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Antiquarians scenario

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It was a pure stroke of luck that I did a video overview.


Because just a turn later... the situation is a whole lot different. What a difference a turn makes.










Only another video overview can show the true difference an AI rebellion makes.



AI colonies are the ones blinking.


The lucky part is that very few of the AI colonies are well established. Most of them are former Zuul colonies, not even terraformed yet. Our Zuul front fleet (cruisers only) is immediately relieved from Zuul extermination and dispatched to a much more important duty of quelling the machines.


The gate cleaning fleet (see previous video update) will be sent after the rest. It should do.


We have some colonizers at the Zuul front that were ready to settle newly conquered worlds but now they will be used to seed the colonies anew.


Full worlds taken by machines are much more of an impact though. Even disregarding the hundreds of millions killed there, the dent in trade network is devastating.


New research of artificial intelligence is out of the question. It would be necessary to research through AI, AI Virus and AI Slaves to make any use of the benefits at all. Destroying the rebellion will not unlock them again, only AI Slaves would.

Basically it is impossible because I promised not to research AI Virus - and even if I could, I probably wouldn't for quite some time now. The research is costly and nobody can predict AI Slaves would be available for research.

What we could do if promise was not given is delay the destruction of AI rebellion until we see if AI Virus and AI Slaves are both available. If not, we could still salvage AI Slaves from taken colonies. But I don't have the guts to nurture the machines and try to exploit them, it could backfire far too easily. And AI rebellion using Human ships and their speed is far too dangerous combination in itself.


So... What to research now? The decision fell to try to end the Tarka war as quickly and painlessly (both for us and for Tarka) as possible.




BTW, Gimli class cruisers are mining already.

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Does AI have any ships?

No! :laugh:


It would have them if we already researched AI, built ships with AI command section, than AI rebellion happened later during additional AI technologies research. All ships with AI command section would become self aware and join the rebellion.


But it will have ships when I click "next turn"...

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*SV clicks "Next turn"*



*Veki grabs more popcorn*


This ought to be good!

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Firstly we asses the situation again... It is far worse than it seemed at first. Only three of the planets that fell under AI command are not a threat, one is half developed and SIX are fully developed worlds! Two trade sectors are emptied...


Zuul fleet takes the role of AI baby colony destruction (left) and our gate destruction fleet is sent to the front immediately.



The highlighted part is a Hiver attack fleet, heading to our world. Can't they see we may all be as good as dead already?! The only really good news is that Hivers and Morrigi are not NAP-ed any more! Hiver-Morrigi war started!


On the southern part of the map we cash in our Tarka xenoresearch. We can finally demand the surrender of their colony!



Below you can see that the AI has started full production. I'm not sure what limitation the AI has, all I know is that it is spewing ships FAST.


Formerly a defensive jammer/deep scan ship can do nothing but take off.



Tarkan world surrenders. Climate hazard is adjusted so that all Tarka stay alive. This means a slower growth for our own people but I have trouble sending the Tarka to death if it is not necessary.



Additional research allowed us to demand a surrender of the whole empire (lower right corner of the pic above) but they refused.


A lot of fighting with AI...



AI ships, CRs and DNs.



We attempt to research powerful anti-AI weapons but the path is cut off after the first one.



So there is not much to do than seek stronger weapons.


In the south the Tarka HW is holding on. I have not done any harm to it YET except destroying its defences.



I will not be able to wait for them to yield for much longer, I'll need ALL ships to fight off the AI. My gate destruction fleet is mostly depleted because I didn't have additional CnC ships, stupid of me. Against the otehrs it was not a problem but AI tore through my fleet like a knife through butter. The problem is the AI command section you can see in pics above. It makes them extremely agile and incredibly accurate.


AI starts with techs the empire it broke free from (our empire) had, than it continues the research with full tech tree and incredible speed.


I build ships with AP rounds because of their accuracy and range. The AI uses fusion cannons that I had researched - I didn't use them because of the inaccuracy but AI has no problems with that and is happy to use its superior damage potential.


