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I remember!


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When I was younger, bearing in mind I'm 23 now, I purchased terror from the deep. It had been out for about a year and a half by the the point I got it, and I was very excited! I liked the old UFO show by Gerry Anderson, not that much though as I was more of a Captain Scarlet fan. I loved the game, but pretty much always sucked at it. Kept forgetting to switch weapons so would end up with a torpedo launcher on land etc. I also hated constantly having to go on terror missions that would end up with a few baddies hiding away in cabins or somewhere equally annoying. I still however purchased apocalypse, and loved that to. I found it much easier to play, and managed to finish it a couple of times. Managed to avoid enforcer and interceptor as they both looked like hurried cash in's.
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EU 1.0 wasent exactly a gem either. it crashed, had corrupt tiles, crashed, missing map files, dificultly levels were all the same, time units would "wrap" on your best units and they would have less then 10, and did I mention it crashed


They both have there pros and cons. I personaly like the dificulty of TFTD. If you can get past the terror missions and avoid the research bugs it's worth playing.


dont get me wrong, EU is a great game to. I have beaten it more times then TFTD.


-Blade FireLight

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I started with TFTD, so it will always hold a special place with me. I liked the setting, and the ridiculous difficulty was easily circumvented by cheating! I beat the game and went back to playing Doom II - which, at the time, I could've beat with my eyes closed. Okay, that's just an exaggeration, but it shows my preference of games at the time. I didn't really think too much about TFTD until I tried it again later. Properly, with less cheating.


I got good at it. I didn't have to cheat, as this time through I discovered this super powerful new tool that I thought was a reward for beating the game. The MC Disrupter. The research tree bug killed a few games for mw.


Then I got UFO. I was slightly disappointed with it to start with - it seemed to provide less than what TFTD offered. I then lost it through disk corruption. I had to manually install each game I had to play at the time on account of having a small hard drive, and my disk drives were ruining my disks. I didn't play it for some time, but it was constantly on my mind after this.


Then I got a copy of the Terror Unknown compilation and my true love for the X-Com series kicked off from there. There were a couple of marathon games that literally went from dusk till dawn.


Both games are great. One just has a more challenging start and a few more goofy inconsitencies than the other.



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I never claimed that I've never cheated. :)


Yes world, I did cheat at first, but then I started to really learn how to play the game. Then the cheating kind of became irrelevant and unnecessary. Once I was able to do superhuman missions without any third party editors or using save/reload immortality, man was that a blast. Then craziness like the solo floater base assault and my strange affinity for undervalued weapons (laser pistol, gauss pistol, etc) emerged. Been on a roll ever since.


If you cheat and don't learn anything from it, then you've cheated yourself.



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