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England Vs The World; Take Two! - Civilization V AAR


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Allright then! Welcome, one and all, to the relaunch of England Vs The World; where we pit might England against the rest of the world because I have no idea what I'm doing for no reason other than because we can.


Same rules as the first attempt: Playing as England(+2 movment for all navel vessels, extra spy[new thing!], Longbowman and Ship-of-the-Line units) on an Archipelago map against 7 other Civs(16 city states thrown in for good measure) on Normal difficulty with Epic pacing.

The only Victory Condition that is DISABLED is the time-limit. Anything goes in this madhouse!


Got all that? Excellent! Let's get this trainwreck party started!





Not too shabby a starting area(I actually had to spend a turn moving my settler over to plant the city there). Two different Happiness resources(each happiness resource only counts /once/ in terms of providing the bonus happiness) in form of silver and two pearls. The Stone just to the northwest will provide a decent production boost once we get it started, while the various food(two cows and a sheep!) will eventually let us grow London to stupid-large status. I'd prefer to have another resource of a production bonus, but you take what you can get!




A quick glance at the city screen. We're going to do the age-old 'Monument then Warrior' build que simply because this island appears like it might be of decent size, so having the extra exploration unit could come in quite handy. Orignally I would prefer to do a Worker, since we've got all these land resources to exploit; but there's been a change with some of the Social Polices that allows me to skip that(which I'll explain in a moment).


You might be curious as to the hex with the bright purple outline, straight south of London? Basically, that's just pointing out which hex is most likely to be chosen as the hex to expand into when the city automagically expands it border(done so when the city generates enough Culture).





With the first City comes the ability to start Research! Wee.

Usually on island maps I try to make like an arrow for Optics, to allow myself early ability to send land-units overseas. However, this time I've opted to take a slightly different approach and instead focus on getting the abilities required to abuse those resources near London.

As this is a completely different style than normal, I may very well end up scrapping this horrible idea and doing something different; but for now we go after Animal Husbandry(to see Horses and make use of those sheeps/cows), followed by Mining and Masonry(to, well, build Mines and Quarries) before chugging down the Optics path.


With Research set up, it's time to start seeing just how small this stupid island is!




Ohhohoho! Ruins! Excellent. As you may or may recall, they're the Civ V goody huts. Let's just take a peek in here and see what we get...




Culture! While this doesn't seem like too shiny of a reward compared to some of the toys possible, it's actually a really decent first find. 30 Culture allows us to go ahead and snag our first Social Policy. This is better than it sounds, promise.




A recap!

Social Policies are basically ways to fine tune your Civ even more towards the exact playstyle you want. They have things like bonuses for the City States, science bonuses, trading bonuses, various units/bonuses FOR units; just all kinds of goodies. They work by means of acquiring enough Culture to 'adopt' a Social Policy. Adopting a branch will give some small bonus, each indiviual policy within the branch adds its own bonus, and finally filling out the entire branch will give yet ANOTHER bonus. Fill out enough Branches, and you can get the option to build the Utopia Project; basically another way to win the game. A way, might I add, that /is/ enabled in this game.


This early in the game, we really have access to only three Branches of Social Policies: Tradition, Liberty, or Honor.

Tradition focuses on buffing up small empires, with a few extra bonuses to your Captial. In comparison, Liberty throws buffs all over the place, with an eye mostly towards enabling fast expansion and small bonuses across every city. Honor is for those who wish to spend time stabbing things, will all kinds of combat and military related buffs.


Those who read my last attempt at this may recall that I mentioned I usually try to pick up one or two policies from the Tradition Branch. That was before Gods and Kings came out, where among many other things they adjusted several of the policies bonuses. In this case, there's actually a bonus in Liberty that gives a free Worker unit(remember how I said I was skipping building one in the city? Not as crazy as you first thought! Hah!) while increasing Worker, well, work-speed.


For now, I'm PROBABLY going to focus primarly on Liberty; but it remains to be seen considering how early it is.



