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Base defense (how much?)


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Hi all,


I'm starting XCOM1 all over ago (after an almost 10 year hiatus).


For base defense, can I just build 4 plasma defense or 4 fusion ? Do they count as 1 (if i have 4 of them) ?


Thank you all ;)



With base defenses I've used 3-4 fusions backed by a grav shield if I really want to keep them out and that doesn't work 100%. Plus they'll just keep coming until they finally get through. I generally just have 15 or so guys in the base with laser rifles, heavy plasmas and a couple of rocket tanks. It lets you settle the fight up front without having it pester you every few days with an attempt to attack, and it's cheaper and faster to set up.

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Note that if your base defenses fail to take down the UFO before it lands, then you'll have to fight the entire crew anyway - that is to say, your combined defenses either "work", or they don't.


The Battleship has 3000 hit points, and plasma modules can each eat 900 of those. Hence a total of two plasma modules is just as effective as one, in that they'll achieve absolutely nothing unless you install some more of the things (regardless of whether they hit the target or not, their combined damage rating won't be enough to bring it down).


When attacked, each defensive module in your base fires one after the other, until you either run out of modules or the ship crashes. Having a grav shield installed means all other modules get up to two shots instead.


You need at least four plasma modules to take out a Battleship (and they'll only have a 24% chance of doing it if you don't build more). Four fusion modules have around an 81% chance, which is far more respectable.


Three fusion modules and a grav shield come out at 98%. Given that it's impossible to hit 100%, I would consider this to be secure enough - by the time the aliens ever get through, you should've been able to organise a fairly powerful squad to mop them up with.

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I must admit I go for the 3 fusion and 1 grav sheild pproach and it does bother me that you can't skip their repeated attacks. I think last time I just ended up demoloshing the grav shield and one fusion defense so they could finally get through.


Beats me why the entire alien horde forgets where your base was after that though ;)

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You can't earn any Elerium (or UFO components) from base defense missions, regardless of whether you shoot down the Battleship or not. Still, they're great for capturing high level aliens and equipment.


But really why even waste a spot on any defenses, since you know they'll get through anyway ;)

Only if you keep playing long enough. The three fusion launchers coupled with a grav shield will typically keep them out for quite a few months, by which time you'll've probably won the game.


Tedious as it can be, watching the Battleships get shot down is much faster then playing through the defense missions, so they're handy if you want to get in a bit more quick research/psi training/manufacturing before you make the final leap to Cydonia.


In the early to mid-game, you're probably better off just letting the aliens through.

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They won't stop the aliens from finding your base, or stop aliens that are already sending battleships, but just reducing the chance of finding the base is the key benefit.


For stalling the aliens if you're not ready for the base defense, or you want re-arrange the base before taking on the attack is probably one of the reasons I would use them actively. Use three or four fusion defenses and a grav shield. When ready, just dismantle the grav shield and rebuild it for the next batch.



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