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Effect of Stamina?


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What purpose does Stamina serve? I think I've read somewhere, as a sidenote, that when stamina runs out any subsequent running incurs "walking" time costs (in the turn-based mode), meaning that given the same number of time points at start of turn you can't cover as much ground as when the agent is fresh. Are there any other side-effects? Is there a good source elsewhere that describes the effects of Stamina (or all the stats, for that matter)?
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As it was in the first two games, stamina is a movement limiter. In UFO and TFTD, you could only walk between tiles as long as you had stamina. In Apocalypse, stamina differs slightly in that it controls how often you can run. You can continue to move, but you'll at walking speed. Having exhausted your stamina shouldn't affect you in any other way, and you'll recover your stamina at the normal rate.


I haven't played turn-based Apocalypse in a while, but I'd guess that this is the same as it is in pausable-real-time.


So if you want to keep running for extended periods of time, you want to take an occasional power breaks. If you walk all over the place, your spend as much stamina as you can recover it, so there's no increase or decrease in stamina. In turn based, if you're fully exhausted - give yourself a few turns to catch your breath before moving on.



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So what is the point of not running in TB. In real time it means you can't shoot while running. But in TB you have to "stop" to shoot anyway.


I never play TB (excepts once the very first mission)

I like real time as it means you can finish easy missions in a few minutes.

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So what is the point of not running in TB. In real time it means you can't shoot while running. But in TB you have to "stop" to shoot anyway.


I never play TB (excepts once the very first mission)

I like real time as it means you can finish easy missions in a few minutes.


I am guessing, that running affect the aliens reaction fire, as well as the agents spotting abilitys. But as i said, its a guess.

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Well, the main reason against running all the time in Turn Based is that your soldiers will be able to get from A to B a lot faster, they'll also end up coughing and spluttering their lungs out and will not be able to run when the time for running finally comes. Basically, you use less TUs to move, but you'll use up more stamina. And if you over exert yourself, you'll be stuck walking anyway.


Walking uses more TUs, but it's less demanding on stamina. It does mean you'll still be using more TUs per step and if the reaction mechanics in Apocalypse are the same as the ones in UFO/TFTD, then this doesn't bode very well for your reaction level at all.


I suppose it would work if you just stick to running and take the occasional power break and skip every few turns to rest up and recover your stamina.



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Thanks for the great replies. Actually I'm noticing it doesn't matter much once you get your Marsec suits... flying in "run" mode does not seem to eat stamina. So I always have my grunts in "run" mode, and just make sure they fly everywhere. Well, not quite; I make them run for real from time to time, to have them train their stamina... :P
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  • 9 months later...
the more u run the more stamina u use and u eventually burn out and slow down like in real life, if u run too much u get tired and slow down, in anwser of a previous question running is good for retreating from a dangerous area to get a better position without sitting there fireing while u die slowly, also if u spot an alien but cant seem to hit him run in so ur guy does not fir and slow down before he gets in position, in walk mode when u see an alien ur guy will tend to stand his ground and fire rather than keep walking so running is good for re positioning in hot combat or evading a brainsucker in RT play, and yes flying does not burn stamina because ur not using ur legs to move so u dont get tired so u dont burn stamina, its a simple matter of how much action ur body is taking, flying is done by the pack so it has no physical strain on ur body (unless ur afriad of high places heh), running puts strain on ur body so will naturally ware u down
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  • 2 weeks later...
And IIRC in Xcom 1 and 2 the medkit had some drugs to "add" some the energy lost in such way. However I don't see anything like this in Apoc. I once thought that the psy-clone will have such similar effect. Does it?
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