Moving on, we decide to keep sending our Warrior south to explore. A decent distance away(but sadly not near as far away as I'd like) we see an unwelcome sight...



That looks uncomfortably like another Civ's border...



CURSE THE LUCK. We're sharing our starting island with another Civ!

On the flip side, I've not played a game with Ethiopia yet, so I've no clue how ugly this could get. I guess most of it depends on how much room to his south and west he has to expand...





So. Ten turns into this, and above is the current world as we know it. Prior to meeting Ethopia, I wanted to put another city somewhere near that mountain(straight north of the Warrior, in case it wasn't obvious what it was) if only to be able to build Machu Pichu later on. Now that we know where Ethopia is, I REALLY want to build there just to cut him off from my section of the island.


Any offical manuvers or diplomacy is quite some time away no matter the outcomes, so we've got some time to think on it. Overall it feels like we're doing pretty decent(ignoring the score chart anyway) but I'm not sure how well we're doing considering how close we are to another Civ...




A quick checkup on London. We finished that Monument, and there's not been anything else to build researched as of yet. Knowing Ethopia is where its at, I go ahead and throw a Settler on the list. The only problem I have with doing it this early is when Settlers are being built, they stop the growth of the City until they're completed. Slowing down our captial this early, this close to someone else may turn out to be an ugly gamble; but we'll see!




Tech get! With any luck we'll have a few horses near London or somewhere near where I want to build the second city, so we can have horsemen to crush Ethopia with later on...




Victory! A total of four horses within reach of London, which means a total of four Horsemen can be built when we eventually get that tech(although five is right out).


Before I forget, a quick recap of the various resources.

All resources provide some kind of bonus to their tile when worked by a City(for example, Horses provide extra production).

Happiness resources, when improved with their required tile-improvement(in the case of our Silver, that would require a Mine; whilst the Pearls need Fishing boats), will give us a flat Civ-wide Happiness bonus(see the smiley face at the top of the screenshot, just above the M in Mining). Happiness determines how many cities you can have that are effective and how large they can get. Too many Cities or too many people in those cities, and your happiness goes bad. Not fun.

Strategic resources also give a Civ-wide bonus, but instead these focus on allowing certain unit types to be built. Can't build another Horseman if you've used up all the Horses you have, and so on. A cavet with this is that when a unit that requires that resources is killed, it frees that resource back up.

Then of course you've got the various miscellaneous resources(sure there is an offical name but I can't recall it while I'm typing this!) that do all kinds of things, but don't provide a Civ-wide bonus. Sheep, Deer, Stone, and Fish are just some examples. These run the gambit from extra food, to extra gold or production.


Have I talked your ear off yet? No? Excellent, lets keep trudging forward shall we?




What ho! Horrible savages to our north! Its okay, they can't do much to our city even if our Warrior wasn't in the way. What really concerns me, however, is the terrian. Tundra generally only happens near the top or bottom of the maps(maps wrap around left and right, but not top or bottom). This means our ability to expand is going to be pretty much limited to the south...near Ethopia.


That, however, is an issue to tackle when we've got the means to do so. For now, we've got some Barbarians to smash!




A little bit of the ole back and forth results in a promotion for our stalwart warrior. Keeping in mind the terrain near our second city is mostly either Forests or hills, I opt to give this guy a bonus in Rough terrain(Forests, Jungles, or Hills) to make him more of a problem for the foes later on.




A quick break here, but first another glance at the world as a whole. I had pulled my Warrior back to the north in hopes of finding uncontested expansion room, but we'll be lucky to be able to fit in a single city up there without bothering our Captial(cities can work tiles up to three squares away from itself, and can't work the tile that another city already is). It's starting to look more and more like we'll go to blows with Ethopia...

