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NoXTheRoXStaR last won the day on May 3

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About NoXTheRoXStaR

  • Birthday 06/27/1983

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    St. Louis, Missouri (US of A)
  • Interests
    video games, horror & sci-fi movies, macabre novels, rock 'n roll music, list goes on and on.

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  1. Sounds like they came over illegally. ?
  2. I feel numb because I have to be. I have to move personal belongings from my grandmothers house and my moms apartment out. I'm trying very hard to be strong for my wife and kids. My parents and grandparents were for a better word stoic. I wouldn't label them uncaring but more like not showing emotions. I guess I'm like my father. I never met him personally, he died when I was 3. Emotionally, I guess I'm a fucking pussy. When I hear certain songs or watch movies my eyes tear up and it all dissolves into memories. My wife is my backbone. I thank God in prayers at night that because of her I'm not a jellyfish. Do you know what's going to kill me? It's moving 4 generations of furniture out of a 3 story house.... fuck and all I wanted to do this year was do my review of GalCivs. Ok, enough emotional baggage, I'll be fine.
  3. Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor Blinking Cursor I'm trying to type and compose myself. I know, I agree with you both. I never shrug anything off, I let things burrow, fester and manifest while I sleep and when I wake there is ether rage or solace. I overcame alcoholism (SV knows about that). I won't use that as a crutch now either. -NoX
  4. I shouldn't have posted this here initially. This is my favorite venue, think of it as an old class bar/restaurant. I suppose one may consider it a safe haven in which to settle down and compile thoughts? Ah who cares. Until Pete kicks me off, I'll use this time to communicate with my friends and muse with myself. There are stages evidently people go through. Sadness, Anger, Acceptance, Guilt. I don't know in which order their supposed to belong. I see my family and friends show their emotions. I get the text messages, the sympathy cards in the mail. The phone calls about my loss, and to be honest. I don't feel anything at all.
  5. On January 4th my mom, grandma and youngest son were killed in an auto accident. It's been a week and I'm still scatter brained over all of this. I can't eat, I've become short tempered with my wife and friends. I keep rubbing my eyes, I need to stop doing that. My mind races and I can't sleep, so I wanted to say I'm sorry. I guess this my goodbye. I don't know. My heart hurts. -A
  6. So money is going to fix the planet? The next absurd crap is that humans killed off the Dinosaurs.
  7. Gal Ciz me a Hell Yeah! I just like to fuck around. On a serious note however, it's one thing to play the game, but it's something to change the Game. I'm not a chef or a cook, but I call smell what the NoX is cooking. -Leroy
  8. Did you know that millions of years ago the dinosaurs were sitting around a table and had this exact conversation. Just don't get it, do you? Ok, I'm done. Good. The world is doomed. Serves us right. Let it burn. - nox
  9. It's not about the average per capita population, SV it's about the government of whom does not care about the pollution. Some of the most polluted rivers in the world come from African countries. The people bathe, shit and throw away things in the rivers which eventually lead to the ocean. China is a communist country that doesn't care about it's citizens much less about the effect it has of pollution. In Japan for instance, littering nets you a prison term. They have more people. Yet why aren't they held accountable for their actions? There's a lot of Europeans who are going to freeze to death this year because they can't afford it. (Heat) All this talk about saving the planet is going to fall of deaf ears. It's December, too early. I'll wait until June when the death rates are buried in the news and something else will pop up. Earth will be fine. -n0x
  10. Yes SV, China is the biggest contributor to the world. The United States, India, Russia and Japan combined make less pollution. Not even close? Ok, regardless. What's the alternative? Lots of people in Europe are going to freeze to death this year. All from people/governments who think that they can save a planet that doesn't need saving. I wonder why the countries with the most oil exports make the most money. Hey Saudi Arabia! Hey Russia! Hey Venezuela! -n0x
  11. China says.... nothing, largest world polluter? Where's Greta?
  12. I agree, Thor. I need to learn that in due time I'll be right after all. Lately anything Disney does has failed. We'll see, but something tells me this game will die a quiet death. -n0x
  13. I just knew it would fail. Look at the reviews on Steam. -n0x
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