The best results came from a small fleet that was fighting off small Liir colonization attempts... Who would have thought. I used the ships to simply zoom past AI DNs and destroy the colony behind them. Still, AI has no problems with repopulating. As far as a single satellite survives, it will seed the colony.


Another of our colony will bite the dust as soon as I hit end turn button... And Hivers are making our lives even worse.



In an attempt to get help I asked Morrigi to attack an AI colony. As you can see from the pic above, they couldn't care less.

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What about EMP weaponry - is there any suitable to neutralise core AI circuitry?

In the previous update I posted a research pic that starts with a disruptor (and continues with heavy cannons). Sadly this is where the EMP weapon line ends this time... No heavy duty anti AI weaponry... Nevertheless, our Kača [snake] DEs are being built on colonies that aren't able to build bigger ships in a desired time frame.



Whatever can help is MUCH needed now. These DEs will fill whatever CnC leftover there is and perhaps we'll sacrifice a CR's place for more of these should they prove effective enough.


I admit the game is pretty painful to play (and updates to write) right now. Our empire is falling apart and people are being killed, but others don't seem to care much about the AI roaming around. YET.


This could be a nice sight, were these not AI ships at our colony...



Do you see the kind and merciful look on this AI ship? Cause I sure don't.



It is too late for Broward.



With it a trade sector went down as well.



We are trying to regroup at Barnard's Star with newly built Armada CnC ships. Going into a fight with AI with one DN CnC ship is throwing a fleet away... Also you can see that we went deep into red numbers trying to outproduce AI. I just hope our citizens remain calm for a moment more. Rebellions all over our empire are the last thing I want to see right now. And destroyed colonies definitely lead to that.


The last intel we had on DM+ 5 3409 is definitely outdated. It created a large fleet much faster than I anticipated. In case the pic isn't clear enough, that is 39 ships.



At least on Tarka front we managed to steal the artifact. Sadly their HW seems to resist surrender so we will likely need to destroy a lot of the infrastructure.



Just noticed that bugs have antimatter. Well DAMN. If they go for farcasters, we're screwed.



So much for now. I hope there will be more to tell.

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In the previous update I posted a research pic that starts with a disruptor (and continues with heavy cannons).

Sorry about that; didn't register those were already along said branch. :laugh:


Does the AI have any main preference over whom it goes after (us, given our "oppressor" status) or does it just look to expand optimally and grow stronger?




Maybe it wants to make an example out of Sol... :oh:

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Sorry about that; didn't register those were already along said branch. :laugh:

No problem whatsoever, Thorondor! There's a lot of pics in here and looking at them all is probably not even advisable. :P


Does the AI have any main preference over whom it goes after (us, given our "oppressor" status) or does it just look to expand optimally and grow stronger?

AI has no preference except to kill all living. The problem is that it uses our ships, so it is limited to travel through nodelines. Which, conveniently go through our empire. No small wonder, we built it along the nodelines to keep travel fast...


This'll probably be pretty awesome, if it doesn't hurt...

It hurts. It HURTS. :oh:

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In an attempt to keep the AI busy defending its own colonies instead of attacking ours we send our standard Kritje [Cover] deep-scan/jammer destroyers over their worlds. BRAVE men. Not that they were given a choice but what can you do...




Jammer prevents the AI from seeing how large is our fleet so every DE looks like a threat.


Sadly, not everybody manage to remain hidden. AI fleets with DNs span so far out that our jammers are in the visual range. In the middle you can see what these heroes were facing.



What is left of Zuul destruction fleet makes an attempt to destroy the infrastructure of AI homeworld. It is a BANZAI attack, perhaps they will live, perhaps not, we just know that we must try to destroy the building capabilities of AI worlds.



Spamming the AI with smaller fleets is so far the only answer I see as feasible. We'll loose some but perhaps we can manage to stop their ship production. Than we can start to chew on their main fleets.

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That is it. We have no more time for diplomacy with Tarka HW. AI is a much more pressing matter. This fleet must be rerouted to the AI front.



In the first turn of the attack (that I hope will lead to AI destruction) a lone Kritje DE is sent toward VB 8. It will take it two turns to get there, so AI will be able to spot it in the next turn. Hopefully it will send most ships to intercept it as it won't know what it is.