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Actually this seems to be the "Civ V is again fighting Sunny so lets pause while he backups his saves and reinstalls the game" break. Stupid thing isn't giving me progress towards Great Generals for some stupid reason. Ugh.
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So it turns out that there wasn't an actual bug (I don't think) as much as they changed something and I completely missed the memo. Woops.

Moving right along here, we find ourselves able to choose another Social Policy!



This time, I opt for Citizenship. +25% Tile improvement build speed is delicious, and the free worker is even better.


And for those keeping score at home, this was actually a FASTER way to acquire a Worker than if I had tried to fit one into London's build queue.



First up is to boost the food-output of London to speed up whole growing bit. Time to corral those sheep!

But a few turns later, and we find ourselves prepared to go after that Silver as soon as the sheep are dealt with.




Generally speaking, I tend to avoid chopping down forests unless I have a good reason too, simply because the whole +food AND +production bit is so nice.

Cut down one Barbarian, and another takes it place almost instantly. Ugh.


And this is one of my more stupid moments in quite some time.


You see that? That's a single warrior staring hungrily at that encampment. I really wanted to take it. So much so, in fact, that I managed to let my Warrior down there die trying due to over-extending myself and not being patient. Such a stupid mistake, argh.

The northern Warrior fares slightly better, as I manage to be patient enough with him to slip into those Ruins and gain info on two OTHER nearby Barbarian encampments.


Doesn't seem like a big deal, but this DOES let me know the rough location of at least two other islands nearby. The northern encampment is hard to make out, since it's actually in a snowy hill and blends in with the white clouds. Pretty much straight north of the southern one though.

Our (now only remaining) Warrior survives by the skin of his teeth, and gets another promotion! I again opt to go down the Drill path for another +15% combat strength in rough terrain.


The downside here is that you can only gain up to 30xp per unit against Barbarians. This equals two and a half levels. Not bad, but usually just one level short of what I really want (I'd LOVE to also pick up Medic I for this guy, but alas).

Ptolemy proves himself to be perfectly willing to be on my bad side, and comes out with a list of who has the most techs:


Why he places us on the bottom of the list is beyond me, but if I get my hands on him...

Oh wait here we go, back to the top of the list!



...Yes, I do feel a bit better now, thanks for asking.

Masonry is decent. Quarries for Marble are generally useful, although we don't have access to such at this point. Walls will be a huge help when the fighting starts since they had a huge buff to a city's attack strength. The Pyramids, however, is the high point of this tech. Increases Tile-improvement build speed ANOTHER 25%, AND gives /TWO/ free workers. Very nice boost in launching your early cities to the forefront.

More Barbarians! This is the downside to trying to tackle camps one at a time early on; they usually spawn new units right after you finally kill the first set.


Moving right along, we get another Social Policy! Woo!


In true Star Wars fandom style, I opt to take the Republic option this time. +1 Production in every city is quite nice, and +5% production during building-construction (I don't think Wonders count) is a nice touch as well.

With our replacement Warrior nearly built, I set London on the sights of the Pyramids. Get those knocked out ASAP so I can turn its mighty force to other things.

Things like, say, Shrines.


A quick touch on Faith (which Shrines produce). Faith is, surprisingly, used for various religion-related situations. Stockpile enough Faith, and you can found a Pantheon; which is really just an early stepping-stone towards an actual religion. Stockpile even more Faith, and you can get a Great Prophet and use it to found the actual Religion. At THAT point, you can either stockpile more faith for another chance at a Great Prophet with which to enhance your religion, or use the faith for things like Missionaries (spread your religion around hither and yon) and various other toys we'll touch on later.

Each time you reach one of those stages (Pantheon, Religion, and then enhancing it), you get to choose various bonuses that apply to both the founding Civ (aka you) and to each City following said religion (regardless of said City's owner).

Makes more sense when you've got the actual menus in front of you. Don't worry; we'll (hopefully) get there in time!

Moving right along! With the new warrior built, we shove our settler south and plop him down.


I'm not overly happy with the location, since it misses out on the stone to the NW; but any closer would've interfered with London and I'm REALLY not happy with that notion.

