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A Post-Nuclear Mod for S3 (Sentinels)


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This mod was originally ment for S2 (first franchise in SS series), but due to loss of the data base i had to abandon it. Almost a year have passed since that time and i`m once again eager to make this project see the world. However, with all the new database and stuff i decided to move to SS3 (Sentinels) game due to all its cool trading and armour thingies.


So, the mod. It takes place in a distant future in the world devastated by nuclear war. The origin of this war is now a mystery, but rumors are there that a series of well-planned terrorist bombings and assasinations triggered all the havoc out there resulting in world wide nuclear war.


The world suffered greatly after this war. Not just because the 90% of the surface is now covered in radiated dust and sand. Those who were killed in the initial blasts were lucky enough to avoid the hunger, deseases and violence that reaped through the survivors. But not all were doomed to survive on their own in the ruins of the civilisation - a couple of military, scientific and political groups escaped to old nuclear shelters and sealed themselves until the better times.


You are playing as a sergant in Shelter Security Special Forces (ShelSec for short). You start the game in a wasteland in commnad of a small patrol squad that just got ambushed by a group of bandits...


The other missions will take place in ruined cities, in underground shelters and warehouses, in city metro stations, vaults and simply in the wastes. Constant engagements with bandits, raiders and other bad guys will very fast switch to deadly battles with terrorists who were responsible for the Nuke-War and the new wasted world. Mission types will vary from raids and defences, to rescue operations and assasinations.


The equipment will be very scarce. You`ll have to loot anything from the battlefield. There will be lots of random encounters with intact buildings, stashes and bunkers as well as scenario based missions that contain valuable loot. Most places will require engineer with high enough lockpicking and mine clearing skills. Others will be guarded by some forces. The store will provide you with some limited basic military-grade stuff like 10mm pistols and smgs and 6mm assault rifles.


Meet your foe: a post with descriptions and pics of all factions that are planned to be present in the mod.


Version 0.3 (30.11.2014): https://lordsofthestars.com/other/S3/APN.03.zip (~85mb)


How to install


First of all you need Silent Storm: Sentinels (24 Jun 2004 version).


1. Download the archive and unpack it into your Silent Storm Sentinels folder (Steam users can find it in steam\steamapps\common\Silent Storm Sentinels).

2. Launch the game and select 'custom game'. There should appear a 'A Post-Nuclear Campaign Mod...' in it. Select it and move it to the left window. Click 'accept'.


Note that you`ll have to do that every time you launch the game.


Known issues:


- mercs have original data that wasn`t modified in any way (background, pics etc.) Only their model looks and equipment was changed.

- texts contain typos and mistakes.

- certain areas of the mission maps may contain odd passability maps (units jumping over terrain or dissappearing for a moment or refusing to move into certain areas).

- shotguns have enourmous amounts of ammo (engine limitations, each pellet fired uses a single ammo unit - so 80 ammo for a basic 10Ga shotgun actually means 8 shots with 10 pellets per shot).

- dialogues are pretty primitive.




Some weapons of the post-nuclear world: https://lordsofthesta.../S3/allguns.jpg

42mm Grenade Launcher: https://lordsofthesta...her/S3/gren.jpg

Duel (allied ShelSec soldier against a bandit): https://lordsofthesta...her/S3/duel.jpg

ShelSec soldiers (allies): https://lordsofthesta.../S3/ShelSec.jpg

Shop inventory: https://www.lordsofth...er/S3/shop1.jpg

Global map of the mod: https://www.lordsofth.../map-global.jpg

Sector (region) map: https://www.lordsofth...map-shelter.jpg

Warrior Mk.2 Power Suit: https://www.lordsofth...other/S3/ps.jpg




Linky to original mod`s page.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Okim, nice to see someone still working on modding these games. I have to admit though, despite loving the S2 and S3 games I don't play them enough. Always a chore to install them on more modern machines! Newer video cards are always a pain to get working with the game as well.


I don't remember anyone doing a total conversion for any of the Silent Storm series (unless you count Hammer and Sickle!) except for Shattered, the mod that connected maps together via link objects. I'm sure that doing something like this must have been a heck of a challenge. I looked over the modding tools for S2 a long time ago and found it rather awkward to use. Maybe they've been updated since then? Well, here's hoping you have good luck with continuing this. Post apocalyptic settings seem to be rather apt with the game mechanics. I think it should work well!

