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Oozing Evolution


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Reinvention is on the way. Courtesy of Petroglyph Games and Grey Box a potentially new evolutionary step is about to be taken with the just revealed Grey Goo, an upcoming game with a definite progressive bent but also strong foundations on solid RTS gameplay.



Five centuries after humans first left earth, three factions fight to control the lifeblood of a rocky oasis: Ecosystem Nine. It is a world of chaos. Survival depends on the ability to grow, fight - and to evolve.



As commander to one of three factions, your goal is simple: to wage war. To forge machines of battle from catalyst, Nine's powerful resource - because whoever attains the largest supply has the tightest grip on the future.



Utilizing traditional base building as its core, the game aims to reinvent the modern standard of RTS gaming by placing emphasis on tactics over micro-management. By freeing players from having to issue hundreds of orders in a match, each decision is made more valuable and can mean the difference between victory and defeat.



At the heart of Grey Goo lie three unique factions whose functionality and strategies vary significantly from one another. Whether it's the adaptive Beta, the impervious humans, or the unpredictable Goo, players are sure to find the play style they're looking for. Don't get too comfortable though. Skill with your preferred faction is no replacement for truly understanding your enemy.




Beyond the information found at the brand new official site, there's also more in-depth exclusive coverage at PC Gamer in the the early preview found here.



Currently slated for release come Fall of 2014.

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For me, this piece of info is very interesting...


As the Goo, you begin as a single blob of nanotechnological soup, separating into smaller blobs that can ultimately morph into combat units.


Is Grey Goo trying to be what Spore promised but failed at?

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Hey everyone! Just checking in to see if any of you are going to be attending PAX East next week... we will be there! Booth #348 if you want to swing by and check out the game, talk to the devs, and get a ticket to the party!
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Polygon's Brian Crecente has recently interviewed Josh Maida, executive producer at publisher Grey Box, resulting in an article oozing with information about Grey Goo.

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