Naturally, Ethiopia doesn't like us placing York that close to them. They gripe at us, but we tell them to shove off. I managed to fail to get a screenshot of that, but he wasn't very impressive looking anyway.

QUITE happy to have gotten my hands on this after all this time.


Nothing makes me more nervous on an island map then delaying the push towards Optics. Still, hasn't worked TOO bad yet...

That southern barbarian encampment is still there...


But this time, our warrior is smart enough to use covering fire! (Cities can range-attack from two squares away. Quite handy!

Hey wait what are you doing there, punk!


Trying to slip up the coastline, huh? Can't have that...

Seeing as how we've got some spare cash to burn, I opted to go ahead and cut them off by means of buying up a plot of land.


Won't stop them from sailing around that edge once they get the tech, but hopefully it'll slow them down. The AI is infamous for squeezing in cities where it makes no real sense to do so...

Well HELLO. This is an interesting turn of events.


Between our two cities, we generate a grand total of 8 production. Not fantastic, but considering we're top of the list it's obviously decent.

What is VERY interesting is the fact that our neighbor is generating a grand total of 2.67 production...

With a little effort, I bet we could out-swarm the guy with units. If it came to that, of course.

Utilizing my brain instead of my brawn this time, our southern warrior takes advantage of a distraction by Ethiopian units to slip by that southern encampment and wanders on to poke around the south-eastern end of the island. Not much there, but we did meet our first City State!


Should we choose to befriend Rio, its Maritime-type means that at Friend-status our Capital will get an increase in Food production. Should we put in enough effort/cold-hard-cash to get it up to Ally, ALL our cities will gain an increase in Food. Not bad, but I was kinda hoping for a religious city state to help us play catch up with everyone else...Oh well.

Are you ready for this? I don't think you're ready for this.







~Strikes you're out at the ole, ball, gaaammmeee!~

Anyway! The two workers immediately get to work finishing up London's tiles whilst I send our original out south to York and start beefing it up. All according to (the now modified) plan, yup yup!

With Optics completed, that's our last of the original research plan finished. New plan!


Nothing special here. Go for the Wheel to make use of those horses, and then go for Horseback riding to make BETTER use of the horses. Pick up Calendar and Writing, then go for Iron Working.

Oh blast it all. I knew I was forgetting something.


With all my other distractions, I managed to completely lose track of the size of my cities. Woops.

Luckily, not long after we pick up Archery we also come up for another Social Policy!


This is convenient, because Meritocracy is RIGHT THERE, begging to be chosen. As I am a simple queen, I take it. Doesn't do a grand amount, but DOES pop us back up to an even 0. Manageable, since as soon as our Fishing Boats are done we can get +4 from those Pearls out there.

In other news, I am REALLY off my game here. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE:



I'll tell you what's wrong. Optics grants your units the ability to Embark, which is to say it lets land units hop on their own little ship and start going across Coast tiles. HOWEVER, they only gain this ability once they've been in your territory after you've gained the tech.

I had, in a rash of SHEER BRILLANCE, left this guy down here waiting for Optics to finish so he could take a beeline straight into the water. UGH. More time wasted.

Oh well. Just over 85 turns, and another look at the world:



It's not a full view, since you can't see one of the warriors up north tromping about the snow-lands. We're doing okay, a little slower than I'd like in the whole 'getting off this rock' bit, but progress is progress.

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Brain never had to put up with what I do! D:



In other news, I go ahead and do what I should've done sooner:



By pledging my protection of a City-State, not only does this help warn off the other Civs from harassing it; but also boosts the 'resting point' of my influence with said City-State. So instead of starting at 0 on the scale, it starts at 10. Not much, but it’s something!

In the midst of plotting, I realize Ethiopia has managed to actually found a religion! This is...less than good. We don't even have a Pantheon yet. Admittedly, I wasn't gunning very hard for Faith; but still. Not a good idea.


