting so. :)


I really don't see much else to improve. :blink: The API could be making a comeback as they have been quite neglected as of late but that's about it. Oh and a few more stories would be welcome here. I may have two of them on standby to be posted today but I'd like some other authors besides me write. :)

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Okay, I wasn't going to suggest this before... But it probably wouldn't hurt to air it. In the RPG forum I managed some time ago, we had sims similar to XCAS. But afterward each of them, instead of a very brief 'de-briefing' (No pun intended) the GM would write out the entire sim in the same style as the Roleplay posts.


My suggestion is, instead of a short de-briefing for absent members, why don't we spiffen it up by posting all the dialogue and actions as a story. To illustrate, instead of posting something like this:


"Jackson then entered the room and took out the Sectoids."


Something like this would be posted:


"Jackson took a step into the Command Room, he spotted the Sectoids reported by the scout earlier. 'There they are' he thought. Jackson raised his AC and dove sideways into the room unloading his weapon into the Sectoid's fragile bodies."


That way people would enjoy the read significantly more, and would probably be much more of an incentive seeing themselves included in the debriefing. Thus, more activity in the Sunday sims.


I understand a lot of sims go on for 1 or 2 hours and that would be an awful lot of writing, but I used to do this on a bi-weekly basis before so I will volunteer to write up more detailed de-briefings if the idea is accepted.

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Hmmm. You see, the thing is that we use normally stories for that. If there is an important mission then we usually write a story about it which is in basic the same as you have demonstrated.


The reason as to why it is currently not done in such a fashion is because it would gulp up a LOT of space in the forum topic (already the de-breifs as they are are damn lenghty!) so that was the main reason. The lenght and also in part the effort it would take.


But I would be willing that you make such a de-brief about the next mission we have and that you write it independantly of mine. We'll post it then and we'll see from there on. :blush:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've decided to post my own desired little thing. It is to introduce injuries as a lasting effect in the sim's progression.


Over the last few sims it was noted that many people had suffered injuries or were mentally hurt and yet in the next mission they showed up bright and gay and ready to pluck flowers ;)


I would like to change that. I would like for a system that is describedhere in the notes section which I have briefly replaced so as to demonstrate a gameplan. Each mission the GM would determine what types of injuries can occur and how long they last. They won't disable a character from showing up in the next mission but they will however limit his abilities depending on what kind of wound it is.


If you are okay with this then let me know please. I know that I just keep churning out ideas completely uncontrolled but I'm hoping Mouse will come back soon to chain me somewhere. :blush: Consider this as my last special public proposal whilst I am still in charge. ;)

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Hmm. First off, the injury thing looks like a good and realistic idea.


I'm with Chrysalid_Zombie. More politics! More drama! This would be perfect for any diplomat characters (the position exists for a something right?) Also I've actually pictured my character to be quite the smart ass drama queen now that I've been fleshing out her bio and such. So it would be interesting to see more sim sessions which are less combat intensive and more social and dramatic.


In combat/mission situations, this could also mean more bickering between troops and such. After all, military units are never groups of perfect friends.

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Heheh. Indeed. There has been some bickering in the past, in fact quite a few disobeyed orders. :blush:


But aye. Less combat intensive missions. Just so as I finish the last mission of my saga (which still will be combat oriented) and then Mouse takes over anyway and I'm sure he'll make more "civil" missions. ;)

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Heh, I figured the injury thinger was an unspoken rule. (Ala the trouble Scott had with his XJB wounds from the hostage mission) But yeah, I have noticed an awfully quick healing process for critically wounded characters.


I'm not sure how you'd go about MIA characters though. The way it sounds, it looks like you'd be cutting a character out for a sim. Mind elaborating on that one for us, Loonie?

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Certainly. Over the past there have been certain cases where we had to rescue our own characters. Ghost needed rescuing in one case and Fox in another one. When it comes to those cases when a character is deliberately left behind so as to "cut our losses" at that time, or at any such other similar case MIA status will be made. It must be done strictly under the allowance of the controlling person of that character and not in any other case :blush:


Hope that did it. If not then shout.

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Sounds like an idea this injury system, and it does reflect the X-Com we know and love, where one plasma wound if it didn't kill the person would have them out of action for best part of the year, unfortunatly we don't have the luxery that AW1 troops had with replacements!
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The injury system isn't meant to be there so as to take people out of commission and get them out of missions. But it is there so that the person who is injured has a bit of extra limitations when the wound is in effect.


Say that a guy is injured for two sims in the arm. During those two sims he can participate in them, but his arm does not function as it normally would i.e. his aim with his Rifle is off, he can't push objects with his hands, perhaps cannot even type on keypads if the wound is severe enough, ect.


The main reason behind injury is that it limits a bit the things that the character can do, but that does not mean he can't preform them however. The injured person still can opt for a Pistol instead of a Rifle, he can still lean against objects and push them that way and he can still use his other hand to type on a keypad. :blush: Basically what the injury system would do is offer some limitation and force the character to be more creative in how to find a solution. ;)

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Those kinds wouldn't occur very often. Only in certain cases would that be used if a person for instance says: "I won't be able to make it this next Sunday." Then we'll see. Maybe the injury occurs maybe it doesn't. Besides if I remember correctly injuries weren't that big back at the time Mouse was leading XCAS sims so don't think that injuries will happen that often. Only occasionally when I can persuade/subvert him to do it. :devil:
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I'd like to quickly say, I'm against the OOC medals idea, as I think it just isn't needed. I mean medals are great for large groups (20+) to celebrate the achievments of people, but in our close knit group a medal wouldn't really be needed too much, as everyone knows how great we are :blush:


However, an In Character medal system could be useful... Although have we got enough metal in the universe to make Jackson's injury medals and Yorke's 'carrying someone out of battle' medals?

I could see medals creating a little friction/jealousy between characters in sim, so I like that idea. But no OOC medals :hmmm: *puts up 'no ooc medals' protest sign* ;)

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Wow! You know, I've had that idea all along as well, but after DH and Ghost and the others just said that making special stuff OOC and medals amongst them would be out I didn't think anyone was up for it so I didn't mention it really.


I would agree with CZ about having only in-character medals, since that way not only jealousy would arise but also perhaps some simulated form of "respect" towards a character. There could also be other applications to this, but it all depends.


So considering the responses to the injury system we would agree on it more or less? If not someone else post here if there's something which could be added. As far as medals go....I guess Yorke has just opened up the next topic on this thread. So what do the others think about medals might I ask? :blush:

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Just to reinterate; injury system yes. It's both realistic and adds a depth to how a person roleplays his/her character. In character medals are also a good idea, after all, real military units have them as well.


Out of character medals I don't think fit in as well. I wouldn't say it's fair to award a person for their quality and quantity of participation, when participating is fun enough as it is. It could also end up with in character troubles becoming out of character trouble.


Also, random question. If I want to write a story for XCAS, does it have to go in the timeline of the sagas or does it not really matter at all?

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I'd say it has to have some relation to the XCAS story. If you check out CZ's story "The Deep", it takes place during the Terror from the Deep but it's based on Jacko's severe hatred for the Cult of Sirius. ('Twas a good one I might add. :blush: ) So I guess timeline has little matter.
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