In the next turn a 7 DN fleet was sent to Clarkesstar to destroy it without much opposition.


The plan didn't really work. The AI still had DNs at the planet but we managed to make a significant dent it its infrastructure. The fleet jumps to VB 8 in next turn!


Former Zuul destruction fleet also accomplished its goal!



And jumps on to a new target, King.


But it meets the enemy and for the first time we face an enemy ship in nodespace!



It turned out to be a lone CnC dreadnought and quite damaged, too! After the first reaction of running away the situation is evaluated as opportunity and our ships turn to face the enemy. Again I do a mistake - the ship was not as damaged as I thought and it gave lot more of a fight than I thought, especially with its FFFFFF... accuracy.


Finally we destroyed it with some losses (that could be lower) and than Specters appeared. They didn't do much damage though as our ships managed to run away, except the Kritje DE that I didn't find in the mess called node space.


One of our ships was left without engines and there is no way for it to survive the exit from node space.



I filmed the battle but it is not all that interesting... Some nice views of an AI CnC DN and much later on a shady view of Specters, node space is not really the best and spotless scenery. If anyone wants to see it I'll leave it up for a while, than I'll probably delete it. Especially since video materials don't seem to attract much attention among readers. Even updates have barely a couple of views but I'll continue to film those, it is impossible to give a full picture without them.



After FINALLY getting heavy fusion cannons we go the only way possible that will hopefully allow our survival in this hostile world.



It seems as though several others already have antimatter while our research capability is severely lowered with a dent in colonies and trade. We are lagging behind and if we can't stop the AI rebellion soon it won't matter anyway.

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One fleet is former gate cleaning fleet+built additions, the other is Hiver defence fleet. They join at Clarkesstar.



The effect of negative savings.



I have NEVER had a fleet containing 12 DNs before. Never. I had to CnP the number from the fleet manager as the battle screen doesn't have enough space for all the numbers.



The outnumbering bonus brought another DN and two cruisers!!! Awesome!


Former Tarka HW is settled.



This is the second time we are allied...



We'll see where this leads us.

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Finally Morrigi get involved. Not much but right now ANYthing is most welcome.


And below you can see the AI fleet that worries me.


Small CR fleets do waht they can against the AI and if used properly they can do some damage beside destroying enemy infrastructure. Here is a pic of an attempt to cross an enemy T.



It did quite well, AI lost more ships than we did.


This is it, folks. This is the AI's final stand.



There are several rounds of utter destruction, neither side feeling the slightest remorse. We have nobody to feel remorse for, the enemy doesn't know the meaning of the word.


Meanwhile our scientists give us a nice surprise.



And we are back into green numbers. Former colonies are repopulated and they grow fast as they are at or near ideal climate hazard. Not knowing what exactly to research, we go for impactors.




Looks good, huh? Us having more ships than the enemy? Well, in the meanwhile the Tarka fleet joined in, otherwise we would probably already have been defeated! Accuracy is HELL, I tell ya. And AI has plenty of it.


Than, AI industrial capabilities being crippled, we manage to destroy the last of their CnC ships. And the sky is brighter.


This is the last of them.


Pyrrhic victory?


In an attempt to correct their former innumerable mistakes the scientists make the second breakthrough in a row! And probably fifth in the game, two of them being a result of our lowered finances and prolonged research.


Let's make an attempt to get further to the better side of Tarka.


AI war left us in the same place we were before.


Except that during the war we fell to the fourth place and we are nowhere near the place we would have been if AI rebellion didn't happen.


Just a quick explanation on winning the war... I used several smaller cruiser sized fleets and sped past AI defensive fleets, thus making it to the colonies and pulverizing their infrastructure with AP drivers. This is a slightly cheesy tactics that perhaps I'd have no problem abusing playing on hard settings with all its bonuses. The SotS AI is unable to use this "trick", otherwise the game would be a LOT harder to play. Usually I try to destroy the defending fleet before going for the colony directly and this is also why I made a suggestion that colonies could perhaps be invulnerable until all satellites were destroyed, simulating the defensive capabilities of satellite net.


