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Space the final frontier


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Hi there.


After having not so good start with Morrigi AAR, I also decided to play with humans, but this time instead of feeding you with text and pictures you will be feeded with Full HD high quality videos. No commentary I am afraid since my spoken english is not so good, my voice is pretty terrible through microphone and what should I talk about in the first place ?


Let's get start shall we?



I am starting with heavy scouting, lucky that though settings I've made are disadvantageous for humans I had really close planets, though engine upgrade still is necessary since humans have low range of operation at start and can't refuel in mid flight. I find few useful and few not so useful planets and try to colonize. After playing with Morrigi I feel that their main advantage is that I don't need to be afraid of colony traps... grumble grumble...

Also I have been pretty lucky on starting tech - got all the possible fission upgrades, but unlucky in bio tech since I can't get suspended animation...




I continue with aggressive scouting and colonizing putting my budget almost to halt. Mostly because of high hazard planets - but humans can't be picky as most planets are hazardous to them anyway. I am also lucky with 'free' colony and a very good planet guarded by Asteroid Monitor that I intend to capture.




Remember you can watch those movies in 1080p directly through youtube clicking on those movies, as I made them for now not public.

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Because there are so many swarm nest nearby I create crude and not very effective defence force of 10 destroyers....


But the game hates me so it throws a surprise...




Am I psychic with those destroyers or what.




Unfortunately 10 of them with red lasers is quite not enough to kill the swarm but enough for colony not to be swarmed.




Of course the game doesn't want to stop humiliating me.




We meet another humans. They forces don't want to fight us though.




I have send my own DE swarm to that colony but strangely no combat whatsoever - so I guess here it is what you always wanted SV.




First encounters





-I have won - on the movie you can see all about inertia and Gauss 'shock' effect. After being hit my scout slides or strafes (take your pick) a bit.




And this I presume was Asteroid Monitor



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Its vengeance time (for my Morrigi AAR that is).



Remember that colony that had infestation? Well the swarm decided to show itself after I don't know 30-40 turns when there was a draw?

Luckly with red lasers I managed somehow not to lose anything. I think that the best thing against the swarm when not having beamers / UV lasers / point defence is use Tankers as demo squad - when the tank explodes the little ones can be destroyed completely.




Also I have found another Independent colony - Liir I think - well they will be fish fillets (well as soon I will have cruisers that is with boarding ships would be nice).




Also because there is swarm in vicinity of good colony position I make haste to clear the infestation, and it turned out that this planet was too a very good colony position.





Kekeke - just in time :( Also what is funny - This was the 3rd AM that I had in special projects and it was the last that I had start doing, yet it was the first I get control of and guess what - the first one was the last....




Another attack from nearby infested planet... The Green lasers also are weak against the swarm.... luckly my Gamma Imbued rockets destroyed the queen - too bad about the civilians, but colony survived.




Hey Tarkas, I know where you live - because I hate you so much you will be target no 1 of my extermination list.




Yep, UV lasers are enough for the swarm - I don't have access to beamers though and no X-Ray lasers. Strange that X-Ray is more powerfull than UV and we know that UV is more dangerous in same quantity than UV light, but then again X-Ray is just short to gamma radiation (if I recall my physics right).




Oh no - 'You Shall Not Pass' - you will be my 'milking' Queen (if you know what I am saying :))




That is a fortunate event - I was building some protection for the latest colonies.. then wham... I just destroyed the liitle shits leaving the mothership intact. Well I was worried that my Gamma Missiles will destroy it - but it was tough to survive - no bonus for research but then again I don't wish to invite The Berserker.




The UV lasers are also very good against those - the never came close enough to even start 'sucking' away my ships.




But in the same time far far away... This planet has no value to me, only the ship but I think it was out of gas anyway.




Another swarm wipeout




Nope, sorry - this planet is taken.




And of course because I am doing fine, the game must show me that I must behave....




Yep colony trap. Even UV lasers weren't enough - beamers - they fantastic against it. I did destroyed few of the suckers but I lost all colonizers + some Protectors - I will be back here game.


Looks impresive right ?




I hate only humans for being lazy at research - I guess their ratings are something like this:


40% over budget

30% on time

30% breakthrough (or even less with more for over budget)


Then again Morrigi have more research at start and Liir are the best tech horders... But can they match my superior production and income ?

I am earning 1kk+ cash per turn (I have economics)




As my research goes what I have:




UV Lasers, Point defence, Gamma Missiles, DP Racks.

Engines - Pulsed Fission + upgrade

C3 - Economics, Basic CnC, team sensors, Enemy Database, going for Deep Scanners now

Industrial - Standard Waldo + orbital

Robotics - Interfaces, Expert Systems, Robotics.

Bio - Gene Mod., Atmospheric Adaptaion, Terraformic Bacteriam Enviromental Tailoring - I can't have suspention fields for colonizers and more terraforming things.


I plan on going for curisers soon, then I will swarm the green Tarka, because I think I can do it.

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No the only problem with navigation is to see it clearly - I wish there was a button to disable the display of node lines.


