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The gods have descended!!

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Have the Reticulans been made TOO difficult?.Their Psionic abilities are almost godlike,and I dont really fancy trying to fight gods,you know what I mean?!


Granades are great, atleast on medium difficulty explosion allways makes them fall down. Which also breaks any mind controlling, and best of all, it makes so much damage that many of the psi units change to healing devices instead.


That generally gives enough time take them all out, and most of all nerfs their offensive abilities down to nothing.


I've had to abort two missions due to a maps that gave them such insane advantage that my whole team was mindcontrolled before I was able do anything. One involved literally 20 reticulans on a ledge, another one involved 3 psi units in a tower like building that takes something like 50 seconds to climb up to.

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