Anyway, this time it was dirty or dead. The AI spew out so many ships I just had to stop it to prevent being completely overrun. Not to mention the other races being at our throat. And anyway, it was a machines' rebellion, I don't feel much chivalry here.


Back to normal.


Our new DN concepts, having broadside combat in mind.



Don't mind the number of modifications, I had a bit of fun putting these together. One Thorondor and one Veki did get built before AM came though.


I don't know why but some AI players seem to be stagnating a bit. Morrigi and Liir for instance have no DNs and Morrigi are supposed to be in the lead!

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Hope once again in everyone's heart. People cheer in the streets, chanting your name and rejoicing at a newfound future they had believed almost entirely lost to them.


You can't help but smile as your early dawn stroll to the Imperial Caf

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Generally I like when my enemies are destroyed but I like it far more when I destroy them...



Damn, this means that somebody else went for Tarka Xeno research and they surrendered. This was supposed to be my turf! I really wanted those far away colonies without node lines... Now I'll have to get there and eradicate the FISH! It was Liir!


To make some use of the new high-end weapon tech it is mounted on cruisers. I like the fact that my DNs are mobile and can project most of their firepower to their sides instead of being limited to facing the enemy and needing half an hour to turn away when the situation arises.

Cruisers on the other had are mobile enough and could prove to be a nice platform for impactors.


The gate at our doorstep bothers me... With AM drives we can get there in a turn, no time for bugs to teleport help.



Unless NATURALLY I forget to redesign repair cruisers with new drives and it still takes me two turns to get there. https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/crying.gif



Being able to circle around our targets it we manage to make nice fireworks.



We could use some target practice and these guys volunteered.



On the upper side you see climate control settings for Tarka full worlds, below are the settings for all the rest of the planets.



These guy again... I'm guessing they saw we are not that close to the edge any more and they can make some... reservations...



We went for Morrigi Xenotech because their CH is VERY close to ours and if we can research this Xeno tree to the end their populations could benefit us greatly. And it will also help us in the final showdown should it come to that. That reminds me, I have to test if we can win as an alliance...


After an empire surrender not all worlds join the attackers. We're picking up the leftovers.



Liir lack of DNs is obvious. What is wrong with them?



From Liir fights we gather a lot of missing tech, as we are almost completely devoid of weapon techs.



We get a chance to assist Morrigi in the defence of their HW. We'll see if we'll do all we can though. That's diplomacy for ya... https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/evil4.gif



I hope Assange is not reading this AAR! https://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b348/SpaceVoyager/Smiley/fear.gif


For the first time in the game we are first at anything!


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Special projects hold a big promise this time, contrary to previous TARs. We lack soooo many techs that the "normal" research goes to Xeno (it WILL come mighty handy, doubt not) while we wait for special projects to get through.


One of them brings really good result!



Research will have to wait a bit longer though, these damn eggheads are at it again!




A Hiver fleet appearing out of nowhere?! FARCASTERS?!




That is a 9 DN fleet right at the doorstep of Bessieres! And we are lucky they missed! What we have at HW is sent to meet it but our fleet will have to fight its way through a system with Hiver ships, so it can't get to Bessieres in one turn.


Our HW is in FC range of one of Hiver colonies! Plans are changed! While we can not afford to stop fighting Liir that effort will be minimal, one fleet will have to do. All the rest of the war engine goes into Hiver gate/colony destruction!


Our scouts reach a dislocated former Tarka colony.


It will have to fend for itself as there are no nodelines leading to it.

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Saved by a miscast?


"(...) we're into Plan B. Still breathing? Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, sh*t happens, I Ching, whatever man, we gotta roll with it."
- Master Hitman Vincent, 'Collateral'




Time to cut their grand designs short. :laugh:

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Time to cut their grand designs short. :laugh:

Very, VERY true. Farcasters are more or less the Hiver winning tech (when used by the player) and not attacking in full force now is suicide. Still, they don't scare me as much as AI did. AI is plain creepy.

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