Also just a heads up notice. Things are getting 'hotter'. A pitty that without suspended animation I can't have Bio-Cruisers.... 90% of having it and bam I was put on that 10%. On the bright side I can have those Acrology Construction wich means even bigger colonies. My Homeworld has asteroid belt and with all the handy dandy IO boosters it has right now 26k or 28k IO...

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90% of having it and bam I was put on that 10%.

He he he, this is why randomized SotS tech tree is lovingly called "sadorandomizer". I've had this happen, oh I've had this happen! :)


On the bright side I can have those Acrology Construction wich means even bigger colonies. My Homeworld has asteroid belt and with all the handy dandy IO boosters it has right now 26k or 28k IO...

Add overpopulation and you have A LOT of trade lines... And a HUUUGE income.


Heh, 26k IO?! You must be nearing the end of the game! Can't wait to read the AAR further!

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Nearing ? No... the game is round 1/3 of it I think well closer to 1/2....there is a grand manace to be discovered yet. :)


You know that asteroid fields give you good IO bonus and it is homeworld so 5000 resources + 10 miln of imperials and citizens....


I've learned from wiki that Acrology can also lead to Bio Colonizers so there is a chance.

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So we slowly prepare for war, because I have very high hopes for this I think that we need some battle song.



We found out that Zuul are nearby - and I don't want them to some more of their drilling so I dispose of those animals.




I am coming to get you girl.






Meanwhile the Liir are getting on my nerves - I will deal with them 'last' as I don't want others to poke my ass while I deal with those oversize dolphins.




Also I have discovered Zuul colony... fortunately I outsmarted them and my scout hid behind the asteroid which gave him ultra stealth until he was able to retreat. The Humans while the fastest of travellers are unfortunately the slowest to retreat.





Ha! Got you with your pants down ?





and a nice looking planets you had there.




More money ? Yes please.




What ? You dare?




A vengeance force is build:




On the way back my scout stops by the Zuul advance party - I saw them pass me by on my way to their colony... I have a colony nearby so I order a fast reinforcment.




And you too woman ? Don't you know your place - or should I tell you personally ?




Btw... she is on one or two loading screens :)


Fish had a colony just right to my garden and I didn't like that




Resisting are we ? You will beg for mercy woman.




You are annoying - you know that - and I will get you later. The other battle was also Van Neumann but that planet was guarded by AM.




Ok woman... I was taking easy on you, but you insist on heavy spanking.... Though heavily outnumbered and out gunned I managed to get almost 2.5:1 kill ratio.




Time to bring The Big Boys.






If you take notice - human ships don't have that much of armament. This is sad but they are 3rd in the line of the toughest ships.


This is my first anti-tarkan Fleet. I have added later repair ships and point defences. I have build 3 almost look like Fleets - this is example of how you can spend 14kk credits in just few turns.




Good riddance - I guess they choked on the fish.



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She dare again ?




Not under my watch she won't





And more money = nice.




Expanding under my colonies = death penalty.




Ye gods woman - you are spending your money like there was some kind of discount...






The war is now official.





And she left me a gift... wonder what that is. Probably beamers - not that I care about them now, as I soon should have phasers.


Our kingdom spreads like this. Not much of an expansion as I was waiting to have bio-cruisers as I hade few 400-500 CH planets...





And our rating is like this:




I guess I should go only for AI research that boost more research. Other future news I must have lancers and I just got Basic Armor for ships - new designs added but probably will built with lancers. Then I guess anti matter and Dreadnoughts.

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Not much - as If I remember right I have like only 20 firghates ? Also do I protect sectors by building ships and marking them as Guard ? Do I have to make ships on all colonies that have trade routes?


I just googled - Shelley Technique is under Bio-technology so either I got suspended animation or another terraforming tech... which is very good indeed.

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Not much - as If I remember right I have like only 20 firghates ? Also do I protect sectors by building ships and marking them as Guard ? Do I have to make ships on all colonies that have trade routes?

The traders Liir caught were at a planet, so they weren't even raided. This means that you had them in a sector that wasn't secure (you are not owning the majority of inhabited colonies). Otherwise they are automatically placed into the sector centre - the little lock you see in the trade view. Even the ones that are in excess.


Marking a fleet as guard just puts it above all other fleets at a colony and hides all the ships in it. So that you don't need to deal with them every single time you want to rearrange your fleets. It has nothing to do with trade sectors.

You CAN protect a trade sector by sending ships to that sector's centre but there is a catch. If the trade sector is raided, ships at the centre are picked randomly for the battle, CnC or no CnC. So you would need a huge defending fleet to have a real chance of defending a big juicy sector with like 80+ trade ships.


The general consensus was that there is little point in defending a sector. Upkeep of defenders is much higher than the cost of those five trade ships. You can however build Q-ships with Modular construction researched. Those are much more powerful than normal trade cruisers, disguised warships. They have a higher possibility to appear in the combat than the rest of the ships in the sector centre if I recall correctly.


