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Squaddie (1/5)



  1. I some how highly doubt that even 10% of people who download pirated software are in any kind of a desperate situation.
  2. It does ussually take a few extra days to crack Starforce it seems which is really what the company wants. It's in that 3 or so days of no pirated version that the sales are really scored. People who aren't willing to wait for a crack three days later will go out and buy the game when they would have downloaded it immediatly otherwise. So in that respect Starforce does it's job. It holds the crackers at bay just long enough to score a bit higher release sales. Atleast that's what I think.
  3. Some days it just doesn't pay to be a cultist. http://img438.imageshack.us/img438/4534/burningcultist3wr.th.jpg
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