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Enemy Unkown for Mac?


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I wondering if anyone can help me.


I've been scouring the internet for any UFO: Enemy Unknown ports for Mac. I only have a mac these days but I remember the fantastic game from my childhood days. It was one of the best, engrossing games ever.


Any one have any leads?





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Funny you should mention in. I was playing xcom on my works Powerbook G4 just yesterday.


Using DosBox 0.63 You can play the dos version of UFO and TFTD. You will need a decent speed CPU as DosBox is an emulator. I am using a 1.5 G4, any slower and it wold be unplayable


I recomend setting the frame skip to 3 and the cycles to atlease 3500, 6500 about tops out the 1.5 CPU with TFTD. I also had to disable music because the CPU could not handle both sound and graphics. With a 2Ghz or faster this would not be a problem


You can get the Dos version of the game from ebay, or use google to find other sorces.


Xcomutil's installer is not curently compatible with dosbox (althow once installed works fine) but I have a modified one that works and am trying to get scott to incorparate the changes.


-Blade FireLight

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I'm fairly sure I heard of other emulator type programmes out there for getting old Windows games to run on a Mac, but it was all so long ago and I can't remember any of the details...


Fairly sure they're out there tho...

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Funny you should mention in. I was playing xcom on my works Powerbook G4 just yesterday.


Using DosBox 0.63 You can play the dos version of UFO and TFTD. You will need a decent speed CPU as DosBox is an emulator. I am using a 1.5 G4, any slower and it wold be unplayable


I recomend setting the frame skip to 3 and the cycles to atlease 3500, 6500 about tops out the 1.5 CPU with  TFTD. I also had to disable music because the CPU could not handle both sound and graphics. With a 2Ghz or faster this would not be a problem


You can get the Dos version of the game from ebay, or use google to find other sorces.


Xcomutil's installer is not curently compatible with dosbox (althow once installed works fine)  but I have a modified one that works and am trying to get scott to incorparate the changes.


-Blade FireLight



thanks a billion.


i had actually found dosbox, and I have a copy of it on DOS. But, having got them both and installed them, I come to a problem.


I'm in dosbox, and mount the folder with UFO as my C drive, but when I go to run the program it won't work. it just says something like 'bad command' or the 'dos4gw' is invalid. huh?


any help would be great!

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thanks a billion.


i had actually found dosbox, and I have a copy of it on DOS. But, having got them both and installed them, I come to a problem.


I'm in dosbox, and mount the folder with UFO as my C drive, but when I go to run the program it won't work. it just says something like 'bad command' or the 'dos4gw' is invalid. huh?


any help would be great!


Sounds like a version incompatibility. or a batch file looking for somthing it cant find. UFO i belive the start comand is just Go.bat


Make shure you have 0.63 of Dosbox and 1.4 of UFO. The older versions may run but I have not tested them myself.


I dont think I changed much of the config, but just in case this is the one i'm using with the MAC.


# fullscreen -- Start dosbox directly in fullscreen.
# fulldouble -- Use double buffering in fullscreen.
# fullfixed -- Don't resize the screen when in fullscreen.
# fullresolution -- What resolution to use for fullscreen, use together with fullfixed.
# output -- What to use for output: surface,overlay.
# hwscale -- Extra scaling of window if the output device supports hardware scaling.
# autolock -- Mouse will automatically lock, if you click on the screen.
# sensitiviy -- Mouse sensitivity.
# waitonerror -- Wait before closing the console if dosbox has an error.
# priority -- Priority levels for dosbox: lower,normal,higher,highest.
#             Second entry behind the comma is for when dosbox is not focused/minimized.
# mapperfile -- File used to load/save the key/event mappings from.


# language -- Select another language file.
# memsize -- Amount of memory dosbox has in megabytes.
# machine -- The type of machine tries to emulate:hercules,cga,tandy,vga.
# captures -- Directory where things like wave,midi,screenshot get captured.


# frameskip -- How many frames dosbox skips before drawing one.
# aspect -- Do aspect correction.
# scaler -- Scaler used to enlarge/enhance low resolution modes.
#           Supported are none,normal2x,advmame2x,advmame3x,advinterp2x,interp2x,tv2x.


# core -- CPU Core used in emulation: simple,normal,full.
# cycles -- Amount of instructions dosbox tries to emulate each millisecond.
#           Setting this higher than your machine can handle is bad!
# cycleup   -- Amount of cycles to increase/decrease with keycombo.
# cycledown    Setting it lower than 100 will be a percentage.


