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The Graveyard

Grim Reaper

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ok i know this may be considered necromancey given this topic is almost 10 months old but I couldn't resist.

my best casuilty would had to have been dmitriy asimov. he was one of 10 soldiers i had from the start of the game in a squad i nicknamed the last chancers. all 10 members survived the entire game while members of my seccond squad stationed in my other base tended to die quite often so as you can imagine by the time I was assaulting the alien dimension my squad was one group of really tough guys (and gals) any way to cut a long story short we got to the final mission where you have to distroy the dimensional gates. my squad equipped with xcom armour and toxin C, vortex mines and alien gas were tearing through any resistance that got in their way and distroying all the generators. unfortunatly mr asimov who was commanding one section of 5 troopers while my commander lead the other around the other side got hit my a missile and somehow got stuck to the ground just as his team destroyed the last generator. so following orders my team quickly bugged out but mr asimov who was some how decided to detonate a vortex mine to help clear what was trapping him (it was the only explosive he had) not only did he survive the blast (which cleared the ground) but he was still stuck so i figured what the heck i'll have him make a last stand. he quickly dispatched 3 skeletoids and a psimorph in the matter of secconds when someone launched one of those darn entropy pods at him. to my amazement he was still alive and continued to pick off a pair of megaspawns, 2 more skeletoids and wound a psimorph. then I see a vortex mine flying over from one side and I'm thinking it's all over. but after the explosion clears asimov is still standing there unscathed and still with a bit of power in his disruptor shield which finally goes down after soaking up a hit from a missile and 2 devistator beams. quickly turning to where this new attack came from asimov then proceded to pick off 2 more skeletoids before running out of ammo. luckly i always make a point of packing a devistator beam for such instances and quickly used it to pick off one more skeletoid. next thing I know I got 2 entropy pods heading my way and to my supprise asimov shrugs them off without a scratch so i figure I'll give them a chance and dropped all my armour before laying into the next wave of aliens that came out of that pit. and what do you know they actually missed with their missile launchers and asimov is just standing there defient of everything the aliens throw at him while still being unable to run so picks off another 2 megaspawns when a lowly unconsious skeletoid who had been knocked out earlier in the mission wakes up behind him and shots him in the back with an entropy pod killing him instantly

there he was the ultimate soldier with over 100 misions under his belt and around 230 kills who had shrugged off everything throwen at him only to be picked off from behind by a half dead skeletoid

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