XCOM2 TFTD Save Game Editor


A decent editor for TFTD allowing you to edit your base stores, aquanaut stats, base facilities and money. The aquanaut editor is functional, but limited in scope which makes this part of the editor quite lackluster. The money editor really isn't an editor but a way to crank funds up to the maximum. Again, functional but not practical. But the other two sections are great: editing your base stores is really handy and not many editors have this feature - same thing for your facilities too. I'd put this on my list of must-haves simply for those parts.

Getting the editor to run can only be accomplished by using DOSBox - a command prompt will not work and most likely will bring up a runtime error. Be advised.

Included in the zip is the editor package (XC2EDIT) as well as a stand alone aquanaut editor by the same author (XC2SOLD). Doubtful whether anyone would want the separate editor, but it's small.


File Details

Filesize 53 kB
Author Charley R. Harley
Downloads 6,562