Here I am wandering the water and who do I meet?



This could be interesting, since they seem to be right across the water from us. We might have a chance for a 2v1/3-free-for-all fight eventually. Guess it depends on how much of a liking they take to us or Ethiopia.



Somebody order a round rock with a hole in it? No? TAKE IT ANYWAY:



The main attraction here is the Chariot Archer. It's ranged attack/melee defense ratings are actually /just/ above the basic Archer's stats. Takes a Horse to build, and while its speed of 4 is very nice, any rough terrain will instantly sap all of the remaining moves. Considering how we're mostly in rough terrain near Ethiopia, this is eh. Still, will build a few of these if only for defense.


Ooooh, Colombo!


A FRIENDLY City-State, and a Mercantile one at that! Mercantiles have special City-State-only happiness resources that they give to their allies (the Porcelain in the screenshot). Will certainly be protecting this one as well.



...HUH. This is...interesting. Take a look at the world here.


It may be a bit hard to tell, but we're sharing the same island with Rome as well as Ethiopia. Not a very large island either, it looks like. There is very little chance of any of us not starting a fight before the end of the Middle Ages. Probably before the end of THIS age, honestly. Guess we'll have to start ramping military up soon...


Hey this is nice! Budapest!


A Military City-State that's /friendly/. Its a bit out of the way, far side of Rome/Ethiopia from us, but we'll pledge 'em anyway. Military states give allies a random unit so many turns. Usually at least your best-strength unit, sometimes better. Always nice to have one on your side. :)



Heerrree, foxy foxy foxy.


Daddy's got some boots that need fur lining!


Honestly though, since we don't actually HAVE things that need a Camp right now, the main benefit here is the Circus building. +Happiness for a city when it has an improved Horse/Elephant in its radius? Yes plz.


Oh cool. We've got enough faith to found a Pantheon!



As you can see, there's a LARGE selection of bonuses that run the gambit from very situational to broadly applicable. In our case, I decide to play it safe and take the God of Craftsmen, which gives us +1 Production in Cities that have 3 or more Population. Nothing fancy, but it's a start!



Yeah, okay, probably should go ahead and build the military up.


Not near as bad as I expected, considering we've got all of three military units at this point. Still, since Rome is topping the list, might be a good idea to jumpstart the military. I'm not worried, however, since that number only counts active units; and doesn't take into account the ability to quickly build new ones. ;)


In the background there, you may see that icon in the lower right. Another Religion founded. That's two out of the four. I'm pretty sure we won't be able to get a Religion of our own at this point. :/




If it comes to a war on the sea, we are going to STOMP faces, folks. A grand total of +3 movement AND +1 sight for ALL navel units? Yup, we'll just out maneuver everything. :D


On the heels of that, its time for another Social Policy.


I spend several minutes flip-flopping between the two options before going for the Settler option. I've got my eye on several chunks of land near Rome and the south-side of Ethiopia, but I need to build up some defense units so I don't get it instantly devoured by a barbarian or something silly.



We now have the ability to completely freak out the future Englishmen by means of leaving Calendars with odd-ending times.


What? I never said I was a nice guy.



So, about a 120 turns into this mess. We're doing okay. Nothing fancy or special yet, but I'm seriously considering being a jerk and trying to knock Ethiopia down if I can manage it quick enough. Rome would be an issue at this point, but I think I can stay on his nice side long enough to pull this off.

I think.

Comments? Questions? Spit 'em out!

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Go for Catapult then you can think about Etiopia. Since they are between you and Rome you might want to be friends with them and then strike Etiopia together. AI's like to stomp weaker opponents I think. Trade some resources, put embassy, even bribe works.


Also I think you forgot to mention that Chariot can move after attack I believe so it is quite a good hit and run unit if needed.


Brain never had to put up with what I do! D:


He had Pinky and that is worse than your problems :P

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Right, so Photobucket decided to screw me over. I've switched to Dropbox, so let me know if the pictures start acting up or something, k? K.