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  • 11 months later...

Hi. I think that i achieved all the initial preparations to start to reincarnate this mod. This time on SS3 (Sentinels) engine.


There are issues that i have to overcome (like problems with importing dialogues and certaing oddities with game`s shop inventory), but i`m eager to finish it or at least advance it to some playable and enjoyable point.


The bad thing is that Sentinels seem to have the multiplayer removed from it, which it rather sad...


(P.S.: can mods please rename this thread to "A Post-Nuclear Mod for S3 (Sentinels)"?). Thanks in advance...

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A couple of pictures from the mod:


1. Weapons of the post-nuclear world: https://lordsofthesta...her/S3/weps.jpg


2. 42mm Grenade Launcher: https://lordsofthesta...her/S3/gren.jpg


3. Picking a starting char: https://lordsofthesta...er/S3/start.jpg


4. Duel: https://lordsofthesta...her/S3/duel.jpg


The majority of the guns in the mod has several variants. These variants represent the same gun, but with 1-2 attachments on it (like tactical laser or red dot). A gun with an attachment is sligtly better than a gun without it. Game does not allow attachment system like it was in UFO: AS/AL, so that`s why there are so many of these variants in the mod (a 6mm Assault Rifle has 9 variants, for example).


The mod has hand-held grenade launchers that act much like MG FF for PK - a gun firing explosive projectiles. I already have a GL and two grenade types for it (FRAG and AP) that are looking cool and are working good.


APN also has shotguns, but once again due to engine limitations they may be confusing to the player. Each 'shot' from a 10ga Shotgun fires 10 projectiles and thus consumes 10 ammo, so this 10ga shotgun has to have 80 ammo to represent its capacity of 8 shots. Weird, but working very well.


Energy guns will be represented by powerful single shot lasers (no burst), rapid fire blasters (lighter lasers with different effects) and devastating plasma guns (firing explosive ammo). For now there are only lasers present in the mod.


PK will be a major part of the mid-late game. They will have multiple variations (Assault with extra HP, Grenadeer with light grenades, Sniper with access to specific guns and etc). The means to dispatch those will also have some good variety ranging from hand grenades and launchers to laser and plasma weapons.


Campaing is currently under development, but i already have a fully playable first mission against a gang and currently working on ruined city rescue mission.

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Ok, just came in to report that problem with the shop is now solved. Thanks to Bunterll for his advices and assistance.


So, with dialogues and shop issues no longer present i can concentrate on campaign and scripting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First mission in the game takes place in a desert where you were ambushed while patrolling. It is a tiny map where action takes place pretty fast and bloody. A couple of trash in front of you is the only cover from bandit`s deadly 7mm hunting rifles.


Second mission plays on a larger map with lots of cover. Enemies are holled up in the large ruined building waiting for the prey to get into their trap. Objectives of your squad are to kill everyone and locate missing patrol.


Here is a nice shot i`v made while testing. The closest ruins provide an awesome sniper point for your team: https://www.lordsofthestars.com/other/S3/sniping.jpg

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Third mission if finished. This time you defend a small farming village from huge group of bandits: https://www.lordsofthestars.com/other/S3/third.jpg


Here are some of the bandits you can encounter in the first missions:






After i finish testing this mission - i`ll release a 0.1 mod`s version for you to test and comment. It will be soon i hope.

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ShelSec Gunner from the third mission:




He has 2 Micro-Blast grenades (extra bonus to criticals, no fragments, low damage, low weight) on his vest and an extra clip on his back.

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And here is Tadas - the cheapest sniper guy that can be acquired before mission 2:




Guy is armed with a sniper version of 6mm Precision Rifle and 10mm dual pistol. On his back there are bags with rifle clips.

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Duke - a pre-made grenadeer main character that i`m playing:




He is armed with a 6mm Assault Rifle that has a red dot on it (-5 AP for aiming shots compared to unmodified rifle) and a Laser Pistol.


Inventory shows Micro- and Standard Blast grenades, rifle ammo, pistol and laser cells.

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A "Warrior" mark 2 Powered Suit (needs few more texturing efforts and smoothing).




Model is a heavily modified german PK with fixed head, reworked backpack and torso parts. Had to overcome some difficulties with Maya and skeleton/skin issues in it, but the PS is working fine in the game (as this screenshot shows).


