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Accounting Troll

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About Accounting Troll

  • Birthday 02/09/1976

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    Astronomy, reading, writing, walking and Hancock's Half Hour.

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  1. I don't think England would have gone on to win the game even if the second goal had been awarded. The players just didn't look as if they were capable of playing with the same quality they show week in week out, with the unfortunate exception of Stephen Gerrard. He looked just as incapable of providing any kind of leadership as he did at club level over the last season. It said a lot about the England defence that after the game the TV pundits were talking about what a good game David James had had in keeping Germany down to four goals.
  2. I can't believe I managed to sit through the England - Algeria game in a state of sobriety. England managed to put in an even weaker performance than they did against the USA, and in the last minutes of the game the booing of the England fans in the stadium was acutually louder than the buzzing of the vuvuzela horns. Maybe England are trying to outdo France in terms of being the biggest under performers of the tournament?
  3. There's going to be trouble when I find out who carved his initials into my leg while I was asleep
  4. While I hope that this new game turns out okay, I am concerned about it being descrbed as a reimagination of the X-Com games. In my experience, "reimagination" usually means that even the original creator wouldn't recognise it. A reimagination of the original franchise could very well mean that this game will not be consistent with the established X-Com timeline. An X-Com formed in the immediate aftermath of the Roswell crash could work, but only if the developers bear in mind that the Cold War politics of the era would make it a very difficult organisation to the X-Com of Enemy Unknown. In Enemy Unknown, X-Com was a multi-national taskforce directly reporting to the United Nations, or rather, the UN nations that were directly funding it. It had a UN mandate to ignore national soverignty and airspace restrictions in its conduct of the war against aliens who had proved themselves to be hostile. National governments would have been unable to conceal terror attacks against major cities, so they would probably have talked up the victories X-Com was acheiving in order to keep up civilian morale. A 1950s X-Com would probably be an American only organisation reporting directly to the CIA or the military. It's objective wouldn't be just to beat the aliens but to obtain alien technology that the USA would be able to use to gain a military or economic advantage over the Soviet Union. Cold War paranoia would make global cooperation against the aliens almost impossible, even to the point where an X-Com agent in the field might occasionally have to fight foreign agents for possession of some alien artifact.
  5. I must have overslept. Does anyone know what year it is?
  6. Thanks guys. It comes to something when you receive a new zimmerframe for your birthday. I'm having a chairlift installed next week
  7. FA, thank you for making me feel bad about being 31 Remember to drink responsibly Slaughter. Three pints of Scotch should be enough for anyone.
  8. *Sidles in and starts looking for stray hugs*
  9. Don't worry, I've returned the hugs that Aralez took from you. And a belated happy birthday to her majesty
  10. I'm going to have to keep turning upo here more often, I keep missing out on the hugs. I ended up having to pay a couple of henchment to beat up Aralez and steal his hugs
  11. I thought the comic was an excellent piece of satire on the tendency for publishers to use sex appeal in order to sell games. And it brings a new meaning to describing someone as the public mouthpiece of a corporation It is hardly unusual for a member of a large online community to provide a link to something of... questionable taste. I think that all that has happened here is that someone at Ubisoft worked out that they can get a lot of free online publicity for their game by upsetting the Something Awful community. They'll probably apologise and back down as a 'goodwill' gesture in a week or two, but by then, everyone will have heard of 'Jade's Game'.
  12. Why doesn't someone just shove a landmine in the kittie litter tray? That'll liven things up and reduce the cat infestation at the same time. I think I'll make Tammy a nice fur coat to keep her warm this winter.
  13. What struck me as funny was that this wasn't even a first time offence. The article claims that Jack Thompson was told off for doing the same thing as recently as April. Let's hope that this judge is a history buff as well - Paul Revere failed to complete his ride because he was arrested for disturbing the peace...
  14. Wouldn't a troll be taller than a fire imp?
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