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Ion Beam Accelerator - in What file?


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What file and what line is information in about will I get at the end of mission Ion Beam Accelerators?

And that does influence on his presence since I shotdown UFO Sub?

If Shotdown UFO sub with a less powerful armament - will there be it to influence in the presence of ion beam accelerators at the shownining UFO subs?

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Recovering the IBA is dependent on the if a tile exists on the map(map.dat in a saved game) that is flagged as an IBA in the MCD entry.


At the end of combat Tactical looks up the tile entry in the currently loaded MCD's finds the tile numbers that are flaged as IBA then searched the tactical map in memory for any tile with that number. it then updated the score and X-Com Base inventory.


Changing the score file would not add one to inventory.


Crashed UFO's have a chance of the IBA of exploding and not being recovered. IF you want a lot of loot you have to catch the UFO on the bottom. This makes for lower monthly scores (alien gets points and you miss out on the shot down points, plus the X-Com casualties can be higher.) but it's the only way to guarantee you get the hardware.

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Thank you for answer

Do you Know how exactly can I find entry as flagged as Ion Beam Accelerator in file Map.dat?

What value have it in this file?


I know that, when I catch USO on the bottom - I'll recover Ion Beam Accelerator

But USO Subs with missions Floating base Attack and Infiltration NEVER touched down and I want to understand - what affect to recovering Ion Beam Accelerators when I shotdowns these USO's

maybe SUB arnaments affects to recover Ion Beam accelerator ? or damage to USO affect it?

Damage to Uso I can see in file Craft.dat


P.S. Maybe, who don't know. Seeing speeds of USO sub we can determine the mission of this USO sub even without transmission resolver - even in january 2040

Every USO sub in every missions (interdiction, colony, probe and other) have unique speeds and we can determine mission of USO on their speed

And we can determine what amount of times a sub touch down on his mission - because every mission has unique rule for touch down USO subs

And we can determine what amount of time USO Sub will touch down on their mission - because every Sub in every mission has unique and ALWAYS equal amoun of time to touch down (p.s. this time we can see in file Loc.dat)


I have table with speeds of all subs of all missions and amount of time which sub touch down

If who wishes to have this table - I can give it

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Damage to a submarine is random - it does not matter what armament you use to shoot it down. You can see this in action by saving in the Geoscape and trying the mission over and over again.


I assume that it works the same way as it does in UFO, whenever the game generates the map, the game randomly decides to explode the IBA units. This results in very variable damage to the map each time the map is created.



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What file and what line is information in about will I get at the end of mission Ion Beam Accelerators?

After the Tactical game engine has tallied the amount remaining in the map at the end of combat, it stores the figure at the very first index of MISSION2.DAT, which is located in the MISSDAT folder.


And that does influence on his presence since I shotdown UFO Sub?

If Shotdown UFO sub with a less powerful armament - will there be it to influence in the presence of ion beam accelerators at the shownining UFO subs?

In Enemy Unknown, the previous game, the equivalent item (UFO Power Source) has a 75% chance of exploding if you shoot the UFO down (regardless of what weapons you used to do it).


Because these explosions tend to be rather large, if one explodes, it'll usually take out any OTHER Power Sources in range too. Depends on the layout of the craft.


I don't think these figures have been confirmed in TFTD, but I'd expect that game to follow the same rules.


I have table with speeds of all subs of all missions and amount of time which sub touch down

If who wishes to have this table - I can give it

It would be good to have this in the UFOpedia wiki, assuming it's not there already.

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Very thank for this professional and exact answer. My respect to you.


It would be good to have this in the UFOpedia wiki, assuming it's not there already.


I registered at ufopaedia.org 5 minutes ago but I don't know where exactly can I locate this table and how will do it?

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