You do not need to build at all colonies, though it usually proves to be more efficient if you have the money to spend. :) To open a trade route you need to have trade slider on the route notch and more trade ships than already open routes. It doesn't matter at which colony a trade ship was built.

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No it was raider encounter :( I saw the econuter image :) No one can pass to this sector unnoticed because I have large array of scout ships with deep scan + the distatnce between Liir colony and that sector is pretty huge - even if they got anti-matter drive still they would need plenty of tankers.
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...secure (you are not owning the majority of inhabited colonies).

A sector is secure when all planets in it are explored, you have at least 1 colony in it and there are no enemy colonies.


The general consensus was that there is little point in defending a sector. Upkeep of defenders is much higher than the cost of those five trade ships. You can however build Q-ships with Modular construction researched. Those are much more powerful than normal trade cruisers, disguised warships. They have a higher possibility to appear in the combat than the rest of the ships in the sector centre if I recall correctly.

Personally I never bothered with defending trade sectors. In all my games AI rarely raided my trade lines and when it did AI used few ships (like 5-6). But I did build trade ships in sectors that are far from my borders and my enemies. Maybe if I built them on the borders I'd get raided more.


You can see raider fleet sometimes in the middle of sector without them attacking your trade ships. Be sure to eliminate them when you see them.


Also, don't forget that each trade line can support 5 trade ships. There is no need to build trade ships on your borders if your trade lines in the center of your space are not full.


As for Qtrade ships, I think they are not worth it.

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A sector is secure when all planets in it are explored, you have at least 1 colony in it and there are no enemy colonies.

I am quite sure this is pre-ANY info. You don't need to be the solo owner any (no pun here) more. But all planets must be explored, true.

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I am quite sure this is pre-ANY info. You don't need to be the solo owner any (no pun here) more. But all planets must be explored, true.

Nor did I say you have to be sole owner of the sector.

I just wated to say that you don't need to own majority of planets in a sector for it to be secure.

...wasn't secure (you are not owning the majority of inhabited colonies).
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Gameplay reasons, I'm sure. Hivers on the other hand can not raid because they have no FTL at all. For gameplay reasons they can be raided, though one could say they should be raiding-free as their traders are always at a colony...


I just wated to say that you don't need to own majority of planets in a sector for it to be secure.

Ah, you are right. Thanks for correcting me!

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You've trashed your fair share of ships (your own and your enemies'), haven't you? :( Yet, the xenos still appear to be spreading like the disease... :)




I guess I should go only for AI research that boost more research.

Yeah, you better. Your scientists seem to be spending too much of their time telling each other Scotty and Spock jokes. And they only stop it when a case full of cash plops on their laps too. :(

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Or maybe I should offer them a cake :)


Yeah I lost plenty of DE's in my DE revenge fleets. They where trashed by that CR's... well you need at least 20 DE's for sall CR party... at least you know that something is going on. Well I think that in few turns you see some fun with both 'ladies' on both fronts - I hope that Liir will stay clear out of this. Though I also have Morrigi over my roof. I don't know the last race.. well I know but I don't remember who they are - and I am keeping this a secret from you.

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They are called Devoted ones if I am not mistaken and they are Zuul too :)

Ah, this is not to be laughed at... Zuul have a "special ability" of a sort. When two Zuul empires meet, the weaker one usually surrenders to the stronger one without much opposition (Zuul lore thing). So you are now facing a joint Zuul empire. I don't know how well both did though.

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Small update of how we cream the enemies of the empire.






We found the second Zuul




Not so fast fatso.





More Rape.




And if rape is not enough - more rape.




Serving full bondage - glad you like it.




Got some fish - you have chips ?




Your fate is sealed - you just don't know it yet




Poor attempt of late defence. She likes the spanking and wants more.




Anyone fancy some lizard legs?




I am running out of colonizers :)




I had more movies but I moved from Vdub to sony vegas and my few movies wasn't handled well by YT and I deleted the originals.... But I have learned (I think) how to proper handle SVP.


Also I am starting to build Cruiser Frighates, now I am going for better weapons then anti matter then Dreadnoughts - I believe the I will have plenty fish orders so grab your chips.

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We continue to plough through the enemies.



Currently at load statistics look like this:




But soon some with change.


I continue to harvest our red queen




And green bitch





And some more





But hey I found myself another swarm




And the killing and raping never ends




I am unstoppable and they are running out of something to defend their colonies...




I have also found the location of hers homeworld and actually I am almost knocking at her doors. It's just a matter of turns before she runs out of worlds to live on.




While I was pounding her colony I made one small bad decision - I had to make a turn to get her outer colonies and she made a counter attack that made me lose 2 of fresh colonies - but I am getting them back so no worries - her days are numbered and like I said she will end as last I will leave her with one colony and bunker down any attack route so either she will do nothing or will try suicide attacks.










Finally our project is finished and I can start researching suspended animation - jupi.




Also I am wondering how can I badly damaged ships move to the waiting queue ? On the start mission when defending planet I just click retreat and it moves to the last position, but when attacking or after few minutes the only option is total retreat from battle.

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