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Warning. May be a spoiler but I advise you to read


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Right, after the ship arrives you will need to do some research to develope the ship to attack the wargot base.


DO NOT capture every single Cultist base by this point.


I had driven them into a tiny corner of chili with just one mine territory. Whatever you do DON'T DO THAT!


turns out there is a trigger for a cult base mission so you can get to the next stage of the game.

As there were no cult bases (just an outer province) the mission didn't trigger, and now my game is completely ruined I think.


If anyone knows how to redo the trigger that I'd appreciate the help.

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Perhap you could take their remaining territories and maybe they'll get a base of yours next time they crop up? By now I imagine you have more than enough bases to go around :(


Worth a try - got to be better than starting again...

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Right, after the ship arrives you will need to do some research to develope the ship to attack the wargot base.


DO NOT capture every single Cultist base by this point.


I had driven them into a tiny corner of chili with just one mine territory. Whatever you do DON'T DO THAT!


turns out there is a trigger for a cult base mission so you can get to the next stage of the game.

As there were no cult bases (just an outer province) the mission didn't trigger, and now my game is completely ruined I think.


If anyone knows how to redo the trigger that I'd appreciate the help.


Well I have literally exterminated the cultists... they have only one resource province, and the ship is due to 8 days, do you advise to loosen the defenses and let the cultists get a base from me? Should I attack the last cult territory? (This supposedly gives them a free base? :( ) What is the best course of action for this ABSURDE bug/design decision?

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Hehe, I don;t think you're supposed to be this good by this point, but it wouldn't have hurt for the game designers to put in something so that when you go to attack their last base it says something like "Resistance in this province is too strong and we cannot mount an effective attack right now" and leave it at that.
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Loosen your defences and let them retake a base.


Continue. But DO NOT research either Wargot - Cultist cooperation, or WARGOT scout ship

until the cultists have that base.


Don't attack their last province, they will get 4 new bases, and if my game was anything to go by 3 of them will be your key bases back in europe and the middle east.

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Hehe, I don;t think you're supposed to be this good by this point, but it wouldn't have hurt for the game designers to put in something so that when you go to attack their last base it says something like "Resistance in this province is too strong and we cannot mount an effective attack right now" and leave it at that.

That's a great idea Pete... You should mail that off to them and hope they impliment it in the first patch...

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I think it would be better if they could attack out of the Uncontrollable areas.


Like guerillas attacking out of the hills.


That way the story missions could be in the hills, and so no territory depends on it.


It would also mean few of your territories were safe, and you would never know where to expect the next attack.

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Hehe, I don;t think you're supposed to be this good by this point, but it wouldn't have hurt for the game designers to put in something so that when you go to attack their last base it says something like "Resistance in this province is too strong and we cannot mount an effective attack right now" and leave it at that.


First, a rule of thumb of game design is that you don't create a situation, on witch the player is unable to complete the game, with the exception of player failure of course. As I read on the feedbacks, the designers for saw the problem, but came up with a broken work around for this, i.e. giving player conquered bases to cultists, to ensure game continuation, that is simply ridiculous! first you unrewarded the player for an achievement (playing too good), secondly you completely trash the game mechanics the player had learned throughout the game (barracks and such) and finally it does not work (my case as it seems) the cult are not wipe out (yet) but does not hold any bases left, so in this case the game breaks


Your solution is a very good (100% batter then stock) but it also makes me raise a small eyebrow, since the newbie player wont know the issue (like I did), he will relentlessly attack the cult but, on their last base the solution will pop up, now the player, since he did not know about this, did not had the ability to choose witch base and where he wanted the cult to have the last base (this is important cause position gives you local resources [alien resources are most valuable], supply line sizes, base size, etc). So a slightly batter solution would be to pick a fixed spot on the map that is unatacable and does not change from game to game like a "Cult Headquarterss" so it makes things clear.


I see myself disappointed, I played meticulously to do well in the game, and it ended up the opposite! This is too noob of a design mistake to be made on purpose (I still want to believe a bug here) but overall it's been rewarding, I am just afraid that my time invested on my game have not gone wasted on a bad designers call.

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I see myself disappointed, I played meticulously to do well in the game, and it ended up the opposite! This is too noob of a design mistake to be made on purpose (I still want to believe a bug here) but overall it's been rewarding, I am just afraid that my time invested on my game have not gone wasted on a bad designers call.


Think on the positive side. You found out because I told you.


I found out the HARD way after wasting hours of play.

I had my entire squad up at levels 16-18. Then I had to reload one where I only had half the planet and level 10-12 troops.

And the jump from 10-16 or 12-18 is HUGE!

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Think on the positive side. You found out because I told you.


I found out the HARD way after wasting hours of play.

I had my entire squad up at levels 16-18. Then I had to reload one where I only had half the planet and level 10-12 troops.

And the jump from 10-16 or 12-18 is HUGE!


Ricardo, your contribution to this community with this post is unquestionable, this problem should be dealt with as priority 1 (having bug/crashes is way batter then having your whole save games useless)


First let me say I am grieving with you for your wasted time and find myself in deep appreciation for your sincere heads up, as a way to further warn other people and draw some attention to this matter I will continue to post on this thread about my progress.



In other words, Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I read this weeks back but somehow I forgot and now I am at this point in the game. Not sure if I am screwed or not. :D


Wargots have arrived, quite some time back. I have already researched Cultist-Wargot Collaboration. And I'm now researching Wargot Culture & Physiology. I would estimate I have done a dozen Wargot/Cultist missions. And seen the cut-scene with the old guy attacked to the chair at least three times. He rants about the "Masters" before I totally decimate his squad and the Wargots.


The Cult had no bases and I attempted to let them take one but they never did take it. So I wiped out their two provinces. The game automatically gave them a base, an adjacent province in Africa, and one in Australia.


So now do I just let them keep the African base until the trigger gives me the Temple mission? :phew:

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research WARGOT scout ship and if that doesn't trigger the misison you are screwed, and there is nothing to do but reload or hack your save game. (whihc I have no idea how to do)



Ok, maybe I am safe then. I haven't been given that option yet. I had the cut scene where our space craft went in to attack but that was unsuccessful (I don't want to spoil it for anyone). I am going to let them keep my base for now in the hope of triggering the mission. But I plan on wiping them out everywhere else as soon as possible. :phew:

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That was it.


The research (wargot scout ship or something like that) that triggers you sending that mission that fails is the trigger for the temple mission.


Check your laputa research logs, if you havn't done wargot- cult colaboration, you might be ok, but I think you're screwed.

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Here is the fix for the missed mission trigger. Good luck. :cool:




Edit: This FIX works I have used it. And it isn't too difficult to do. Just follow the directions given by the kind soul who figured it out. Though I would recommend only rolling back the numbers a few thousand each at most. Not halving them. Otherwise you'll be waiting between one to two days (game-time) to get the triggers.


So basically this returns Wargot Ship Probe & Cultist-Wargot Collaboration to unfinished research. My recommendation is to subtract a few thousand from Collaboration and half that for Probe. Then when returning to your saved game (in-game) don't forget to add them back to the research ques. Put them at the top of your list of course. :mad:


You'll get the failed Ship Probe cut scene and then the Collaboration will trigger the mission to attack a Cultist base to find the info needed to continue the plot-line. So above all be sure the Cultists have a base. Remember wiping them off the map automatically gives them three provinces. And one or two are bases. Good luck and have fun.


Thanks again to those who took the time to post this info and toy with the saved game file so that we could continue reclaiming Earth for the good of all mankind. :)

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