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i tend to use... what ever happens to be on hand, followed closely by an ap grenade or two.


nearer the start i reckon autocannons & he rounds would be best, as they have a fairly good (especially on autofire) ROF and since they're explosive it doesn't matter if you don't hit it completely (so attacking from outside the multiworms attack range is viable)... that and the explosives can kill all the hyper worms as soon as they hatch.


M4k... nice high fire rate... but bullets only count if they hit...


ditto pistols, expect with toxi guns they are cool enough (and by then your agenst stats are high enough) to get off enough rounds with enough accuracy to be fine, if followed by an ap grenade.


launchers.... i reckon wouldn't be efficient enough ammo wise


probably the best is some fire of what ever you've got, then a grenade (stun or ap).

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Ah, Multiworms... one of my most hated aliens. The other aliens really aren't so bad in comparison.


I noticed that if you set fire to the multiworm before dealing the killing blow, the hyperworms often hatch dead. Sadly, this is rather a poor tactic to use in the city without some heavy use of stun grenades or smoke bombs to put the fire out.


Anyway, in the early game, the weapons I use to deal the bulk of the damage tends to be a toss up between the autocannon, M4000 and the plasma gun. I also try to include a stun grapple so that I can knock out the multiworm as soon as its health goes below 80. High tech weapons include devestator cannons and the toxigun, but they come much later.


The power sword does very good damage, but the Multiworm's auto-fire spitting action and the need to walk up to it really prevents this from being a terribly efficient weapon. But if it gets up close, chop chop. It's great for the hyper worms too, but as there are four of them, it just doesn't work fast enough unless there are multiple agents nearby.


I've had the multiworms killed a few times without them hatching the hyperworms. I wonder if there's a particular procedure to perform this or if this is random? Wish I knew.



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hmmm.... it could be something like the way that if you kill a popper with laser, disruptor, or toxin it doesn't pop....


is there anything in the ufopedia? cuase there was for the popper.....

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Normally, I throw a Stungas nade, wait a few sec , then start using AP weapons. The multiworm should fall "asleep" as soon as it's Hp goes under the "sleep" bar.


If I want to kill it with the little ones, I throw a "on impact" nade after firing a few HE rounds with the AC gun. =)



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Usually I move my units in squads of three or more. Of course each member of the squad is armed differently, and armed and ready for any situation. In the early stages of the game I usually have my Autocannon, and M-4000 guys open up on the multiworm, hopefully stunning or killing it.


The real fun begins when it's hatchlings pop and start after the sqaud. I notice they don't attack right away, so hopefully the other members of the sqaud can lob a grenade and kill the nasty buggers before they get to my troops.

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