# nosound -- Enable silent mode, sound is still emulated though.
# rate -- Mixer sample rate, setting any devices higher than this will
#         probably lower their sound quality.
# blocksize -- Mixer block size, larger blocks might help sound stuttering
#              but sound will also be more lagged.
# prebuffer -- How many milliseconds of data to keep on top of the blocksize.


# mpu401      -- Enable MPU-401 Emulation.
# intelligent -- Operate in Intelligent mode.
# device      -- Device that will receive the MIDI data from MPU-401.
#                This can be default,alsa,oss,win32,coreaudio,none.
# config      -- Special configuration options for the device.


# type -- Type of sblaster to emulate:none,sb1,sb2,sbpro1,sbpro2,sb16.
# base,irq,dma,hdma -- The IO/IRQ/DMA/High DMA address of the soundblaster.
# mixer -- Allow the soundblaster mixer to modify the dosbox mixer.
# oplmode -- Type of OPL emulation: auto,cms,opl2,dualopl2,opl3.
#            On auto the mode is determined by sblaster type.
# oplrate -- Sample rate of OPL music emulation.


# gus -- Enable the Gravis Ultrasound emulation.
# base,irq1,irq2,dma1,dma2 -- The IO/IRQ/DMA addresses of the 
#            Gravis Ultrasound. (Same IRQ's and DMA's are OK.)
# rate -- Sample rate of Ultrasound emulation.
# ultradir -- Path to Ultrasound directory.  In this directory
#             there should be a MIDI directory that contains
#             the patch files for GUS playback.  Patch sets used
#             with Timidity should work fine.


# pcspeaker -- Enable PC-Speaker emulation.
# pcrate -- Sample rate of the PC-Speaker sound generation.
# tandyrate -- Sample rate of the Tandy 3-Voice generation.
#              Tandysound emulation is present if machine is set to tandy.
# disney -- Enable Disney Sound Source emulation.


# Nothing to setup yet!

# xms -- Enable XMS support.
# ems -- Enable EMS support.


# modem -- Enable virtual modem emulation.
# comport -- COM Port modem is connected to.
# listenport -- TCP Port the modem listens on for incoming connections.


# ipx -- Enable ipx over UDP/IP emulation.


# Lines in this section will be run at startup.

mount c "/Volumes/1Gig Flash/Personal"


obviously you need to change the mount command to match your setup. ( i run off of a flash drive so I can run both the mac and PC versions of dosbox and play where ever I am.)

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thanks for the help, guys.


I have got it running, and all the memories are flooding back. god it's a good game.


my only problem is that it runs frustratingly slow. the mouse is jerky and I've only been able to get it playable by turning off all sound and music, but even though it's still a pain. the geoscape model is a nightmare at this speed.


i've quit all other applications when playing, but I'm unsure how to alter the 'cpu usage' as described in the dosbox manual. i'm on a mac, osx.


any ideas?


my help function is being a pain too, won't tell me anything remotely HELPful.

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if you set the speed higher then what your cpu can do it just slows it down


use cmd+ctrl+F12 to increse cpu cyles used and cmd+ctrl+f11 to decrease it.


Frame skip is a major help on how much power it consumes. it skips the number of frames befor displaying one

so at 0 you see all frames, at 1 you see every other, at 2 you see 1 for every 3,


I find that the animation of the game is not effected at 3 or less. so on a slow box set it to 3

on my powerbook the hotkey for setting frame skip is doesnt work so if cmd+ctrl+f9 and cmd+ctrl+f8 dont work you have to edit the config to change it.


unless you have a G5 it will probably run slower then you remember. unless you first played it on a 386 33 like I did.


-Blade FireLight

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if you set the speed higher then what your cpu can do it just slows it down


use cmd+ctrl+F12 to increse cpu cyles used and cmd+ctrl+f11 to decrease it.


Frame skip is a major help on how much power it consumes. it skips the number of frames befor displaying one

so at 0 you see all frames, at 1 you see every other, at 2 you see 1 for every 3,


I find that the animation of the game is not effected at 3 or less. so on a slow box set it to 3

on my powerbook the hotkey for setting frame skip is doesnt work so if cmd+ctrl+f9 and cmd+ctrl+f8 dont work you have to edit the config to change it.


unless you have a G5 it will probably run slower then you remember. unless you first played it on a 386 33 like I did.


-Blade FireLight



I'm using a 500mhz G3.


So, how would I tell what my processor can handle?

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I'm using a 500mhz G3.


So, how would I tell what my processor can handle?


On a mac i'm not shure. on the pc it's a mater of watching the cpu meeter and bring it down to just below 100%


if you know how to watch the mac's cpu usage then you probably can figure it out. once the cpu hits 100% the game just gets slower.


You may want to disable the sound emulation in dosbox.conf sence you cant use it anyway.



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