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Starforce got Cracked !?


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After reading what you guys were talking about in Official forum

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Just want to let you guys know what ... Aftershock's Starforce system has been Cracked ....

Please note that I've bought the game myself .. I didn't disturbute to anyone .. no one copy my UFO: A/S


ok here's the story

I've bough the game few days ago .. about 3 ... and I found that ... everytime I'll have to take my game out of the box and insert into my dvd drive makes me mad ... cause it's too noisy

so I try to search in google by the word nodvd for aftershock ... what I found is not a Crack .exe

I found a few Strange .bat file come along with starfuxk

the starfuXk seems to disable my dvd and the .bat seems to bypass the starforce system check ... WTF

HOW can starforce protection system be bypass what easily ? ;)




Just to let you know ...

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the game is cracked, i search and realy can broke the starforce, is easy but a little complicate.


the qustion is....


all know, is impossible, to "block" a game for pirates all of us know that, starforce is the best tentative to protect the game , but is impossible to protect , just take more time, but the "proffisional hackers" every found one way to make this...


the version of starforce 3.8 is very hard, and i think is impossible at this moment to broke ( at this moment )


but the version of aftershock ( 3.6 ) can be broke, and have alot of modes to do this... the daemon tools make that too, but i dont know how make with daemon tool's...

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Everything gets cracked eventually, the only difference is whether the game is worth cracking or not. Let's say Half Life 3 comes out with the ULTIMATE protection system, I'd bet *anything* that it'd be cracked in no time, no matter it is StarForce or whatever.
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It does ussually take a few extra days to crack Starforce it seems which is really what the company wants. It's in that 3 or so days of no pirated version that the sales are really scored. People who aren't willing to wait for a crack three days later will go out and buy the game when they would have downloaded it immediatly otherwise. So in that respect Starforce does it's job. It holds the crackers at bay just long enough to score a bit higher release sales.


Atleast that's what I think.

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It does ussually take a few extra days to crack Starforce it seems which is really what the company wants. It's in that 3 or so days of no pirated version that the sales are really scored.  People who aren't willing to wait for a crack three days later will go out and buy the game when they would have downloaded it immediatly otherwise. So in that respect Starforce does it's job.  It holds the crackers at bay just long enough to score a bit higher release sales.


Atleast that's what I think.

I don't see much logic in that, I don't think that most of the people who buy pirate copies do so just because they can't wait, they do because they have no other choice, either because the game is too expensive, or because it isn't distributed in his country and is unable to bring it from abroad. Take me for example, I'd love to have an original UFO: Aftershock, or Aftermath or whatever, but CENEGA or whatever don't distribute them here, so I'd have to buy it online from UK or US or any other place. Shipping costs would make it more expensive than it already is for me, since 18 dollars is excessive for me, and shipping would most likely cost maybe half? or a third?, making the game well over 20 dollars. Add that to the fact that I don't own an international credit card, so I wouldn't even be able to buy it from other countries (excepting those from the Mercosur).

So if StarForce's job is to only delay it, they are doing it good enough, but it's a waste of money and effort, as those who want pirate copies cause they can't get originals just don't really mind waiting whatever time is necessary to get the game, if they can (if it doesn't get cracked at all cause of lack of interest from the great audicence, I'd be sorry, but wouldn't really mind as much either, plenty of better games out there I'm sure).

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I don't see much logic in that, I don't think that most of the people who buy pirate copies do so just because they can't wait, they do because they have no other choice, either because the game is too expensive, or because it isn't distributed in his country and is unable to bring it from abroad. Take me for example, I'd love to have an original UFO: Aftershock, or Aftermath or whatever, but CENEGA or whatever don't distribute them here, so I'd have to buy it online from UK or US or any other place. Shipping costs would make it more expensive than it already is for me, since 18 dollars is excessive for me, and shipping would most likely cost maybe half? or a third?, making the game well over 20 dollars. Add that to the fact that I don't own an international credit card, so I wouldn't even be able to buy it from other countries (excepting those from the Mercosur).

So if StarForce's job is to only delay it, they are doing it good enough, but it's a waste of money and effort, as those who want pirate copies cause they can't get originals just don't really mind waiting whatever time is necessary to get the game, if they can (if it doesn't get cracked at all cause of lack of interest from the great audicence, I'd be sorry, but wouldn't really mind as much either, plenty of better games out there I'm sure).


I some how highly doubt that even 10% of people who download pirated software are in any kind of a desperate situation.

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I'm inclined to agree. Usually it's minors who ask about such things (sorry to generalise here, but going off the spellings of posts where people have said "w3r3 can I get X-COMM 1 from pl3ase" spelling really badly and using l33t sp34k generally denotes a child) and adults who already know where to get them.


Seriously - the experienced would search Google. The inexperienced would come to a forum such as this and ask where they can get a cracked copy. Not talking about this thread, but teh plethora of "where can I get X-COM" threads I've seen over the last 5-6 years.


Torrent sites have made it too easy, and I'm pretty sure the millions-billions of torrent files downloaded on a daily basis aren't all for people who can't afford the products.

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I agree, it's usually kids who blather on about where to get DLs/cracks or whatever. Honestly, it took me 20 minutes to find the game online and start downloading. There is no crack for this version of Starforce, but you can work around it with the right tools, it's just a real pain in the a$$ involving physically removing hardware from the box.


