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Fort Zombie


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A game of strategy survival.


Set in the randomised fictional town of Piety, Indiana, during the zombie apocalypse, Fort Zombie will see players fortifying a school, prison or police station and scavenging for food, fuel and ammunition by day, defending against the undead hordes at night.


Rescuing NPC survivor families from the town's assorted stores, restaurants, gas stations and homes will bring new skills to your fort, though certain special zombies will remember skills of their own from their former existence to use against you.


Published by Paradox, Fort Zombie is slated to arrive on PC this fall at a mere $14.99.

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At least from the two screenshots I've seen, the graphics aren't all that impressive. What do you think? :)


Every time I see this topic title I mistakenly think it reads "For Zombie". Catches my attention, that's for sure. ;)


- Zombie

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At least from the two screenshots I've seen, the graphics aren't all that impressive. What do you think? :)


What we have seen is definitely not final, but Kerberos is more known for content than for adding every graphic effect out there.


I'm not really sure what to think about this game, I'm not into zombies. ;) Sorry, Zombie. Otherwise it might be fun, and is definitely cheap. Martin wrote that it is not meant for hours and hours per single game (like NorthStar), more like 20 minutes gaming sessions. Quick'n'fun.

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Can't leave a zombie discussion without mentioning Left 4K Dead, which is inspiring in its own way. By which I mean it compiles to a 4k java applet. I understand this may not thrill all of you...




Or, one could designate a free-fire zone and continually carpet-bomb it. Assuming the air force isn't squeamish about collateral casualties and those silly looters keep their heads down.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Fort Zombie interview at Rock, Paper, Shotgun.


RPS: How about the actual defence aspect itself – how do you alternate between the going-and-getting-stuff stages and the defending-the-base bit?


Martin Cirulis: The main game premise is that you are a survivor who has decided that Piety is as far as you are willing to run. It’s time to make a stand. You know there is a wave of zombies from the big cities crossing the heartland and that wave is going to break over Piety sometime over the next couple of weeks. Your base has got exactly that much time to be beefed up with people, barricades and traps.


Given that, each day is crucial as you race the clock. You assign tasks like building or medical care to whatever people you have recruited; decide who you will take with you on your expedition that day, and what sort of rumours you are going to chase down. Do you look for survivors? Food? Ammo? Should you survive not only the mission and the trip there and back (there is always a chance to run into unavoidable hordes when traveling) you can then store what you have found in your stronghold and see where you stand. Tomorrow, people are going to need to be fed, barricades and traps under construction are going to need special materials and tools and you are, once again, going to have to put yourself on the line rescuing people and gathering more things that are so desperately needed to prepare for the final night.

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