Also I think you forgot to mention that Chariot can move after attack I believe so it is quite a good hit and run unit if needed.


Last I checked(read, yesterday), they don't have the fire and move option. Besides, they automagically use all their movement entering rough terrian, of which Ethiopia seems to be at least 75% comprised of. They're going to be used for harrasment if anything.



MOVING ON, we find the shortest person ever!



Okay so maybe he isn't THAT short, but still. He's off to the west south-west of Rome. Could be interesting.


Speaking of Rome...




Hmmph. This means they've got Writing already. Interesting.

As embassys both give us the visual location of their capital(or our capital, in this case), AND helps with relations, we go ahead and agree. Besides, they're giving us some gold. Wooo!


Oh come ON. If it's not one thing...



May be hard to tell, but someone else just beat us to the Friendly Military-type City-State. Someone we haven't met, even; and they do it in style. We need 93 influence to jump on top and steal the Ally-status. Not worth the effort at this point...


Well its about time!


Still second-guessing my choice to hold off on Iron-working this long, but it hasn't bit me yet. With any luck, it won't for some time; if ever.


Wow, Ethiopia is really pumping out the Great Prophets. Enhanced their Religion already.



Really starting to feel left out here, but there's still time to get our own. I'd prefer to get our own instead of simply ganking theirs, since we can customize it(and, I THINK, control both religions). Still, whatever would work I suppose.


Okay then! Time to start figuring out how exactly to crush Ethiopia with these here Catapults...


This isn't going to be pretty, but at least it'll be slightly less ugly. Catapults no longer require Iron, so its easier to spam them. Of course, they're also MUCH weaker against units. Still a beast against Cities though.


WELL. This answers who ganked that City-State.



Greece's strong point is City-States, so its no real surprise they are able to sky-rocket forward than us poor non-Greek heathens.

Oh well. I've got better ships(oh wow there isn't a youtube video with the Starfox 64 quote?! Internet I am ashamed of you).


In other news, I manage to slip a settler past Ethiopia and plant a city on the southern tip of our island.



More horses, Ivory(happiness~), and a southern sea-base? Yes please. Of course there's also the fact that it'll make a pincer attack much easier...





Sure, we're actually a Queen, but who cares. Still the top the list of SOMETHING.




Cripes, this is going to turn into a two on one war, isn't it. Stupid Caesar. I need to pay a visit to some guy named Brutus real soon, methinks.


We've been scouring the ocean and meeting all kinds of City States(not been showing them because image limits), and FINALLY we meet the other Civs.


The Celts:






And everyone's favorite donut, FullAuto Bismarck of Germany:




With all the players visable, lets take a quick gander at the board shall we?




We're actually doing better score-wise than it feels to me, being in the top three. However, early on Wonders tend to inflate the scores to varying degrees, so don't hold your breath. Also, we're sharing an island with the other two of the top three. Not going to be pretty.


For those peering at the world map(sorry there isn't a blown-up version that I've found/remembered yet), we're stuck on an island with Rome and Ethiopia. The Celts are on another island just west of Rome's section, and have actually planted a small city on OUR island near Rome's stuff. Maybe Boudicca can keep the Romans occupied long enough for us to stomp Ethiopia? Doubtful, but we'll see.


Elsewhere, France seems to be sitting off by itself, while Mongolia and Greece appear to be doing the same. I don't have eyes on Germany yet, but I suspect they are also on their own little island. Good news is I don't think any of them have LARGE islands to themselves, so they won't grow huge easily; but they're also not pressured like we are so they can take their time and still be dangerous.



At last, the make or break point has arrived! Well, one of the first such points at any rate.



Time to take a gander about and see if we've got any Iro----

. . .

. . . .


Which one of you knuckle-heads taunted Murphy! Argh!