The reason most people DL games is not that I can't afford that game, it's that I can't afford the 10 or so a month that I would need to go through to find one that's really worth the money. I get several games a month, play for a few hours and realize it's crap and delete them. When I get a quality product (like Aftershock) I'll buy it. First to support companies making quality games, second to have the pretty box ;) . Either way, I'll use a crack as soon as it comes out b/c Starforce is a pain.

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I don't know about that, why would anyone choose a cracked version over the original if they have the chance to obtain it? that sounds very much stupid. Nearly everyone I know of use cracked cause they can't get the originals.


I have MANY games where the cracked .EXE worked better than the original. Despite what they say, many of my CTD have been due to Starforce. I'll check task manager after the CTD and Starforce is still maxing out my CPU and needs to have it's process stopped. Often the companies are so focused on stopping piracy that they handicap their original product. Not to mention it's a pain to swap CD/DVDs. I have a two year old at home and I'm dreading the day he realizes what the eject button on my PC does.

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I will wait for crack or no-cd, its better to wait becouse patches will be available and annoying bugs will be mostly removed.


I dont buy oryginals becouse I dont want to waste money only to see that 2 games on 10 will be worth playing in other hand it's pain in a** to swap all this oryginal CD's DVD's when i want play another game and 1 hour later I want play another and I must swap this F*** cd again! no mention that I accidentally may damage my ORYGINAL EXPENSIVE CD/DVD !!!!! so I want as a owner of this F*** CD/DVD to make my own copy ! ok I agree that somebody may copy game to friends but making copy for myself is no F*** crime right ? so when somegody makes more copys for selling then he makes crime but hey !! I don't give a F*** about this, let police cath him. I want to make copy or add NO-CD/DVD file to make my ORYGINAL CD/DVD to be safe from accidental damage and only to install game from CD/DVD when necessary.

This protections is F****** pain in a** and anyway pirates will crack this sooner or later so they loose anyway

by the way, pirates cracking games not for making money on selling copys but for gamers that dont wanna dammage oryginal CD/DVD or swapping them every time they want to play another game! ;)


Idiot's make's protections and good people crack them for us and then we are happy gamers ;)

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That is also true, most of the games nowadays are badly done, with graphics taking precedence over gameplay. Take, for example, Doom3. Now this game costed me 6 bucks, a copy of it (not downloaded, bought). I was repented of wasting that on this piece of crap, a fine example of how they gave graphics more importance than the game itself.
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(most of the games nowadays are badly done, with graphics taking precedence over gameplay) (a fine example of how they gave graphics more importance than the game itself)




True True !!!


;) they making games for money and forgeting about us! players !

money is priority for them and in thes days graphic is most attracting thing in games for most people (not for real players!!!)

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True True !!!


;)  they making games for money and forgeting about us! players !

money is priority for them and in thes days graphic is most attracting thing in games for most people (not for real players!!!)

Unfortunately, companies continue to produce what sells, not what is played! So if you like the game you are playing, BUY it and one for your friend. Because the kids out there with their parents money will continue to buy eye candy FPS games. Otherwise, Doom 5 will be selling like hotcakes and good stratagy games like this will be gone.

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Unfortunately, companies continue to produce what sells, not what is played! So if you like the game you are playing, BUY it and one for your friend. Because the kids out there with their parents money will continue to buy eye candy FPS games. Otherwise, Doom 5 will be selling like hotcakes and good stratagy games like this will be gone.

Exactly, and that's why they won't get a penny from me or the other thousands who get cracked copies ;)

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Big shock not, theres a cracked/bypassed version of everygame Starforce claim hasnt been broken yet. In fact every single piece of software starforce has every tried to protect has been broken within 2 weeks. Which is about the avg for piracy anyway.


Fact is, protection systems, especially badly made ones like starforce ruin sales of games. I definately wont be buying any more cenega games. I've lost over £100 of hardware because of starforce.

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I have MANY games where the cracked .EXE worked better than the original.


One particular game I bought, that required the original CD, failed to recognize the CD drive after I installed a second hard disk and stupidly kept prompting "Insert game disk". No support from the game producer either. I HAD to use a no-CD crack to play a game I bought!


BTW, I didn't get Aftershock yet (I'm still at the Aftermath stage) but what you guys tell about Starforce (crashes, hardware damage !?) seems rather frightening to me.

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Well, I don't share either the Robin Hood style view of "good pirates providing free games for us players". Game producers MUST have good sales to stay in business and make more games (hopefully good ones).


Thus SOME piracy protection should exist. The problem is, what about BAD protection that does more harm to people having purchased the game than to real pirates (who eventually crack it anyway) ?

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Many crackers claim to have bought original copies of the games they crack. I wouldn't be surprised if they did.


To sit down and crack the protection of a game, simply so that other people can play it for free, sounds to me like a waste of time. That can't be their motive. No one with the brains to manually crack software would be so childish as to promote piracy.

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Actually, very few Starforce-protected games have been cracked (that is, just replace the original .EXE with a cracked one). Most of the SF releases in the pirate scene include a bunch of third party programs, which you must use precisely according to the instructions (1200 steps). If you make the tiniest mistake, the whole process won't work and you won't be able to play the game. Usually, it's either that or getting a specific version of a CD burning program and burning the CD image with painstalkingly exact settings at very slow speeds (1 or 2x). That means you spend over an hour (or more, depending on the game's size) burning the disc and, again, if you accidentally skipped or screwed up in ONE step, it's all for nothing and you've wasted a CD, or in the worst cases a DVD.


As far as I know, there's one UFO:AS version around whose procedure to make it work fits with the description above. Not worth it. And in the end, even if you succeed and can play the game normally, you still have Starforce in your PC, which utterly sucks.

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