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A Quick Visual

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Seriously, it's irking me something chronic that we don't have our own preview copy already.


There are videos from some big sites up there and others I've never even heard of so I hope that my requests for a preview copy will be answered soon.

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Seriously, it's irking me something chronic that we don't have our own preview copy already.


There are videos from some big sites up there and others I've never even heard of so I hope that my requests for a preview copy will be answered soon.


Earth's finest, right? wink.png




Well, here are some Polish video previews to the rescue:


- one tactical vs Mutons

- another strategic with air tango

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While I admit I didn't understand a word of that German preview, the two chaps playing it appeared to have the tactical ability of my 7 month old daughter. No overwatch? No moving in cover? Surprised the aliens didn't chew them and spit them out?!
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