The plans regarding Panzerkleins in my mod are simple: add a few new models, retexture the old ones and put as many of them into the game as possible. I love PKS and will try to do my best to utilise them at full.


This is the list of PS types (PS - Powered Suits) that are currently planned for the future:


1. Warrior. Basic weapons and light grenade launcher. Low armour.

2. Shredder. Advanced machineguns (miniguns), but no grenades.

3. Blaser. Advanced energy guns, but no grenades.

4. Bombard. Basic weapons and all types of grenades (there are two - light and heavy).

5. Guardian. Heavy armour, more VPs *due to damper field generator mounted in its left hand) than other PSs, but no grenades.

6. Shadow. Low armour, basic weapons, no grenades. Can hide (due to stealth generator mounted in its left arm).



BTW. The fact that i can now create models for pers means that i`ll start attempting to put in real mutants and new uniforms. I just need to learn a bit more of modelling the human body smile.png


P.S.: a little feedback would be awesome...

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That Power Suit looks wicked! So far I like all the new stuff you have been doing and I think its really good. I am just not sure if Shelter Security Special forces is such a good name, SelSec does sound nice but it would be the short for Shelter Security instead. Maybe we should work on the name a bit more. You know, in some regards, this could be a bit like what VanBuren could have been if it became Fallout 3.


Man that makes me wish Blunter would be able to make new models, we could need some stuff for the mod he is working on, but he has no modeling program and so far there seems to be no way to implement models made by others, but I could be wrong there.


anyway, keep up the good work.

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Spec Ops are just for puting you and your squad aside from common grunts. ShelSec SpecOps undeed doesn`t sound that great, so its just 'ShelSec' that is commonly used in names and dialogues.


APN as it is now looks much like Fallout Tactics be it a bad comparison or a good one. Both games are pretty linear, have tons of stuff and bunch of enemies in a set of missions.


BTW, is there a way to add a specific map on the map avoiding putting it inside the mission blocks? I`ve got some villages and lootable places which i don`t want to make a part of the plot, but wish to make accessable at some point. I suppose that scripts may be able to do that stuff. Need to check.

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Do you recall me talking about attachment system? Like guns with tactical laser and such? No with the light shed onto dialogue mod feature i`ve managed to expand this system and make weapon conversions a reality!


https://www.lordsofth...r/S3/weps01.jpg - Who is this guy with fancy looking glasses? Wow, a customiser-guy!

https://www.lordsofth...r/S3/weps02.jpg - Oh, he has some options for my basic 10mm pistol. Cool. Let`s pick the Dual Shot Pistol conversion - it sounds awesome!

https://www.lordsofth...r/S3/weps03.jpg - Yeah, i`m sure i want to get it done...

https://www.lordsofth...r/S3/weps04.jpg - Now that`s the pistol that really belongs to a post-apocalypse world!


P.S. ignore typos and odd-looking unformatted texts. That`s just the beginning of the long testing and tuning process :)

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That's awesome! It would be even more awesome if the dialogue required you to have the item (so a seperate item called Dual Barrel, for example) before you can convert it (not sure if it's possible, I have no idea how it works!).


I remember the S2 topic from a long time ago when I was lurking this forum (kinda like now). The scenes looked very nice and post-apoc is always a good theme.


The Power Suits look brutal with that machine gun attached, what other weapons are attachable to it in the future?

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Such checks are possible and a re planned for some advanced conversions (like making a gun out of laser pistol, for example).


PSs are going to have a large variety of machineguns, launchers, anti-material guns, explosive cannons and energy-based weapons. As i wrote before - some of the PSs will be restricted to powerful specific guns, while others will be able to use different weapons.

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12mm Revolver with a combat scope. There is also a sniper version for this gun.




Revolver is capable of damaging Power Suits making it one of the few conventional anti-armour weapons...

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'Hunting' shotguns of the post-nuclear world:




Simple guns with 2 and 3 barrels. And sawn-off version ofcause smile.png


Guns are primarly meant for farmers, civilians and bandits. But a sawn-off version might come in handy even for a shel-sec soldier (however there is already a military compact shotgun in game, but it can be acquired only by conversion).

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Ok. The mod is being fired on. The very first version is ready to be tested by you, guys.


Download it and hopefully enjoy my attempts to make something special and completelly different on this marvelous game engine.


Feedback is welcome.

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