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The odds of a Battleship taking out an Avenger armed with dual plasma beams are quite low. I wouldn't unload the crew etc myself, certainly not if sending more then one Avenger.


Sure, it'll be in the repair bay for ages, but Avengers take in a lot of damage.


That said, I normally wouldn't have my craft attack a Battleship at all - easier to just follow it around until it lands. Blowing up the engines only serves to deprive yourself of Elerium (and maybe kill one alien), so the only real benefit to shooting the things down is that you can choose the exact time of day your soldiers will be fighting.


If it gets to the point where you've built four Avengers... then you should've already won the game. :P

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There was a number of times when I downed battleships and most of their escorts in attempts to prevent a base being built. I don't think I ever succeeded. Is that possible?

I guess it's possible, I've just never have seen it. :D


When the aliens start sending Battleships out on base building missions, it's normally already too late to stop them. I was fooling around with a saved game a while back where the the aliens were going to build a base. When I preemptively sent out my Avengers(souped up versions)/Skyrangers to heavily patrol the area before the battleships arrived, the base was magically built. (No, it wasn't the case of my craft detecting the base soon after they arrived... I had round-the-clock coverage of the airspace directly over the location of the alien base as soon as I saw the scouts. My craft just detected it all of a sudden, without seeing any UFOs).


What I'm guessing is that the construction of the base was predetermined to happen, no matter what you do to the scouts/base building ships. And the actual construction does not coincide with any UFO activity, it just materializes out of thin air when the timer runs out. It does seem to happen more right before the last big push of alien base building ships though.


Most likely difficulty level plays a roll in being able to thwart base building, just like it does for other mission types. But my experience says that if the aliens want to do something, they will... with or without your "help". :P


When attacking with Avengers, I suppose that is necessary to get all the staff (both equipment and soldiers) out of the craft, except with UFO's that are sure unable to down the avenger, with the big ones is too risky, if one UFO get's down an Avenger with soldiers inside, the soldiers are lost. So, to fight agains[t] a battleship, 4 empty avengers are needed, plus one more or one sky ranger to get the soldiers to the crash site. Am I correct?

It isn't exactly necessary to strip a transport Avenger before going head-to-head with a Battleship if you have other Avengers helping. Like BB mentioned, Avengers have a lot of hitpoints. Just send the other Avengers ahead on aggressive attack, then put your transport Avenger on cautious attack. It should minimize the damage done to it. Also I found that having 2 ships with dual plasmas and the other 2 ships with a fusion ball launcher/plasma combo work very nice. The fusion balls soften the Battleship up while the plasmas are blasting away. Fusion balls are expensive though, so only use them against Battleships when it is absolutely necessary. :D


- Zombie

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Actually I think that only supply ships can build bases and it requires them 0.1s after landing, although I may be wrong and battleships can build bases too, though I think any other UFO except supply ship, are just scouting for the suitable place.
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Actually I think that only supply ships can build bases and it requires them 0.1s after landing, although I may be wrong and battleships can build bases too, though I think any other UFO except supply ship, are just scouting for the suitable place.

I agree, the Supply Ships are the culprits. Battleships and the other small fry seem to be the scout force. However, I have seen bases phase into existence with no Supply Ships in the air. Not sure what's going on there, but it happens. :P


- Zombie

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Hi again. Talking about supply ships.. I have located Alien Base 3, which is commanded by sectoids. I can guess there are sectoids there, because when I tried to assault it some time ago, I received psionic attacks (and I abandoned the mission, leaving the base alone) and now I have seen a supply ship commanded by sectoids, so I suppose that the base is a sectoid base. I'm now assaulting the supply ship, and I guess that I will get a better than good loot. So, now, I'm considering take all those supply ships loot to feed my economics until I have all my 8 bases built, and good psi soldiers. Now that I have 3 o 4 men able to MC Sectoid some easyly, it would be easy and plentiful money, elerium, etc.


But, the problem, is that I have assaulted and defeated Alien Base 1, Alien Base 4, and Alien Base 7. So there are at least 3 bases apart from Base 3 in the Earth, and I don

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There's no point in destroying the bases all in one go - you'll get a ton of points, but all you need to do is make sure you have a positive score at the end of each month. Destroying one base per month will easily give you that, though assuming you don't outright lose any missions (soldier transport and all), score isn't much of a concern anyways.


If your score is about 500+ for the current month, there's not much point pushing it higher. Certainly don't bother going far above 1000.

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Each alien base generates 5 alien activity points every day. You only have to do enough in that region to make sure your activity is greater then the alien activity. One supply ship is often more than enough to cover the 150~155 monthly activity points generated by each alien base.


But just to clarify, did you mean there are lots of other aliens bases on the globe that haven't been destroyed?



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Since you have 3 bases, you should have some spare interceptors you can send out to do some patrols to find the bases. or if you have any extra Skyrangers, one of those would be good as well.


When you find them, it might be worth attacking them for a few turns to identify their race and then evacuate. If you can find a floater or snakeman base, they would make excellent bases for supply ship raids.



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Ah, ok, the problem of playing with mind games.. But, in the other hand, they are too well targets to test my soldier's psi capacity. And, the ones with PSI strength lower than 80, are only equipped with stun rods, so no chance of harm to the rest of the troops if they are fooled or mind controlled.


I have, for instance, one soldier with 95 PSI strength, and 55 psi skill, who is able to mind control a Sectoid from some distance, but not from greater distances. When that or other strong enough soldier will be able to mind control sectoids from whatever distance, I'll know that they can afford Ethereal missions.


Besides, mutons are very good for training, both psi and fire accuracy. ;-)

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Well, acording with the formula of mind control and panic, there is a bigger chance of success as the distance to the target is shorter.


At least, is what I have seen in https://www.ufopaedia.org, and in my own game: not the range of the alien: the same alien, the same soldier. At short distances, the MC always is success. At greater distances, never success.

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It have to be at least Base 2, Base 5, and Base 6, since I have destroyed Base 1, Base 4 and Base 7, and I have been assaulting supplies for Base 3.
I suspect that your game has got bugged somehow. I guess alien bases are numbered in the order of detection. If they are not on the map already, they don't exist. I discovered a bug in TFTD which can make your first Artefact Site the second or third depending on how many times you reload the game in the geoscape. Maybe someone else also plays your game and destroyed those alien bases while you were in school. Daddy? Mommy? Granny?
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Indeed, bases are assigned their number when they're built, not when they're found.


There are only certain zones where aliens will build bases. They aren't all over the world, but rather only appear in remote areas (away from the bulk of civilisation). A while back, kryub explained the zoning system to me, and I created this render of the various spawn locations:




They're colour coded by region (though I never got around to working out which colour I'd assigned to which region...).

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True, I have seen them build beyond those bounding boxes. Perhaps the boxes are more like a target zone and the final destination is centred around but necesarilly confined to the bounding boxes.



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