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Public transportation brought to a grind

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Yesterday was a 'black' day for the train traffic in Denmark.

Three places around Copenhagen the train traffic was brought to a grind when the power lines which supplies the trains with electricity fell down within a few hours of each other.


But the most funny excuse that DSB(national train company) could come with was this.

A 'wet' pidgeon had been sitting on the power line as do so many birds since the dawn of power cables. And when the train passed by the power line was lifted up so the pidgeon touched some uninsulated metal on the power line mast.

Thereby the pidgeon became grounded and became a biological plasma torch when it burned through the power line causing it to fall down and pierce the windscreen of the locomotive.


Quite the shocker for the driver of the locomotive, i'd say.


So if all of you wannabe terrorists out there are wondering how to hurt a country. Here is my suggestion.

Train lots of pidgeons to sit on power lines by railroad track. Especially near uninsulated metal parts on the power line masts.

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That pigeon must have looked pretty scary. I've got this mental image pf a bird aflame with lightning forking off it's limbs...


...kind of a winged-Satan crossed with the Emperor from Star Wars (no cloak obviously - how ridiculous would that be? :drink: ).

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Pidgeon: 'I'm just sitting here on this high voltage power line with this uninsulated piece of metal above me. Nothing to very about. Curr! Curr!'

A few moments later a train approaches.

Pidgeon: 'I usually fly scared featherless away when those things comes along those parallel metal thingies on the ground. But not this time. That thing doesn't scare me anymore.' The pidgeon rears bravely up confronting the train approaching.

As the train is about to pass the pidgeon the power line upon which the brave pidgeon is sitting on is suddenly lifted up and the pidgeon bangs it's head against the uninsulated piece of metal above it's head. And there is contact.

Pidgeon: 'Ouch! What was that? I feel a sudden immense surge of power flowing through me....I can do anything! I have the P.....' POOF!!!

The pidgeon is set more ablaze then the Phoenix and it's last act in this world is acting like a plasma torch cutting through the high voltage power line it sad so merrily on.

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The jolting of the train must have caused the line to jump up before the train reached it. Otherwise there's no way it would have sat there.


Maybe pidgeons don't even like sitting on lines. Maybe the terrorists trained them to do it from the beginning. It's been a plot all along! No more money needs to be spent on insulation, we have to stop the terrorists that are at the root of this problem.


George Bush would be proud of me. :drink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So watch out for any large purchases of brown soap and coolants, AT?

The terrorists could be planning to smear the track in brown soap in the autumn and quick freeze them in winter just to keep commuters disgrunted enough to topple the goverment.

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