Turns out there are only TWO Iron resource locations within reach of us. A two-piece resource lies next to ETHIOPIA'S CAPTIAL:




And a six-piece resource lies SOUTH IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE:




GRAH. This is highly annoying. When you've got as little room to manuver as we do on this bloody island, quality counts over quanity. We can PROBABLY make do without Swordsmen, but it'll be a vicious fight without them. Bleck.


Still, we're far from dead, and I'm PRETTY SURE we can go steal that 6-piece spot without any real trouble. Provided none of you have continued to taunt Murphy. *shakes stick about*

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Well now you have "Just Cause" to attack Ethiopia


"Why did you attack us?!" "Just 'cause."

I'm sure that'll go over REAL well the others. :P


We begin this set of gameplay with the best bit of good news I've had all game:





These are neat. Fantastic, even. To start with, every tile that would already earn a gold will earn one EXTRA gold. So all the 1-gold ocean tiles suddenly earn 2-gold, and so on. In addition, every city gets a 20% increase in production. On top of THAT, your empire-wide culture(that is, the number going towards Social Policies) is boosted by 20% as well.

Of course, this all lasts for a limited amount of turns; but is pretty much always a good boost when it happens. I just wish we were in better position to take advantage of it.


Something to discuss briefly here: we are hurting for gold-income, and hard. We're staying afloat, but right now we'd be hard pressed to field an effective army for a long enough time to do more than take a city or two. Luckily, since Ethiopia is only three cities, taking even ONE of theirs would be a major blow to their momentum...

But I've just about reached the end of what I can do to get ahead of the gold rush. I've swapped my research over towards some of the gold-boosting techs, but I'm afraid we're going to be far enough behind to make the next hundred turns or so painful. This is also shown by the fact that most of the other races are about to start entering the Medieval age, while we're still a good few techs behind. Sure, we COULD forge ahead and enter the same age now; but that would also waste time needed to stop the gold-bleeding. I'm fairly confident we'll survive, but top-dog may be farther away than I'd like...


Guess we'll find out.


On the bright side, we've unlocked on of my favorite tile improvments, the Lumbermill:



The main reason I like the Lumbermill is it's a flat increase to the tile's production, but doesn't require you to remove the Forest occupying the space; which means you don't lose the extra food the forest provides. Win-win, as they say.



. . .



HAH. Okay, here's the thing. While finishing off the barbarian camp on the Iron Island(I'm witty at names too, did you know?) I stumble across a set of Ruins. Well okay, that's convient. Even better:


+90 Faith. Now, this is nice. Once you have a Pantheon and have acquired 300 Faith, the random rolls start happening behind the scenes. Eventually, you'll get that Great Prophet required to found a Religion. That 90 Faith shaved a good chunk of time off our wait, and made getting one of the four remaining religions possible.


OR SO I THOUGHT. Check this out, in the VERY. NEXT. TURN.



Two fold thing here, only one of which you can actually see because I'm an idiot and forgot to take the right picture. First off, Taking Representation will start a Golden Age. Since we're already in one, it will INCREASE our current Golden Age's time. This is good, back-to-back Golden Ages can be deliciously painful for the other sides.


What you DON'T see is a tidbit I had completely forgotten since it was added with Gods&Kings: Finishing out the Liberty Policy will get us a free Great Person...Of our choice.


Have you figured it out yet?



BAMPF! And even better: when you normally acquire a Great Prophet via Faith, your Faith number will reset to 0. In this case, it didn't touch our Faith. We're just shy of halfway to a second Great Prophet already!



On that note!



(No I have no clue why I chose that Zoro thing. Go figure.)


The God of Craftsmen is our Pantheon belief. Considering all the other options out there(and I forgot to take a picture of the list, my apologies), I landed with a Founder(only benefits me) belief of Tithe(+1 Gold for every 4 followers of this religion) and a Follower(benefits the city that has Zoro as the majority religion) belief of +1% production for each follower, up to a max of +15%.



