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Interesting relations

Mouse Nightshirt

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What "interesting" organization relationships have you seen?


I've had a game where the Government like the COS. I mean come on! If I level the COS templea, the government goes nasty on me.


And then Megapol and Psyke? In nearly every one of my games, megapol regularly raids Psyke and vice versa. But liking Psyke? What on earth?


But in my current game, I wondering why my arch enemies Evonet love me. I always flatten their buildings because their bloody recyclotorium and sewage works surround my base. They seem to have a vendetta against the Cult, so if I blow them up, it keeps them happy. But if I blow the COS up, Sensovision, Synthemesh and Sanctuary Clinic (All beginning with S...) hate me.

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If it's any consolation, after a hilarious overspud attack, the Cult of Sirius started to like me whenever I attacked their 'alien friends'. This weird state of affairs did not last too long as I went along and raided them on purpose.


Then in another game, Megapol started 'like' the cult. I couldn't stand it! No plasma guns and megapol armour for me. Argh! Luckily I'd made the rest of the city enemies with one of the political parties. The technnocrats I think. So I still had someone I could attack with impunity.


Politics can get incredibly weird the longer you play the game. So I find it so much better to skip out of Mega Primus altogether and never let the aliens in again. This way, no matter how bad the politics get, you can safely ignore it (unless you get attacked).



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  • 2 weeks later...

11:05:22 - "Peace Treaty Signed: Megapol, Diablo"

11:05:23 - "Stupid Slum Block stormed by megapol"


Ah, the good ol' "1-second peace treaty".


The best, of course, was when I was busy blowing up a COS temple, a COS hovercar fired a missile, missed, and hit a shopping mall. So then, Nutrivend came after the COS...

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Nutrivend started to hate me as the aliens tried to take their hydrofarms. I'd go and kick them out, but those places are so fragile ("It's raining aliens! Woohoo") that there was always huge damage.


Eventually they changed their status to 'allied'. Musta worked out what the aliens were up to.

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  • 1 month later...
We had this huge major battle where a mothership, a battleship and two bombers were randomly attacking buildings in the city. I was able to destroy the two large ufos, and subsequently capture them, after a long arduous battle across the city. After that , a LOT of corporations suddenly started liking me. Except transteller, which keeps asking for lots of money to remain neutral but will not let me bribe them otherwise as they feel the aliens are friends.
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That battle would probably have been the Apocalypse. :blink:


I kid you not, eventually the aliens decide to level the city, and the damage they deal tends to turn views in your favour. Not that that really means anything, but it's nice to be liked. :)

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I've seen the Apocalypse mission. But I was extremely dissapointed by it. I suffered no casualties at the time it happened, and damage to the city was minimal.


I just wish the aliens would have something stronger once you've got every shred of tech in the game...

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11:05:22 - "Peace Treaty Signed: Megapol, Diablo"

11:05:23 - "Stupid Slum Block stormed by megapol"


Ah, the good ol' "1-second peace treaty".

I almost had something like that


11:40:00 - Treaty signed, Megapol, Transtellar

12:20:00 - Corporation Raided, Transtellar, by Megapol



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They're from the headlines that scroll across the message bar.


It would've been very nice if you could see a relation table in game. It would allow you to think twice before attacking an organisation for its resources.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that companies have a "an enemy of my enemy, is my ally" attitude.


I seem to recall completely levelling off one of Psyche's buildings and Diablo suddenly turned from hostile to allied.


I also had the COS be friendly towards me early on in the game, until I started doing alien missions then they started raiding me :blink:

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At one point, Megapol had gone over to the Aliens. Then I raided a gang slum, and they were allied with me again, and they hated the Aliens, but the Aliens still liked them. It was funny to see Megapol hovercars shooting at Motherships, but the Aliens weren't shooting back. :blink:
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there are different kinds of attcks. there are attacks, raids and storms (i thinks thats it). onces, by accedent, i hapened to pause just as megapol was attacking diablo. thats with cars and in cityscape. when i selected one of megapol's attacking cars, guess what? it was an illegel vehicle. so i guess that all vehicles out to attack are illegle, and the game just doesn't say it when its a good guy/ally.
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