Ladies and Gentlemen we are now back in the ballgame. It will take some number of turns to be able to properly take advantage of this, but now I have complete confidence that we can smash whomever gets in our way. May not be pretty, but we'll do it.



I see the light!



A shiny GOLDen light, that is! Mm mm Market buildings here I come.





One of these days, boyo...one of these days!



Oh hey cool, didn't think I'd snag this before the others got to it!



A simple bonus, but for an island map, it's a good bonus. Will also help somewhat with the money issue.



...Oh no you're not. Tell me you're not, Ethiopia. You can't be this dumb, can you?!



What's wrong, you may ask? Its simple: There is really only one place he could be taking that settler. A small chunk of our island that's jjjuuusssttt north of London. It was going to be my next settling spot after Iron Island, but it looks like Ethiopia is headed that way...Little punk.



In other news, that rat Caesar has managed to prove the world is round by making a complete circle around the globe with a unit. Fun.

In BETTER NEWS, a new tech:



Sure, it's of minor importantance to the flow of things right now, but progress is progress!


Speaking of techs, lets have a quick gander at my not-so-master plan, shall we?



To be honest this is slightly incorrect, as I end up changing my mind shortly after this picture and start on Drama and Poetry to burn my way to Compass and the Harbor/ocean tile-passage for embarked units. The passage will be nice, but the main draw at this point is the Harbor, since that will allow me to set up trade Routes over the coastal/ocean tiles instead of just over land(using costly roads that take 1 gold a turn per road)! More trade routes = more money. More money = happy Sunny. :D



Well its offical!



Iron Island is now ours! For the curious, I planted the city so far to the right(btw that's Germany you see off to the right across the water) because I intend to cram a second city on the left-side of that island. They won't be great cities, but they'll be decent and honestly very good for pure gold.


Obviously Germany didn't like my claiming of Iron Island, and they make sure we know. We tell them to stuff it, but a few turns later they let EVERYONE know.



Keep smirking FA Bismarck. You're on my list. I'll have your moustach as a trophy soon enough!



So that's about the gist of it. We're in decent position, and /THIS CLOSE/ to firing up the war machine(read: waiting to see if Ethiopia plants that settler in a spot such that I want to keep the city or burn it to the ground). Exiciting times, indeed!

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Not forgotten, I promise! Work has been kinda crazy this week, so not had any focus to work on world conquest.


THIS just happened, though, and I had to share it:





In case you can't tell, not only has Ethiopia planted a city there(admititly in a decent spot so I think I'll keep it), but ROME has decided to do the same thing. All my rage.

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Not much of an update at this point, been doing this in bite-sized chunks lately. Still, news is news, right?



Greece decides they like Pearls, and offers to continue our trade of Pearls for Copper.



Sounds good to me!



Realizing how close we are(kinda, anyway) to Longbowmen, I make another course correction to the Tech Tree:



I know, I know. "SUNNY MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" In my defense, I generally make sure to always finish whatever tech I'm starting on when I tweak things like this, so we rarely lose ground. Just might not GAIN any sometimes. :P



Hitchcock may be horrible at writing stories, but he's got one of my favorite sayings:



Truer words have never been spoken!

Considering how things are playing out this game, this tech is basically just a gateway tech. Oh well.


Meanwhile, Rome plants that city near London like I showed eariler. I honestly don't know if that helped trigger this or not, but suddenly Ethiopia decides to ratchet up the tension a little.





Needless to say it was all I could do to stop from kicking his face in instantly. Probably a good thing I delayed, since SUDDENLY:




GERMANY decides to throw their lot in with Ethiopia. Bad choice on their end. Does mean I need to take a few more turns and buff up Iron Island before I stomp on Haile's face.



Like I said, not much to report right now. A whole bunch of trash talk, not much punching. Soon, though...soon...

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Really? They look like they're working here on my phone. May be able to get on a computer shortly and check. They just not showing up at all?



Edit: Yeah they all work on the computers I have access to at work. O.o

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